Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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turn 7 summon 34-34

Submitted 3 years, 9 months ago by


Anyone else think Maokai and Nautilus is to easy to complete?

Often enough they can simply stall until turn 7-8 thanks to multiple removal spells, and the small costed units that are also very beneficial towards their core strategy completion and it heals them.

Then turn 8-9 sometimes as early as turn 7 as in this instance your either dead or have to trade in most of your board towards overstatted minions which means your most likely gonna lose next turn.

And if that doesn't occur your deck being obliterated before you have even reached turn 10 also does the trick.


Only way my decks really are able to beat em is if i either play hyper aggro and kill em before Nautilus comes down or they are extremely unlucky and neither draw Maokai and Nautilus.

Otherwise all my other slower decks are basically insta-lose.

  • happyshorts's Avatar
    Snow-Covered 185 124 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago


    Anyone else think Maokai and Nautilus is to easy to complete?

    Often enough they can simply stall until turn 7-8 thanks to multiple removal spells, and the small costed units that are also very beneficial towards their core strategy completion and it heals them.

    Then turn 8-9 sometimes as early as turn 7 as in this instance your either dead or have to trade in most of your board towards overstatted minions which means your most likely gonna lose next turn.

    And if that doesn't occur your deck being obliterated before you have even reached turn 10 also does the trick.


    Only way my decks really are able to beat em is if i either play hyper aggro and kill em before Nautilus comes down or they are extremely unlucky and neither draw Maokai and Nautilus.

    Otherwise all my other slower decks are basically insta-lose.

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I don't know, while pretty popular deep has never really been a top tier deck.


    Sure if it high rolls like this it seems pretty insane but generally for them to get deep this quickly means you've pressured them little to not at all. They can't effectively remove a threatening board while also getting into deep this quickly.

    So my advice is to check the decks you're playing because they're either not fast enough, or don't have enough lategame to match deep.

    Both options should easily be feasible for most decks, which is why deep isn't that great of a deck.


  • Forgottenslayer's Avatar
    150 62 Posts Joined 07/19/2020
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    This feels very much paper scissors rock. I feel great against aggro and elusives but Deep decks are my bane I can’t push out enough damage and they seem to hit deep incredibly early. 
    No you aren’t the only one who feels like this, but I doubt most aggro and elusive players do.

  • Hellcopter's Avatar
    270 306 Posts Joined 02/09/2020
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I managed to level up Maokai on T5 yesterday

    Hearthstone: Me vs Firebat -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09NCE81owjo

  • Topandito's Avatar
    905 478 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I feel like Deep decks are in that region of unhealthy but not top tier. It feels like they either get a nutty draw and keep you completely held off for the entire game until they become an unstoppable power house, or flop because they drew poorly and are facing a hyper aggressive deck. It's also worth mentioning that certain match ups are instant wins for them, since slower control style decks have no way of pressuring them enough early and can't match their late game output. 

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