Aphelios is coming on February 3rd in the first-ever "Champion Expansion". While we still don't know exactly what this expansion will look like -- and perhaps most importantly whether it will have more collectible cards beyond the 2 revealed during the 2021 Season Opening Day stream -- that hasn't stopped people from theorycrafting new decks around the 2 cards that are confirmed. Let's dive into some of the decks that have caught our attention so far.

Swim's Zoe + Aphelios Decks

Zoe Card Image Ballistic Bot Card Image Mountain Scryer Card Image

Expect a lot of Zoe + Aphelios decks on Day 1. We've already seen that Zoe is like the bacon of Runeterra -- you can make any deck better just by adding her -- and she'll certainly appreciate Aphelios's passive ability to generate cheap and uniquely-named spells. Streamer Swim theorycrafted 3 different Aphelios decks including 2 with Zoe; his favorite relied heavily on Ballistic Bot and the fact Crescendum can tutor the Bots and Infernum can give them overwhelm so they can't just be chump-blocked.


The deck that caught our eye though was this one that tucks Aphelios into an established Targon allegiance archetype, splashing 2x Atrocity for some fast-speed reach.

Morctorcus' Nightfall Decks

Diana Card Image Nocturne Card Image

There's a joke in the LOR community: "If all of the cards in your hand are Nightfall, none of the cards in your hand are Nightfall." Aphelios provides a permanent solution to that problem, however. Not only are his Moon Weapons cheap enough to use as Nightfall activators for the rest of your hand, but that 1st Nightfall card you play will trigger his passive and generate another Moon Weapon meaning you can easily continue the cycle forever without emptying your hand. Streamer Morctorcus explored this concept with two very similar Nightfall decks -- one based on keeping Diana from the standard Nightfall deck and removing Nocturne, the other based on removing Diana and keeping Nocturne. Both had similar opening strategies; the Diana deck looked to finish through Cygnus the Moonstalker's elusive ability or a sneaky Atrocity

The Nocturne deck, on the other hand, looked to keep every card other than Nocturne at 3 mana or less and win through Nocturne's L2 ability.

You can follow Morctorcus online

Aphelios + Viktor Elusive Augments

Viktor Card Image Nyandroid Card Image  Mechanized Mimic Card Image

Another potential synergy for Aphelios is Augment units, since like Ballistic Bot he is usually generating a free card every Round. User KardehoN built this spicy deck featuring the criminally-underrated Nyandroid and Mechanized Mimic as well as 2x Give It All for a potential finishing move.

Gobmas's Aphelios + Yasuo Gravitum

Yasuo Card Image The Infinite Mindsplitter Card Image  Gravitum Card Image

There is an unwritten rule in Runeterra: whenever Riot releases a new card with Stun, players will try to make it work in a Yasuo deck. Aphelios's Gravitum was no exception. We found several new Yasuo decks; our favorite was this one from gobmas that included 3x Yone, Windchaser and 2x The Infinite Mindsplitter for its top end.

Axenderman's Riven + Aphelios

Riven Card Image Arbiter of the Peak Card Image

Finally, we found this is a combination we weren't expecting beforehand, but the more we looked at it the more it grew on us. User Axenderman partnered Aphelios with Riven: she generates 1-mana burst-speed buffs every other round while he generates 2-mana slow-speed buffs almost every round. Both should be greatly discounting your Arbiter of the Peak, setting up for a lethal swing with multiple overwhelm attackers. Plus there's that name -- "La coneja y El mudo" translates to "The rabbit and The mute". (In the lore, Aphelios drinks a poison which gives him his power to summon magical weapons but negates his ability to speak.)

That's all the Aphelios decks we have for now but check back for more as we near his release. Are there any Aphelios combos you're anxious to try out? You can theorycraft your own decks with our deckbuilder and save them to the site to share with others by logging in or creating an account.

If you see anything cool in the deck database, give it an upvote so others can find awesome creations.