The weekend is here which means it's time for our weekly Wild community spotlight. Still no official announcements about the upcoming miniset so we'll have to take a look what funky decks we can create with the old cards.

Quest Shaman

There are a lot of Shudderwock combos out there but this has to be one of the more evil ones (just look at the deck ID!). Swizard is quite literally getting rid of the opponent's resources with repeated battlecrys of Dirty Rat and Unseen Saboteur, among others.

Miracle Rogue

Just like in the current Standard version, Field Contact (with Efficient Octo-bot discount if possible) makes KmemBM's deck tick, and the Spellzerker + (Ethereal Augmerchant) + Razorpetal Volley-combo adds a healthy amount of Wild surprise burst to the mix.

N'Zoth Taunt Druid

The popularity of the new N'Zoth seems to be on the rise in Standard, but Wild can have double the one by including both versions of the Old God. SunburstWolfgang's deck is a work-in-progress but if you like walls of Taunts, what's not to love here already.

Big Shaman

Yet another Legend-worthy list from NebuchadnezzarHS, who is no stranger to sharing successful Wild lists. If you'd rather have an off-meta twist to the archetype, Neoguli's list might be for you.

Mecha'thun Warlock

MarkMcKz has been pumping out combos at a blistering pace lately, and this seems like one of the craziest OTKs in a while. You have to have good APM to pull off the combo but it's definitely worth witnessing at least once - even if it's only through Mark's video.

Preparing for the Wilds of the Barrens? Arm yourself with more community decks.

Forged something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!