Path of Exile's new expansion, Trial of the Ancestors, launched on Friday and brought in a brand new mechanic which introduces "The Halls of The Dead" which is a new area you can visit to take part in a tournament in the afterlife. This tournament features an autochess mechanic, those familiar with Teamfight Tactics or Hearthstone Battlegrounds, will understand the root of the gameplay, though this is definitely the Path of Exile version of it.

Feelings so far on the tournament have been mixed if global chat is anything to go by, but there are definitely issues and Grinding Gear Games has some news on that front! We can expect some of the mechanics to get toned down, more favour will be earned the further you get in tournaments which is fantastic because it can be difficult to buy some of the higher-end units, and it's about time we get a stun indicator!

While the list is not exhaustive, as indicated by "some of these things include", here's what we know is going to be coming in an update soon.

Quote From Grinding Gear Games

  • Adding a visual indicator when the player dies in an Ancestral Trial to show the amount of time until they revive.
  • Improving the visual indicator for when the player is stunned while banishing an enemy totem.
  • Adding a forfeit button for Ancestral Trials.
  • Addressing the balance of some monsters, such as the Titanic Shell.
  • Reducing the amount of damage minions take from enemy units in Ancestral Trials.
  • Fixing monster damage over time dealing far too little damage against other monsters in Ancestral Trials.
  • Increasing the amount of favour earned each round as the tournament progresses.
  • Fixing some of the prices of units equiped with an item being cheaper than the same unit without an item.
  • Fixing Ikiaho's effects persisting in the arena after a match ends.
  • Fixing totems being untargetable if they are revived.
  • Investigating monster names sometimes not displaying on hover in Ancestral Trials.