It's weekend again and we're turning our eyes on the Wild side of Hearthstone. This time we'll look at some decks that our community members have came up with post-Rise of the Mech patch. Be sure to visit the decks for more comprehensive guides!

SN1P-SN4P Mech Hunter

Ever since Blizzard ditched their unwritten rule about expansion-specific keywords and just randomly smashed Echo on top of Magnetic, the playerbase has been looking for a way to kill your opponent with infinite SN1P-SN4Ps. This version comes from Hope22546 who chose to pick Coppertail Imposter + Corpse Widow + Mechwarper as the way to achieve this mech dream.

Fun fact: SN1P-SN4P's card art is a leftover from The Boomsday Project, where it was meant to feature as Murloc Muncher.

Miracle Priest

You just have to believe in the soul of the cards! Watermelon86 has found a way to utilize Dragon Soul, and the Extra Arms buff is certainly helping. Beware though, the deck is marked as "Just for Fun" so it may not take you to #1 Legend.

Even Mecha'thun Renolock

A bit more mechanical madness in the form of Mecha'thun. Synesthesy advices you to select Mecha-Jaraxxus as your hero skin when playing this for maximum RP value.

Big Recruit Warrior

One of my key principles writing these is not to feature same people over and over again, but I just couldn't help it. Esparanta's Big Warrior just looks like an absolute blast to play!

Mech Zoolock

In case you're not swimming in dust at the moment, here's something cheaper from Twitter. Hatatagami likes to call it APM Zoo, and it too utilizes a SN1P-SN4P combo (although the deck seems to be aggressive enough to be able to win even without it).

Want everyone to see the mechanical horrors you've unleashed upon your enemies? Create a deck and share your creation in comments below. Don't forget to write a guide!

In need for more Rise of the Mech decks? Visit our Wild decks section.