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Galakrond's Awakening Chapter 4 - Live Now!


The battle has moved to the heart of Dalaran, where you could cut the tension with a knife. With the aerial battle resolved, the final conflict is underway, and things aren’t looking good for Arch-villain Rafaam and the League of E.V.I.L. There’s just one thing left to do.

League of E.V.I.L. Chapter: Showdown in Dalaran

Rafaam’s stronghold in his stolen flying city is under siege! You won’t let it fall, right? This is your chance to see the master plan to its final conclusion. As Rakanishu, you’ll take charge of the first battle and follow through with an expertly crafted plan of subterfuge and strategy…or just light everything you see on fire and hope for the best.

Rewards Overview:

In this chapter, you will unlock:

League of Explorers Chapter: Showdown in Dalaran

At last, the League of Explorers is within inches of retaking Dalaran! But with the threat of Galakrond’s resurrection, will there be enough time to defeat Rafaam? You’ll start off as Karl the Paladin, meet an old friend, and maybe, just maybe, save the world. Oh, and I guess rescue Reno too.

Rewards Overview:

In this chapter, you will unlock:

Chapter 4 is now available, including both the League of E.V.I.L. and League of Explorer campaigns, and can be purchased for $6.99 or 700 gold. You can also purchase the Galakrond’s Awakening bundle, including all chapters, for $19.99.


Purchase the Galakrond's Awakening bundle!

All Cards Coming in Galakrond’s Awakening

Here’s every card you’ll be able to add to your collection by playing Galakrond’s Awakening. Remember, chapters roll out weekly, so these cards won’t be available until the chapter is!

Chapter 1

League of E.V.I.L.

[[Air Raid]]

[[Eye of the Storm]]

[[Twisted Knowledge]]

[[Bomb Wrangler]]

League of Explorers

[[Licensed Adventurer]]

[[Fresh Scent]]

[[Shadow Sculptor]]

[[Skydiving Instructor]]

[[Animated Avalanche]]

[[Winged Guardian]]

[[Dark Prophecy]]

Chapter 2

League of E.V.I.L.

[[Arcane Amplifier]]


[[Rising Winds]]

[[The Fist of Ra-den]]

League of Explorers

[[Fiendish Servant]]

[[Cleric of Scales]]

[[Explosive Evolution]]


Chapter 3

League of E.V.I.L.


[[Chopshop Copter]]

[[Risky Skipper]]

[[Boompistol Bully]]

League of Explorers

[[Rotnest Drake]]

[[Aeon Reaver]]


[[Sky Gen'ral Kragg]]

Chapter 4

League of E.V.I.L.

[[Frenzied Felwing]]

[[Boom Squad]]

[[Chaos Gazer]]

[[Grand Lackey Erkh]]

League of Explorers


[[Escaped Manasaber]]

[[Steel Beetle]]

[[The Amazing Reno]]

  • Blizzard Entertainment

    Posted None (Source)

    The battle has moved to the heart of Dalaran, where you could cut the tension with a knife. With the aerial battle resolved, the final conflict is underway, and things aren’t looking good for Arch-villain Rafaam and the League of E.V.I.L. There’s just one thing left to do.

    League of E.V.I.L. Chapter: Showdown in Dalaran

    Rafaam’s stronghold in his stolen flying city is under siege! You won’t let it fall, right? This is your chance to see the master plan to its final conclusion. As Rakanishu, you’ll take charge of the first battle and follow through with an expertly crafted plan of subterfuge and strategy…or just light everything you see on fire and hope for the best.

    Rewards Overview:

    In this chapter, you will unlock:

    League of Explorers Chapter: Showdown in Dalaran

    At last, the League of Explorers is within inches of retaking Dalaran! But with the threat of Galakrond’s resurrection, will there be enough time to defeat Rafaam? You’ll start off as Karl the Paladin, meet an old friend, and maybe, just maybe, save the world. Oh, and I guess rescue Reno too.

    Rewards Overview:

    In this chapter, you will unlock:

    Chapter 4 is now available, including both the League of E.V.I.L. and League of Explorer campaigns, and can be purchased for $6.99 or 700 gold. You can also purchase the Galakrond’s Awakening bundle, including all chapters, for $19.99.


    Purchase the Galakrond's Awakening bundle!

    All Cards Coming in Galakrond’s Awakening

    Here’s every card you’ll be able to add to your collection by playing Galakrond’s Awakening. Remember, chapters roll out weekly, so these cards won’t be available until the chapter is!

    Chapter 1

    League of E.V.I.L.

    [[Air Raid]]

    [[Eye of the Storm]]

    [[Twisted Knowledge]]

    [[Bomb Wrangler]]

    League of Explorers

    [[Licensed Adventurer]]

    [[Fresh Scent]]

    [[Shadow Sculptor]]

    [[Skydiving Instructor]]

    [[Animated Avalanche]]

    [[Winged Guardian]]

    [[Dark Prophecy]]

    Chapter 2

    League of E.V.I.L.

    [[Arcane Amplifier]]


    [[Rising Winds]]

    [[The Fist of Ra-den]]

    League of Explorers

    [[Fiendish Servant]]

    [[Cleric of Scales]]

    [[Explosive Evolution]]


    Chapter 3

    League of E.V.I.L.


    [[Chopshop Copter]]

    [[Risky Skipper]]

    [[Boompistol Bully]]

    League of Explorers

    [[Rotnest Drake]]

    [[Aeon Reaver]]


    [[Sky Gen'ral Kragg]]

    Chapter 4

    League of E.V.I.L.

    [[Frenzied Felwing]]

    [[Boom Squad]]

    [[Chaos Gazer]]

    [[Grand Lackey Erkh]]

    League of Explorers


    [[Escaped Manasaber]]

    [[Steel Beetle]]

    [[The Amazing Reno]]

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