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Arena buckets and balance update

Rogues should be closer to 50% now and we made bucket adjustments. We will do another adjustment after the data is gathered from these changes.

  • Chakki

    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Later today we will be applying an adjustment to the weight of Rogue class cards in Arenas to address some current balance issues. This means that overperforming Rogue cards will be seen less frequently. Additionally, we will be making changes to the card buckets for other classes to create a more consistent drafting experience. You will not need to patch your client or download any additional data to receive this update. <<

    Miscrerant is still in the top of the 4th because we didn't read everything completely.

    We didn't adjust Rogue buckets so that we could have more accurate balance adjustments. Rogue buckets will be adjusted alongside the balance adjustments for other classes.

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