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Hagatha spell pool

To start off, the spells that will be in standard followed by how useful they are and how often:

Most of these cards are worse than i am rating them, because you normally have to put them in your deck where it would replace a good/great card. Because these are given to you from hagatha they are better because they are all only taking up 1 card slot (hagatha's.)

This is not saying these cards are good or bad (most are bad), but how often the card will be able to help you win the game

0 cost: Ancestral healing can help vs aggro or maintain a board, 0 mana so you can at least drop it for nothing, occasionally useful

Totemic might only will shine if you can get off a primal talismans first. only real value is 0 mana so you wont overdraw anything. Almost never useful

1 cost: Earth shock: Silence is very strong right now, and if paladin and warlock continue their dominance, it will remain strong. Also 1 mana silence +ping will find use at some point in either control or tempo based decks. Always useful.

Frost shock: less direct power than earth shock but better versatility, worst case you eek out some face damage. usually you will ping a minion or freeze a threat. Always useful

Forked lightning:it can help you set up trades... sometimes... if you have minions on board or a board clear in hand, it can be effective at maintaining or retaking the board when supported by additional damage for when it misses, but without those it fails to shine. overload just hurts it more sometimes useful

Lightning bolt: very effective 1 mana spell, you can use it for tempo or close out a game. even with overload it is a great card to get. always useful

Unstable evolution: if you are running a tempo based deck this is a great option to snowball board, if you are running a control based deck this is a good tool to extract value from your limited minions, only problem is that you need minions on board. Sometimes useful

2 cost:

Crushing hand: kill most minions, overload 3. Good if they have a small board and a threat that needs to die. decent vs aggro if they are already out of resources, It will also kill most taunts in the game so you can use it to help close a game. Sometimes useful

ice fishing: unless you are playing murloc shaman Never useful

rockbiter weapon: can help you remove threats, but generally you will have better ways to spend your mana. Sometimes useful

windfury: you need a minion that can either trade twice, or is threatening lethal with the windfury. Usually playable if you have the mana but: Rarely useful

ancestral spiritYou need minions to get value out of this, and these minions have to be not trivial, but can have high impact rarely useful

cryostasis: unless you are dodging defile or some other removal its not that good, can be used as a much worse frost shock if you need to stop an enemy minion. rarely useful

3 cost:

healing rain If you have a board, its good. If you have taken damage, its useful. but it won't stop a full board from killing you usually. Mostly useful

feral spirit: Tempo and taunts with the cost of overload. If you know you wont need the mana, it is not a bad play but the cost is steep. Mostly useful

lava burst: Direct damage, getting a few of these can seal a game, or work as expensive damage when you really need it. Mostly useful

lightning storm: a board clear that has some reliability problems, it works well when paired with a board to help trade or additional damage spells to finish off the survivors. *Sometimes useful

primal talismans: did you already roll 5 totemic mights and have a board you can trade away? Honestly seems bad for all shaman decks unless you are vs control and need to get every last bit of value out of your minions. May actually harm you by filling your board with garbage. Almost never useful

farsight: Cycle. If you are running aggro its bad, tempo it varies, control its good(except vs control). If you have the mana spare you will pretty much always play it. mostly useful

spirit echo: As long as you have a decent board, this spell is useful, it just might not be an efficient use of mana. Sometimes useful

4 cost:

hex :its hex, unless you need to play a board clear instead or they have no board you will find a use for this. Always useful

tidal surge decent removal and healing in one. just not mana efficient enough usually, mostly Useful but you may not have the spare mana to play it.

avalanche it will help sometimes but it just is too much mana mostly Sometimes useful

5 cost:

bloodlust When you use it, you are probably closing out the game with it, otherwise its not being used. rarely useful

volcano for when you really need to clear the board Usually useful

7 cost:

Spellstone At least it will get a lot of upgrades from the overload cards you get. rarely useful


Personally I think Hagatha will be played in a tempo deck when they run out of steam or a control deck in both cases as a value generator to help close out games. A similar role to deathstalker rexar, where it supplements shaman's poor draw with mostly removal and damage options. Many of the random cards can help you win games and even if you get a bad roll, the shaman hero power is not too great anyways. Only one of the options actively hurts your chance to win as well.

  • Mike Donais

    Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    I think the new ones are above average and pretty interesting in the context of Hagatha/Her apprentice.

  • Mike Donais

    Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Thanks Mike, will there be an occurrence bonus for the witchwood spells?


  • Mike Donais

    Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    Are most of the shaman cards left just really powerful spells or something?

    No nothing of the sort.

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