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Can someone explained to me what "play" means

Just finished a run in arena as shaman with the "Play 10 games as a shaman" quest up. Won the first 2, then got smashed, won 1 more, and then conceded at the end of the last 2 games as I was completely outmatched. I got credit for 3 games. The last game was, no lie, about a 15 minute long battle of attrition that I gave up on cuz the dude was roping every turn. End of game... no credit for a game played. What a fucking joke.

  • Chadd Nervigg

    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    You have to go below 15hp for a concede to be counted on your side. Even if you take 60 damage 3 times or concede after they show lethal, it doesn't count unless you hit 15.

    Or reach turn 10.

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