
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

PSA: The autoland tool does not put enough lands in a 100 card brawl deck.

I tend to throw together lots of jank decks so I use suggested lands a lot and then go back and change them around later if I actually like the deck and tune it a bit. Noticed I was getting mana screwed a lot in brawl since that’s all I really played yesterday. Went to tweak and I found my land count was absurdly low. It looks like it only suggests 34 which is the equivalent of running about 21 in a normal 60 card deck.

It’s been a while since I brewed 99 card piles but if memory serves you probably want somewhere between 36-44 depending on the deck composition. Like usual you can run less in decks with low CMC, more ramp and/or more mana rocks.

I noticed several of my opponents getting mana screwed as well so hopefully this helps some people out.

Edit: Lots of good discussion in the comments. As I mentioned, it is going to be dependent on your deck: seems like 40+ lands is on the high end, but 34 is still very low. Just for reference even the AFR EDH precons have 38 lands minimum with something like 4 mana rocks and these are considered more casual like the brawl format in general. Just some stuff to keep in mind while you try things out. Happy brawling!

  • Wizards Jay

    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago (Source)

    We agree it’s too low. In the next release we’re bumping it up to 40.

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