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new player forgotten realms - what to buy

I haven't played MTG since Ice Age when I was just a kid. I saw the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms expansion and (since I play a lot of d&d) I thought I'd give it another go.

What is an economical way to get back in to the game? Is there anything about this expansion in particular that I should look out for? It's just me and my girlfriend playing, so I'm not looking to build a competitive deck.

Appreciate any advice.

  • Wizards Community Team

    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago (Source)

    Welcome back! You can check out the full Adventures in the Forgotten Realms product page here, but to help narrow down the choices we'd recommend either 2 Commander Decks, a 2021 Arena Starter Kit, or a couple of theme boosters.
    There are four different 100-card ready-to-play Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander decks. Each has a unique theme, and they are balanced to play well with each other. Commander will be a little different from the Ice Age Magic you grew up with as it's designed to be a multiplayer experience for 2-4 players. It's our most popular format and a ton of fun.

    The Arena Starter Kit includes 2 ready-to-play 60-card Magic decks and a code to unlock those same decks if you want to play online via MTG Arena. This kit contains everything you need, including a play guide and free online tutorial to make it easy to learn.

    Finally, if you are looking to get a little more creative with deck building Theme boosters are a great place to start. Theme Boosters are 35 card booster packs based, you guessed it, on a theme. You can get a Theme Booster full of cards of the color of your choice, or a special Theme Booster packed with cards perfect for venturing into the dungeon. With 4-5 Theme Boosters and some basic lands you'll have a great base of cards to make two decks.

    Hope this helps!

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