
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

MaRo: Lower Draft Booster Allocations at Launch were due to COVID and Unprecedented Demand, More to be Printed

  • Wizards Community Team

    Posted 3 years ago (Source)

    Wouldn't it be nice if these things were addressed by some sort of official channel instead of the head designer's personal blog?

    We originally published a tweet and accompanying Daily MTG article about these product issues on April 1st, but reading the comments in this thread it's clear that we can find more and better ways to surface this information to players.

    This highlights some obvious differences between getting Magic news from Twitter and Daily MTG articles posted outside the usual morning update (often a kind of passive experience) compared to reading messages like this from Mark on his blog (a very active and intentional choice). We're talking with relevant teams internally about how to improve going forward.

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