
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

Echo was not made with controllers in mind.

I know as a console player I run the risk of not being taken seriously here, but it just seems like a pretty big oversight that has to be brought up. You can’t really use Echo’s glide ability on controller. Pharah and Mercy both have two buttons for their hover/glide ability, that being both X and L2 on ps4. No player in their right mind would use X to glide because they would have to take their finger off the right analog stick and wouldn’t be able to aim.

The problem here is that Echo has too many abilities for there to be an alternate button for her glide. This means that if someone on controller wants to glide, they have to stop being able to aim. This severely limits her mobility since she’s not going to be able to control her descent as accurately as Mercy or Pharah. It just seems like a big oversight that’s going to make her extremely unpopular on console.

  • Jeff Kaplan

    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago (Source)

    we appreciate the feedback. admittedly, i play way more on mouse/keyboard than i do on controller.

    luckily, we have a number of really skilled gamepad folks on the team.

    we're happy to hear suggestions about bindings.

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