
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.

18-month Ban for using GeForce Now for 5 Minutes

Hello all,

I don't usually post, but I feel this needs addressing.

2 weeks ago (February 4th, 2020), Nvidia launched their cloud gaming service, GeForce Now. Being a loyal Nvidia customer and happy with every product I've owned by them, I decided to give it a shot as I have a Microsoft Surface Pro 6 and figured it would be perfect for that.

So I downloaded it on the Surface Pro, and saw immediately that World of Warcraft was an option for games to play. I decided to try it out, figuring if the option was there, it was legal, as Nvidia isn't a shady company. I logged into my Lightforged Paladin, walked around the Boralus docks for less than 5 minutes, and thought this will be handy if I ever need it. Exited the game. Didn't play again on GeForce Now.

A week later I see that all the Blizzard games have been removed, shortly after that I find out it is a bannable offense if you use a cloud gaming service to play WoW. I figured I only logged in for 5 minutes, nothing bad can happen, right?

Well, as you can tell by the title, today I received an email from Blizzard informing I have been banned until 08/2021 for "Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software".

I appealed to Blizzard and they gave me their copypasta response and closed the ticket, saying "Following a review of your case, I can confirm that the evidence presented was correct, and that the subsequent action taken was appropriate. Our decision in this matter stands, and will not be overturned. "

I have been playing World of Warcraft since Burning Crusade almost 13 years ago and I already pre-purchased the $85.00 "Epic Edition" of Shadowlands. It absolutely kills me that my favorite game company, Blizzard, would be so heavy handed over this matter.

If there is any Blizzard representative's that read this, please PM me or comment that you think it is fair to get banned for 18-months for making a non-common-sense mistake for 5 minutes.

UPDATE: Thanks all for the recommendations, upvotes, and awards. Never expected this to get to the top of the subreddit. I am in process of trying a few of the recommendations and will let you know if I have any success.

  • Devolore

    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    Stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever read


  • Devolore

    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    U can be banned for AFKing in battlegrounds?


  • Devolore

    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    Did we ever get an update on this matter? I know there are a lot of worried ppl out there wondering if their GeForce Now usage will give the cause for concern.

    Using GeForce Now to play WoW is against our EULA. It's my understanding that that's not even possible any more, and I don't believe we have any intention of actioning anyone that did before it was removed.

    We don't care if you use GeForce Now to play other games. you do you boo

  • Devolore

    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    It's good to see blue text here again. I wish you guys posted more although I get it with the negativity that has been bfa

    I don't post much but I lurk here every day :)

  • Devolore

    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    I msg'ed you last night and haven't heard back yet - need your battletag and I can look into it.

  • Devolore

    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago (Source)

    I thought it had already had a 100% legit review and appeal by a 100% legit real person?


    It has, but I'm in a completely different department and want to look into it myself, and I need to know the account in order to do so.

    OP has gotten his btag to me (turns out I sent a chat instead of a message, so that's probably my fault) so I'll look into it and see what I can find out and if I can give OP any more context (privately).

    I will say that this almost certainly has nothing to do with GeForce Now. Looked into a few of those reports over the past couple of days and all of them have turned out to be that they were botting or AFK'ing in AV or something. Not saying that's what OP is doing here (I haven't had a chance to investigate yet), but it seems a lot of people are trying to use GeForce Now as a scapegoat right now so I figured I'd mention it. GeForce Now is easily detected on our end which means we know when we're seeing that vs seeing something else.

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