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How it feels to quest in Ardenweald

  • Cashmiir

    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Nah. Would rather do it for Ysera tbh

    I legit cried halfway through that zone when I realized it was her I was tending to. I try not to look at the story quest progress because Blizzard is too on the nose with naming. And I'm glad I didn't for this because I figured it out and just absolutely started to sob.

    Ysera is my favorite character, and the only three times I got emotional in WoW was seeing the Aspects lose their power, her death in Legion, and then our reunion. I'm a huge dragon aspects lore nerd and I find all their journeys and stories so fascinating.

    I had been on the fence about going Night Fae (I loved their aesthetic from day one) or Venthyr (technically would've been better option if I wanna roll disc ever). And then when I realized I'd be reunited with my favorite character I knew my mind was made up.

    Fuck man, I'm so happy she's back. I can't wait to progress through the story with her more. I'm honestly so excited.

  • Cashmiir

    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Ysera is my favorite character

    Why though?
    Not trying to dismiss your feeling for the character, just genuinely curious because I can't remember anytime in the game where she stands out as a character, either through her actions or her personality. And I'm not saying I found these moments unremarkable, I legit don't remember any of them aside from her death in Legion.

    I really love the Dragon Aspects in general. They were so fascinating to me. And then reading the book about how they went from Protodrake to Dragon Aspect was so fascinating. Ysera was just the one who appealed to me most. She's very empathetic and believes in doing the right thing always. It just resonates with me.

  • Cashmiir

    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago (Source)

    Did you see the Ardenweald cinematic showing her be reborn? It bugged for me and a lot of other people. Was one of my favorite cinematics tbh.

    No! I didn't even realize there was one until last night. I thought that the questline was pretty anticlimactic because when I walked in Ysera was just there. But I watched it and it was lovely!

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