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The iconic Dark Magician is the center of a potent strategy! Through synergy with cards like Eternal Soul, Magicians' Souls and The Eye of Timaeus, this card can be a powerful ally to any Duelist! What’s your favorite way to play Dark Magician? #YuGiOhMASTERDUEL

The iconic Dark Magician is the center of a potent strategy! Through synergy with cards like Eternal Soul, Magicians' Souls and The Eye of Timaeus, this card can be a powerful ally to any Duelist! What’s your favorite way to play Dark Magician? #YuGiOhMASTERDUEL

  • YGOMasterDuel

    Posted 11 months, 1 week ago (Source)
    The iconic Dark Magician is the center of a potent strategy! Through synergy with cards like Eternal Soul, Magicians' Souls and The Eye of Timaeus, this card can be a powerful ally to any Duelist! What’s your favorite way to play Dark Magician? #YuGiOhMASTERDUEL

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