Scholomance Academy Arena Impact - Hunter Cards

Shan'do Wildclaw - Hunter Arena Review

Shan'do Wildclaw Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Shan'do Wildclaw by AbusingKel

Hunter will generally have enough beasts in the draft to make this minion pretty good. Definitely too much dependence on the draft to give it a score better than 3, though. 

Boozor's Avatar

Shan'do Wildclaw by Boozor

Situational but occasional great. Delayed effect is on the weaker side, and the transform effect makes it a 3 mana situational Faceless Manipulator - OK

sinti's Avatar

Shan'do Wildclaw by sinti

This card will be heavily draft dependent, if you get enough Beasts to benefit from this, it might be cool, but you need to draw enough Beasts, then draw into this card and then draw into said Beasts to benefit from it. That is a pretty long process. It does have the added versatility where you can either play it on curve and buff the Beasts in your deck or if you draw it later on just transform into a Beast you have already in play and get a tempo boost that way.

Hunter will probably be able to utilize this a lot better than Druid, given they have a lot more class Beasts.

Professor Slate - Hunter Arena Review

Professor Slate Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Professor Slate by AbusingKel

Top stats for the average 3 drop with an incredibly strong ability. Arcane Shot and Rapid Fire get quite a buff! Still, he's quickly a vanilla minion if you don't have the very specific spells needed to make him great. Soft taunt type minion that nobody should allow to stick on board.

Boozor's Avatar

Professor Slate by Boozor

Solid stats, and an ability that is just insane. Cheap enough to be paired with a spell the same turn. 

sinti's Avatar

Professor Slate by sinti

Great 3-drop with an amazing ability. There isnt actually that many spells that would benefit from this, but even the few that do will become extremely powerful.

Ace Hunter Kreen - Hunter Arena Review

Ace Hunter Kreen Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Ace Hunter Kreen by AbusingKel

Deathspeaker is one of my absolute favorite arena cards, and always provides a great tempo turn. This guy is basically a recurring version of that and protects your entire board. Immediately one of the best arena cards in the set for Hunter and Demon Hunter. 

Boozor's Avatar

Ace Hunter Kreen by Boozor

Full board, permanent Deathspeaker ? Yes busted legendary.  


sinti's Avatar

Ace Hunter Kreen by sinti

Super powerful ability, if you go 1st and can free trade into your opponent's 2drop with yours and then continue to do so, this can just win you the game on the spot on T3, if your opponent does not have a removal for this. And at any point in the game, 3 mana is cheap enough to combo that with other stuff, really powerful card for Arena.

Guardian Animals - Hunter Arena Review

Guardian Animals Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Guardian Animals by AbusingKel

A very cool card to build around but that's much trickier in arena than it is in constructed. This is only an option late in your draft phase if you know you have a good selection of beasts to take advantage of it. If you're lucky enough to have the support, this card will be a game changer.

Boozor's Avatar

Guardian Animals by Boozor

Spread can be wide on this, it's unlikely to be very good in most Hunter drafts since the beast pool at <5 mana is not that impressive.  

sinti's Avatar

Guardian Animals by sinti

Obviously super draft dependent and you will want to get 4- or 5-drops with this ideally. It can be a decent play, but it will not fit in every deck.

Krolusk Barkstripper - Hunter Arena Review

Krolusk Barkstripper Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Krolusk Barkstripper by AbusingKel

Very strong but conditional and random. Pairs well with Deadly Shot for some rage-inducing good times!

Boozor's Avatar

Krolusk Barkstripper by Boozor

Standard stats for 4 mana - the effect is insane. Should be playable and a huge threat to be removed.  

sinti's Avatar

Krolusk Barkstripper by sinti

Super strong card, 3/5 Beast for 4 mana is already pretty good, the ability is worth 3 mana (Deadly Shot). You want this.

Trueaim Crescent - Hunter Arena Review

Trueaim Crescent Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Trueaim Crescent by AbusingKel

This looks OP AF to me. Taunt can make it awkward, but if there's no taunt to contend with on your opponent's side, this is granting a second attack for all your minions. Attack (mostly face) with your minions then hit the opponent's scariest minion with this weapon and your minions use a second attack to take it down. Order will be important and there's certainly room for some "small indie company" code issues, but this looks really strong.

Teacher's Pet - Hunter Arena Review

Teacher's Pet Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Teacher's Pet by AbusingKel

Hunter has 4 excellent class beasts at 3 mana. Druid has none and will rely solely on the neutrals, which aren't as good. Still, this card is incredible value that gets a boost from the beast tag. Here's the card pool of minions you'll get from the deathrattle. 

Boozor's Avatar

Teacher's Pet by Boozor

Very strong card - lots of stats. Beast pool is stronger too. 

sinti's Avatar

Teacher's Pet by sinti

Amazing value for its cost. 4/5 taunt for 5 is already decent. Getting a 3-drop is going to push this a lot and the Beast tag can matter as well.

Bloated Python - Hunter Arena Review

Bloated Python Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Bloated Python by AbusingKel

A bit weak played on curve but the 1/2 and 4/4 are great for the mana cost. Excellent card that provides a boost to Mok'Nathal Lion, as well. 

Boozor's Avatar

Bloated Python by Boozor

Nice stats for 3 mana, the initial body is weak, but the 4/4 contests well against other 3 mana cards. Compare this to Harvest Golem and this is a home run. 

sinti's Avatar

Bloated Python by sinti

While at the first glance, this card looks very awkward, i think it will become extremely annoying to play against. Not the best on-curve play in terms of tempo, but the 4/4 should help you recover, and 5/6 combined stats for just 3 mana is no joke.

Overwhelm - Hunter Arena Review

Overwhelm Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Overwhelm by AbusingKel

A decent price for 2 damage and there are plenty of minions with 2 health in the meta (looking at you, Burrowing Scorpid). The upside if you have beasts on board will be tremendous.

Boozor's Avatar

Overwhelm by Boozor

A fine card with some upside - not going to be insane unless paired with other cards like Unleash the Hounds

sinti's Avatar

Overwhelm by sinti

Holy Smite with a bonus, yup, pretty good.

Demon Companion - Hunter Arena Review

Demon Companion Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Demon Companion by AbusingKel

Each minion is half the stats of the original, 3 mana beast version from [Hearthstone Card (Aminal Companion) Not Found] and the price tag is great. Sign me up for as many of these as possible in upcoming drafts. 

Boozor's Avatar

Demon Companion by Boozor

Options are strong - better in DH then hunter due to synergies.  

Blood Herald - Hunter Arena Review

Blood Herald Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Blood Herald by AbusingKel

I think both classes can certainly get a draft that supports this but, like [Hearthstone Card (Fel Gaurdians) Not Found], there's an awkwardness to having it in hand early and having the minion support to make it gain stats quickly. Too unreliable for me. 

Boozor's Avatar

Blood Herald by Boozor

Not sold on this either - it's very slow, and inconsistent - however due to the success of Netherdamus, this card can't be ignored.  

Wolpertinger - Hunter Arena Review

Wolpertinger Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Wolpertinger by AbusingKel

Surely this adorable, fluffy beast is a relative of the Fluffy Derpicorn

Boozor's Avatar

Wolpertinger by Boozor

Improved [Hearthstone Card (Alley Cat) Not Found] very good card overall. 

sinti's Avatar

Wolpertinger by sinti

Basically a better [Hearthstone Card (alley-cat) Not Found], since it synergizes with hand buffs. Alley-Cat was already an exceptional card.

Carrion Studies - Hunter Arena Review

Carrion Studies Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Carrion Studies by AbusingKel

Hunter certainly has a good group of class deathrattle cards in standard right now. There's some garbage that could disappoint but that should be rare. 

Boozor's Avatar

Carrion Studies by Boozor

Nice value dig - strong deathrattle pool right now for discovery.  

sinti's Avatar

Carrion Studies by sinti

Basically Journey Below in hunter. And hunter has a lot of great deathrattle minions.

Adorable Infestation - Hunter Arena Review

Adorable Infestation Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Adorable Infestation by AbusingKel

A truly versatile card that is good as a 1 drop to start off the game aggressively and even better if you can take advantage of the buff. As a common card, we'll be seeing this quite a bit.

Boozor's Avatar

Adorable Infestation by Boozor

It's a lot of stats for a 1 cost card, however it requires something on the board first so it's not a 1-drop card.  

sinti's Avatar

Adorable Infestation by sinti

Very strong card, basically Fallen Sun Cleric, that has its cost and stats split between to cards, which makes it a lot more versatile. And Cleric was already a decent Arena card. And yet again, cheap Spellburst activator.

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