Scholomance Academy Arena Impact - Shaman Cards

Ras Frostwhisper - Shaman Arena Review

Ras Frostwhisper Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Ras Frostwhisper by AbusingKel

I love the design for this minion. Nice combination for the Shaman/Mage mix and that ability can be incredible. I like it a bit better in Shaman where you have the extra chance at spell damage thanks to Wrath of Air Totem. The card pool isn't overflowing with spell damage minions but there are a few good ones. This effect would be bonkers if you can actually sustain it over more than one turn. 

Boozor's Avatar

Ras Frostwhisper by Boozor

Insane card, better then the old Despicable Dreadlordwhich was nuts in Arena. 

sinti's Avatar

Ras Frostwhisper by sinti

Despicable Dreadlord, potentially better. Yup, this card is crazy strong. Even just the 1 damage is good enough, but it should be doable to combo this with Wrath of Air Totem for 2 dmg fairly often.

Speaker Gidra - Shaman Arena Review

Speaker Gidra Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Speaker Gidra by AbusingKel

Another very interesting use of spellburst, which is great to see. This is a scalable minion with 2 strong abilities that should be able turn a board in your favor and maybe win the game if it sticks. The stats are not great without a buff so it's draft dependent and you need to get a spell in hand to get the value. 

Boozor's Avatar

Speaker Gidra by Boozor

Another card that requires combination of cards to make the most of it. The baseline stats are so/so but a cheap spell makes it reasonable. For example, 2 mana Wrath along with this card makes it a 5 mana 3/6 WF/Rush which is great. 

sinti's Avatar

Speaker Gidra by sinti

If you can combo it with a spell, shes awesome, if you cant .. well, just combo it with a spell, ok?

Instructor Fireheart - Shaman Arena Review

Instructor Fireheart Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Instructor Fireheart by AbusingKel

Stats are good attached to a discover so it's a decent enough play on curve and can have a huge impact if you can wait until later in the game to go fishing. There are a few shaman spells that may disappoint but they are low cost so you should be able to play them right away for a second roll. There are also quite a few great cards in the 1-3 cost range that could create huge swing turns. 

Boozor's Avatar

Instructor Fireheart by Boozor

Great card for shaman giving them flexibility with finding answers. The reoccurring ability is just icing on the value cake.  

sinti's Avatar

Instructor Fireheart by sinti

Decent on-curve play, the later you play it the better. Not many cards you can say this about. Very strong card.

Runic Carvings - Shaman Arena Review

Runic Carvings Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Runic Carvings by AbusingKel

8/8 worth of stats for 6 is good, giving them rush is great. Overload is generally easier to manage when you hit the mid-to-late stages of any match. If you need the rush it's well worth the sacrifice and if you just need the board population you can skip the overload. 

Boozor's Avatar

Runic Carvings by Boozor

The stats and ability are fine in a jam - however, it's not very mana efficient if you need to pay 6+2 mana for an 2 damage AOE.  They should have let the Treants retain the shaman abilities, would have been a nice buff. Better in Druid then Shaman. 

sinti's Avatar

Runic Carvings by sinti

Exceptionally versatile spell, can create 8/8 worth of stuff on the board or can be used as a pseudo board clear. Both Druid and shaman will want this.

Totem Goliath - Shaman Arena Review

Totem Goliath Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Totem Goliath by AbusingKel

Reliable but mediocre in arena. I like it for totem shaman in constructed quite a bit. Not so much in standard unless it's offered late in a draft and there's already synergy to support it. 

Boozor's Avatar

Totem Goliath by Boozor

Issues with this card is it's stats per costs which are weak, as well as board space. If you can't synergize with totems, it's worth a lot less in your deck.  

sinti's Avatar

Totem Goliath by sinti

Not the best tempo play, but it can leave some board behind. That board might actually hurt you in some occasions, taking up space, if you wont have ways to utilize the totems. It might be more draft dependent than it can look like. The Overload is also probably going to play a major role in how this cards perform in any format.

Devolving Missiles - Shaman Arena Review

Devolving Missiles Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Devolving Missiles by AbusingKel

It wouldn't be reveal season without a shaman transform card! Great combination of classes, and a very good card. It'll help you (hopefully!) get by a taunt or eliminate a strong deathrattle. More importantly, it'll be super fun!

Boozor's Avatar

Devolving Missiles by Boozor

It's cheap removal - occasionally to bypass taunts for lethal or remove buffs off a small minion. 

sinti's Avatar

Devolving Missiles by sinti

I'm honestly not entirely sure how will this card perform in Arena, but given its Cost, I suppose it doesn't have to do much to get good value. You can be sure that it will backfire on you eventually, but I dare to say that it will win you more games than it loses. The transform effect alone is pretty strong tho, getting rid of some powerful Deathrattles and/or buffed minions. The salt will be real with this one.

Groundskeeper - Shaman Arena Review

Groundskeeper Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Groundskeeper by AbusingKel

Another well thought out dual class card. Druid and shaman have some good, high cost spells that are definitely worth drafting. Great body for the cost on this, especially with taunt so it's really good even if you don't get the healing. Big enough to be difficult to deal with on curve at his cost. We'll be seeing these regularly.

Boozor's Avatar

Groundskeeper by Boozor

Power creep is real. A better Senjin Shieldmaster . The heal is mostly irrelevant but this is a great extra bonus. 

sinti's Avatar

Groundskeeper by sinti

Great Taunt on its own and if you happen to hold a costly spell, you can heal too.

Molten Blast - Shaman Arena Review

Molten Blast Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Molten Blast by AbusingKel

Quite strong for arena since it can target face. Obviously looking to get a spell damage buff to do more damage and gain the extra minions but the value is solid even without a boost.

Boozor's Avatar

Molten Blast by Boozor

Great card similar to BEESSSS. Nice bonus with spell damage as well.  

sinti's Avatar

Molten Blast by sinti

Spring Rocket was a pretty good Arena card, this is basically that, but the stats are split up. Has potential to do more damage and generate more tokens with some Spell Damage.

Trick Totem - Shaman Arena Review

Trick Totem Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Trick Totem by AbusingKel

Praise Yogg! This will be quite the dice roll. Plenty of good outcomes but you could just as easily burn your own minions/face or buff opponent's minions, and potentially at an extra cost of overloading crystals for your next turn. Hard pass.

Boozor's Avatar

Trick Totem by Boozor

More I look at this more it's a great value card. There's a lot of draws and discovers in the meta and the 2 mana investment will not often cost you the game even if the outcome is unfavorable. 

sinti's Avatar

Trick Totem by sinti

This card will have too much RNG in it for my taste, but playing it as a 2-drop might be the safest play. Lots of Secrets in the mix too.

Diligent Notetaker - Shaman Arena Review

Diligent Notetaker Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Diligent Notetaker by AbusingKel

Great value wrapped into a stout 2/3 for 2 that you can play on curve... not that you really want to. Can you imagine getting one of these to stick and then playing Eye of the Storm?

Boozor's Avatar

Diligent Notetaker by Boozor

Good quality card - effectively a body with a "draw" ability. Flexible enough to play as a 2 drop if needed.  

sinti's Avatar

Diligent Notetaker by sinti

Very good card, a vanilla 2-drop with a pretty strong ability. Yeah, it might not trigger every time you play it, but even just getting a second The Coin might be enough to make a big early swing. And comboing this with a spell in the late game should be pretty easy for Shaman, given most of their spells are cheap.

Tidal Wave - Shaman Arena Review

Tidal Wave Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Tidal Wave by AbusingKel

Big effect but also a big cost. AoE removal is always premium in arena and gaining life later in the game is helpful. Killing your own minions is less helpful. Having this be your entire turn isn't great, either. Still good despite all downsides.

Boozor's Avatar

Tidal Wave by Boozor

Not totally on board with this - very expensive, double sided. Yes it resets your life very often but it's so expensive for the damage output, i'm unsure about this.  

sinti's Avatar

Tidal Wave by sinti

Very high cost and it hits your board too (which can be a plus sometimes), but it does deal decent amount of damage and probably full heals you in most cases. Pretty strong card.

Rune Dagger - Shaman Arena Review

Rune Dagger Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Rune Dagger by AbusingKel

A great addition for the arena and a reliable trigger for the spell damage synergy. The 1 point ping is always useful and you get it as rush/charge as a weapon. 

Boozor's Avatar

Rune Dagger by Boozor

Ping in a non ping class is great, and the effect will have synergy in the upcoming set. 

sinti's Avatar

Rune Dagger by sinti

Decent weapon, Shaman can always use a ping and having on-demand Spell Damage can be very handy.

Primordial Studies - Shaman Arena Review

Primordial Studies Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Primordial Studies by AbusingKel

Discover is great and both prime legendary minions are in the selection pool, along with some other solid choices. Then again, there is the chance for a huge disappointment if you have to choose between Ancient Mage, Dalaran Mage, and Mana Reservoir

Boozor's Avatar

Primordial Studies by Boozor

Limited amount of + spell damage minions, but the ones there are absolute monsters. Think [Hearthstone Card (Azure Explorer,) Not Found] Solarian, and Ras.  

sinti's Avatar

Primordial Studies by sinti

Amazing card, there is going to be very narrow pool of minions, about 13, and there will be Malygos and Lady Vashj in the mix. And almost anything else is going to be a good tempo play thanks to the discount.

Lightning Bloom - Shaman Arena Review

Lightning Bloom Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Lightning Bloom by AbusingKel

I like this card more for Shaman since there is synergy with overload. The problem I see is that there isn't much overload synergy in the standard, arena meta. We need see some cards from Scholomance Academy that allow you to take advantage of overloaded crystals for this quick mana cheat to be decent. 

Boozor's Avatar

Lightning Bloom by Boozor

Seems better in Druid with larger minions compared to Shaman where they cheap stats out with their overload cards.  

sinti's Avatar

Lightning Bloom by sinti

While Druid has been basically able to use this card in Arena in the past (pre-nerf Innervate), for Shaman, this is a new thing. One could argue that Shaman could make a better use of this, not only is there some additional Overload synergy, but it is not uncommon to just have a bad T2 and be left to use your Hero Power. Better than nothing, eh? With Lightning Bloom allowing you to tempo out above the curve on T1, you might be ok with skipping your next turn, since you might have had to do that anyway. Still, Innervate was never a really great card in Arena, yes, when it worked early, it was powerful, but the longer the game goes on, the worse the card is, especially in a top-deck mode. I suppose we will have to see this in action to really tell if the current state of the Arena can utilize this card or not.

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