Scholomance Academy Arena Impact - Warlock Cards

Archwitch Willow - Warlock Arena Review

Archwitch Willow Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Archwitch Willow by AbusingKel

I think this will be a fun card in constructed but it's far too draft dependent in arena. The stats for 9 mana are weak and it takes up your whole turn. If you don't get at least one pulled, it's pretty bad. Still, the upside is undeniably strong and could be a nasty board for the cost with a high roll. 

Boozor's Avatar

Archwitch Willow by Boozor

Inconsistent depending on the amount of demons available, but pulling a single good minion (Dread Infernal for example) is enough to make this a decently good card. 

sinti's Avatar

Archwitch Willow by sinti

Solely draft dependent, if you can get at least one Demon with the Battlecry, it won't be a terrible play, if you can get two, then it becomes pretty decent. But you do need to have Demons.

Soulciologist Malicia - Warlock Arena Review

Soulciologist Malicia Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Soulciologist Malicia by AbusingKel

Weak body for the cost so it's pretty bad without adequate Soul Fragment support. All it takes is 1 3/3 rush to make this a solid value play and it will snowball fast if you get more than that. 

Boozor's Avatar

Soulciologist Malicia by Boozor

Card is decent with 1 3/3 summon. Needs to be more shard generators for this to be more viable.  

sinti's Avatar

Soulciologist Malicia by sinti

Amazing if you have Soul Fragments in your deck, horrible otherwise.

Disciplinarian Gandling - Warlock Arena Review

Disciplinarian Gandling Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Disciplinarian Gandling by AbusingKel

Great stats for the cost and a very unique ability that can take advantage of deathrattles and turn late game weenies into formidable resources. It could get a bit awkward later in games if you have some big drops and he's blocks them from play, but I think he's too dangerous for opposing players to leave him on the board. 

Boozor's Avatar

Disciplinarian Gandling by Boozor

Good body for cost, and great card to synergize with Zoo archetype. 

sinti's Avatar

Disciplinarian Gandling by sinti

Good on-curve play and the ability can be pretty strong, probably more in a more early game oriented deck. It could actually hurt you, if you would have good stuff to play on-curve in later turns after this, so it might not be a snap pick, but i wager this will perform pretty well, especially in a class that can generate Lackeys.

Flesh Giant - Warlock Arena Review

Flesh Giant Card Image

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AbusingKel's Avatar

Flesh Giant by AbusingKel

Broken in Warlock. There are enough self pain cards plus the hero power to generally have this be a 5 or 6 drop. We've seen cost-reduction cards like this become problematic in arena (and standard) before and this will be another in that line. Priest won't be as likely to abuse this in arena but it'll still be cheap.

Boozor's Avatar

Flesh Giant by Boozor

Should be a decent late game bomb for cheap. It's average cost for it's stats, but can be easily reduced.  

sinti's Avatar

Flesh Giant by sinti

This should be easy to get discounted at least once or twice before you play it and at that point, it is a pretty good tempo play, it can easily get discounted to 0 after a while.

Void Drinker - Warlock Arena Review

Void Drinker Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Void Drinker by AbusingKel

Decent on its own for the price, thanks to the taunt. If you get the synergy in the draft this could be a serious problem for your opponent. 

Boozor's Avatar

Void Drinker by Boozor

Dependent on shard availability - but a 5 mana Earth Elemental without overload is excellent.  

sinti's Avatar

Void Drinker by sinti

Decent taunt on its own. Pretty crazy, if you can trigger the Battlecry.

Felosophy - Warlock Arena Review

Felosophy Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Felosophy by AbusingKel

Draft dependent cards like this tend to get the middle-ground grade of 3. This will have high variance. In a deck with good synergy it will be incredible. Draft it late only if you have enough demons to get the value.

Boozor's Avatar

Felosophy by Boozor

Draw is less important in Warlock and this is pretty situational. 

sinti's Avatar

Felosophy by sinti

Well, solely draft dependent. If you can copy pretty much any Demon with this then the card is great, tho it would still be a pretty bad top-deck even with plenty Demons in your deck. I guess Warlocks Hero Power can negate that slightly. Don't know, you might want to skip this even in Demon heavier decks, we'll see.

Brittlebone Destroyer - Warlock Arena Review

Brittlebone Destroyer Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Brittlebone Destroyer by AbusingKel

Easy to trigger hard removal that leaves a body on the board? Yes, please! 100% reliable for Warlock on T6 and likely for priest by that point in the game. As a rare card you need to be prepared to see this very often. 

Boozor's Avatar

Brittlebone Destroyer by Boozor

Very consistent 6 mana Vilespine Slayer and an absolute nightmare card for players. Better in Warlock then Priest.  

sinti's Avatar

Brittlebone Destroyer by sinti

Pretty great card, combined with your Hero Power it is a 6-cost Assassinate with a 3/3 body, and draws you a card. Very strong play for 6 Mana. There is some self-damage synergy in Warlock, so that is an added bonus. Also Lifesteal works well with this.

Shadowlight Scholar - Warlock Arena Review

Shadowlight Scholar Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Shadowlight Scholar by AbusingKel

3/4 for 3 is the standard you want from your 3 drops. This gets really great if you can take advantage of the battlecry.

Boozor's Avatar

Shadowlight Scholar by Boozor

Solid stats for 3 mana - and the shard ability is a great bonus on top.  

sinti's Avatar

Shadowlight Scholar by sinti

Great 3-drop and the ability is certainly a strong one, but among the Soul Fragment synergy it is kinda on the weaker side. You might want to possibly drop this before you generate Fragments, if you have other cards that can make use of them, but like i said, 3 dmg is still great.

Soul Shear - Warlock Arena Review

Soul Shear Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Soul Shear by AbusingKel

Great card. Cheap blast to a minion that, at worst, shuffles in some healing. About the only way it isn't great value would be drawing the fragments with full health. In these 2 classes, that would also probably mean you're way ahead in the match. 

Boozor's Avatar

Soul Shear by Boozor

Standard damage per mana and probably the main shard engine revealed so far. 

sinti's Avatar

Soul Shear by sinti

Early removal and brings additional synergy. Amazing card.

Boneweb Egg - Warlock Arena Review

Boneweb Egg Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Boneweb Egg by AbusingKel

I have always enjoyed disco decks in constructed and am excited for this card... just not in arena. Warlock tends to have ways to sacrifice a minion but the discard side is highly unlikely to trigger. 

Boozor's Avatar

Boneweb Egg by Boozor

A worse [Hearthstone Card (Neurbian Egg) Not Found] it works in the upcoming meta with EVIL Genius but other then that i'd avoid this card.  

sinti's Avatar

Boneweb Egg by sinti

It is not the worst egg card and clearly is meant to support Discard synergy, but for Arena, this will not cut it.

School Spirits - Warlock Arena Review

School Spirits Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

School Spirits by AbusingKel

Powerful removal piece with an drawback (hitting all minions) that should be easy to work around. The extra kicker is the healing and/or synergy you get from the fragments.

Boozor's Avatar

School Spirits by Boozor

Volcanic Potion with upside - great card.  

sinti's Avatar

School Spirits by sinti

Volcanic Potion that adds additional synergy, yup, extremely good.

Spirit Jailer - Warlock Arena Review

Spirit Jailer Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Spirit Jailer by AbusingKel

Excellent 1 drop that offers healing to classes that will always need it. Great way to start the game aggressively and trigger other Soul Fragment synergies if you were lucky enough to draft them. Maybe a score of 5 is a bit aggressive for a 1 drop, though. 

Boozor's Avatar

Spirit Jailer by Boozor

Good stats, demon tag, and shard generator for all your shard needs. Will be drafted highly to fuel those types of decks. 

sinti's Avatar

Spirit Jailer by sinti

Great 1-drop and strong additional synergy.

Demonic Studies - Warlock Arena Review

Demonic Studies Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Demonic Studies by AbusingKel

The Studies are solid across the board. This one has good synergy with demons, which is nice.

Boozor's Avatar

Demonic Studies by Boozor

Good card for the cost - there are many powerful demons but some dormant ones which might not be the options you want immediately.  

sinti's Avatar

Demonic Studies by sinti

Yet another great Studies card. Discover is always nice and cost reduction can help you cheat out some bigger Demon earlier. Oh, and lets not forget - YOU FACE JARAXXUS, EREDAR LORD OF THE BURNING LEGION! :))

Raise Dead - Warlock Arena Review

Raise Dead Card Image

Our Overall Rating

AbusingKel's Avatar

Raise Dead by AbusingKel

Ok, this one is really cool. I love it but it's situational. You can't really play it early unless you've grabbed initiative to start and even then the minions only go to hand. I think the set bonus will make this feel really broken when you can trigger Health Change in the Priest/Warlock dual class cards. 

Boozor's Avatar

Raise Dead by Boozor

Much stronger in Priest with the heal and the lack of card draw. Very nice generation. Worse in warlock since they don't need the cards as much as Priest, but still might be more value then tapping.  

sinti's Avatar

Raise Dead by sinti

Extremely powerful card advantage tool. Might be a bit more taxing in Warlock than in Priest, but it should provide very high value for its total cost.

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