Hearthstone Keywords & Mechanics

Search returned 58 results.

Name Description Added in expansion
Windfury Can attack twice each turn.
Twinspell Can be cast twice. Rise of Shadows
Tradeable Play the card normally or swap it with a random one from your deck by paying 1 mana. United in Stormwind
Titan Click on a Titan to use 1 of 3 abilities instead of attacking. TITANS
Taunt Enemies must attack this minion.
Stealth Can't be attacked or targeted until it attacks.
Start of Game Does something before the first turn. The Witchwood
Spellburst A one-time effect after you cast a spell. Scholomance Academy
Spell Damage Your spells deal extra damage.
Silence Removes all card text and enchantments.
Sidequest Complete for a reward. Descent of Dragons
Secret Hidden until a specific action occurs on your opponent's turn.
Rush Can attack minions immediately. The Witchwood
Recruit Summon a minion from your deck. Kobolds and Catacombs
Reborn Resurrects with 1 Health the first time it dies. Saviors of Uldum
Quickdraw Showdown in the Badlands
Questline United in Stormwind
Quest Starts in your hand. Complete for a reward. Journey to Un'Goro
Poisonous Destroy any minion damaged by this.
Overload: X
Overload You have X less mana next turn.
Overkill Deal excess damage on your turn for a bonus. Rastakhan's Rumble
Overheal A bonus if restored past full Health. Festival of Legends
Outcast A bonus if played as the left- or right-most card in hand. Ashes of Outland
Miniaturize Get a 1-Cost 1/1 copy of this. Whizbang's Workshop
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