Sneaky Secrets Waxaprime!

Last updated 4 years ago by
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This deck is a combination of three deck types: Secrets, Stealth and Waxadred. Each of these archetypes has a big ticket rogue draw card which draws two so combining all of them together allows for strong and efficient draw. The purpose of this deck is to gain early tempo and board control with the stealth synergy and secrets and then to use both Akama Prime and Waxadred to close out the game with constant pressure. Necrium Apothecary ties into both of these cards by allowing you to pull one of them in case of bad luck.

Stowaway is a particularly strong card as it can be used to pull out your Waxadred candle, get Akama Prime into your hand or pull and play any minion you've copied with Shadow of Death. Don't get too greedy with trying to put Shadow of Death on a big minion as even pulling extra copies of a 3-4 mana minion can be quite useful. Remember that when Stowaway draws cards like the candles or Shadows, you'll cast them and then draw another card into your hand.

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