A Legendary Tempo Rogue

Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
  • Fun

For this deck, I just wanted to use a bunch of my Rogue Legendaries and decided to stick them all in the same deck.  To my surprise, it actually turned out pretty well.

The Togwaggle package

Not much to say about this part.  Heistbaron Togwaggle can provide some big value and tempo with his treasures and EVIL Miscreant gives us the lackeys to trigger him.

I pretty much always pick Zarog's Crown, but it seems to like giving me Gormok the Impaler, Sherazin, Corpse Flower, or Arfus a lot of the time.

The lackeys themselves have been pretty good for Combo activators as well.

Heistbaron Togwaggle Card Image EVIL Miscreant Card Image

The Hooktusk Package

The deck could probably do with a few more pirates, but I wasn't too fond of a lot of the options.  Hench-Clan Burglar and Ticket Scalper are the only pirates we have, but even getting 2 pirates from Captain Hooktusk is pretty good.

Captain Hooktusk Card Image Ticket Scalper Card Image Hench-Clan Burglar Card Image

The Gral Package

For the insane highroll potential, I've included The Darkness on the off chance that Gral, the Shark eats him to become a 20/20.

Its also worth noting The Darkness can serve a niche purpose as a counter to positional cards like Supercollider, Shadowmourne, and Cone of Cold while dormant and can temporarily shut off Reno Jackson, Kazakus, and the other Highlander legendaries as well as the Odd Deck cards Black Cat, Gloom Stag, and Glitter Moth since the Darkness Candles cost 4 mana.

I've also set up the deck so that at the least Gral, the Shark gets 5 additional stats if he lowrolls and eats EVIL Miscreant or Underbelly Fence.

Gral, the Shark Card Image The Darkness Card Image

The Myra's Package

This isn't really so much of a package, but I've included Chef Nomi for his synergy with Myra's Unstable Element which is already a good card in a deck like this.

Myra's Unstable Element Card Image Chef Nomi Card Image

The Burgle Package

No legendaries for this one, but in addition to the Hench-Clan Burglars, I've included Hallucination, Blink Fox, and the payoff cards, Vendetta and Underbelly Fence which can provide strong tempo.

Vendetta Card Image Underbelly Fence Card Image

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