61% Winrate rank 5 - Legend Secret Hunter

Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
  • Ranked

I got sick of mech hunters. mid-range hunters. mages and warriors. it seems hardly anybody plays anything different. especially mech hunters, you swine! I wanted a deck that has a chance vs all of these without playing 30 minute warrior match ups or rock, paper, scissors. , after lots of searching Secret Hunter gave me the most joy, consistency, and my first entry to legend.

A common enough list, but powerful with ability to switch gears to favour each match up from going tempo, value, or control. 

Mulligan - secret keeper is always good. keeping subject 9 or marked shot can be good in value match ups, or match-ups where you don't expect to be first onto the board. other than that, typically look for either favourable secrets (e.g. freezing trap vs mage (stops a giant), rat trap vs rogue (the million lackeys), explosive vs aggro (KILL) or sunreaver/masked contender. 

Against warrior just chip them constantly. Hit that hero power whenever you can, you WILL get there. Try to save Lifedrinker with kill command for high burst damage finishers. Also try to get as mass value out of marked shots, eaglehorn bows (can easily get 6-7 swings, take care of weapon removal) and big zuljin turns.


Mech hunter is an even match up (I know HS replay says they're slightly favoured, but its roughly 50-50) and mostly depends on who manages to win the first 4 turns. Try to play freezing trap tactically to screw a magnetise, and explosive trap to clear them away, and tempo as hard as possible. You have very little heal so get ontop on them early, or they get on top of you. 


This deck has high face burst, control tools, and tempo tools. It's fantastic and still going strong at 41-26 win/loss. Fantastic to climb up the ladder with against all top-meta decks. 

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