The Conjurer Cyclone Jepetto OTK Fusion

Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
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How To Play

Hi there. This is my ultimate try to get a fusion of some popular mage decks.

So it has the Giant/Conjurer/Khadgar package, it has the Cyclone/Sorcerer Apprentice/Elemental Evocation package, it has Jepetto/Alexstraza/Malygos/Kalecgos/Antonidas.

It even has freeze, and to top it off, it also has...Archmage Arugal. This card is really amazing in this deck.

Allright. What are your win conditions?

  • Mountain Giants rampage: the basic stuff. Land it on 4, multiply on 5 and the game is yours most of the time.
  • Cyclone/Sorcerer Apprentice combo: refill your hand with spells, or get some early presence.
  • OTK: if your galaxy spell managed to reduce key pieces like Malygos, Archmage Antonidas or Alexstrasza to 1 mana, the OTK is not far off. A 0-mana mountain giant is also nice.
  • Luna train: Stargazer Luna can pull in all your one mana minions one by one.
  • Last but not least: Archmage Arugal. Pair it up with a Arcane Intellect preferably after your played the galaxy spell and not one, but 2 copies of 1-mana minions will show up in your hand. Just imagine what you can do with 2 Alexstraza's, 2 Antonidas or 2 Luna's. It's amazing. I love that card.

I managed to win some crazy games with this.


Always keep Mountain Giant and Archmage Arugal. Keep a Mana Cyclone only if you also have the Elemental Evocation or a [Hearthstone Card (Sorcerer Apprentice) Not Found]. And always keep Luna's Pocket Galaxy.

Early Game

Ping to control board and land that Giant on 4. When no giant, improvise, for instance using cyclone. Play galaxy spell as soon as possible, but I prefer to play the giant if both are possible, let opponent spend resources before you do.

MIddle Game

Determine your win condition. Will it be Giants, OTK, something else? Most of the time it is either get big stuff on the board and conjure it, or get those 1 mana combo pieces in your hand to combo the opponent. When faced with wide boards, freeze; when faced with big minions, build wall and/or conjure that big magnetized monster.

Fun Stories

Funny stuff can happen when Arugal gives you muliple cheap copies of key cards. Imagine 2x Antonidas: that's 2 fireballs per spell. 2x Alex: you go to 15 AND the opponent as well. 2x Malygos: that is +10 spell dmg, meaning 2x fireball = lethal and is another OTK.

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