Words of Power Card Design Competition

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This Week's Theme: Words of Power

People say that "words hurt", and this week is where we use our words to hurt our opponent.

  • Design a new keyword and three (3) cards that use that keyword. Your submission must include those three cards and a description of what that keyword is. A fourth card slot is open for submissions and you can use this to place your keyword tooltip in your submission.
    • Your cards must specifically use the mechanic to count. In other words, cards that merely interact with the mechanic (like Crowd Favorite or Journey Below) will not count unless they also use the mechanic itself (like Stonehill Defender).
    • You will need a HearthCards account to make a keyword tooltip. If you don't want to make an account, you will be allowed to write what your keyword does in the description box of your submission.

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Competition Entries

You probably don't need to worry too much about design space in this competition. As long as it can hold up as an expansion-specific mechanic, it's probably fine.

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