Oops! All Spells! Card Design Competition

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This Week's Theme: Oops! All Spells!

We better not see any minions in your deck - or at least, none when you play these cards!

  • You must create a card which has an effect when your deck has no minions
    • Remember that your deck just needs to have no minions - weapons and Hero Cards are allowed as well as spells if you want to try something interesting
  • Your card cannot be a Hunter or Mage card
    • We've seen how these classes tackle this idea - let's give a different class a chance!

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Competition Entries

It might seem tricky to imagine how a class could function with no minions, but remember - before To My Side! and Rhok'delar were played with many people considered Spell Hunter a meme deck. You just have to get a little bit more creative and think outside the box for some classes!

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