Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan is a Hearthstone patch released on Nov. 29, 2016. It was versioned 7.0.0 with the build number 15590. It was released during the expansion Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

New Collectible Cards

New cards have been added to the game.

New Druid Cards

  • Kun the Forgotten King - Aya siphons a bit of Kun's soul to animate each golem in her Jade army. To his credit, he's being a great sport about it.
  • Lunar Visions - The true mystery of lunar visions is how there is nothing to watch when there are so many channels.
  • Pilfered Power - The Hozen don't get paid much, but at least they get to keep any excess mana.
  • Virmen Sensei - There is no carrot.
  • Celestial Dreamer - If you think her job is easy, YOU try falling asleep on cue.
  • Jade Idol - Shuffle or no guts.
  • Jade Behemoth - I think we should talk about the jade elephant in the room.
  • Jade Blossom - Meditating under a jade blossom is said to grant you wisdom, unless you have a pollen allergy.
  • Mark of the Lotus - The mark of the Lotus is a little flower drawn in permanent marker on the ankle.

New Hunter Cards

  • Knuckles - When confronted with accusations of performance-enhancing bananas, Knuckles replied, "I get my fruit from trees I knock down with my bare hands like everyone else."
  • Piranha Launcher - A great improvement over the guppy launcher.
  • Rat Pack - He's gonna do it his way.
  • Dispatch Kodo - "Crime reported at First Bank of Gadgetzan. Huge quantities of Jade being carried away by what looks like a bunch of Hozen. Kodo 77 can you make it over there now?"
  • Hidden Cache - There is an urban legend that the first Toxic Sewer Ooze was born because a rookie Goon stashed an open container of milk in a Hidden Cache.
  • Trogg Beastrager - Still angry that the Gadgetzan Rager Club wouldn't accept him as a member.
  • Shaky Zipgunner - The Grimy Goons can get you any weapon you want but if you want it to not explode you gotta pay extra.
  • Alleycat - To be a cool cat in Gadgetzan, you gotta have bling.
  • Smuggler's Crate - Are you sure these are the crates that are supposed to go to the Gadgetzan petting zoo?

New Mage Cards

  • Inkmaster Solia - Solia marks the Kabal with intricate tattoos that grant immense power. Also it makes it harder for other gangs to recruit from their numbers. BACK OFF, GOONS.
  • Greater Arcane Missiles - Wow, and I thought Arcane Missiles was great!
  • Manic Soulcaster - When casting a tournament, you really have to put your soul into it!
  • Kabal Crystal Runner - "Listen, I can cut you in on a little of this premium mana, but you can't tell my boss."
  • Volcanic Potion - The secret ingredient in Kazakus's award-winning chili recipe.
  • Potion of Polymorph - Tastes like Baaaaananas.
  • Cryomancer - She loves Frozen. I mean who doesn't?
  • Kabal Lackey - I'll tell you one thing he doesn't lack: GUMPTION.
  • Freezing Potion - This is delicious! Oh no. BRAIN FREEEEEEEZE!

New Paladin Cards

  • Wickerflame Burnbristle - Wickerflame spent years as a recruit for the Goons, never making the big-time because he always fired his chest-cannon too slowly. "Hey," he thought, "maybe if I keep my beard lit on fire, I can do this faster." BOOM, promoted.
  • Small-Time Recruits - Now we know why they wear tiny watches.
  • Meanstreet Marshal - Remember, submit your bribes directly to the Marshal - it's the law!
  • Grimestreet Protector - Some new asphalt should do the trick.
  • Grimestreet Enforcer - "Sir, you don't have a permit to park your mount here."
  • Getaway Kodo - Get to da Kodo! Now!
  • Grimestreet Outfitter - If you bargain hard, he'll throw in the hat.
  • Grimscale Chum - Listen, see? We'll take 'em to the docks, see? And throw 'em in the sea, see?
  • Smuggler's Run - One of the most famous busts in Gadgetzan’s history happened on Smuggler’s Run, where Sergeant Sally apprehended a cadre of Grimy Goons transporting a massive number of illegal fish heads.

New Priest Cards

  • Raza the Chained - "Could you do me a favor and get the keys from Kazakus?"
  • Dragonfire Potion - No one was brave enough to fire the dragon in person… so they made the potion do it.
  • Mana Geode - Gadgetzan, where even the pet rocks have pet rocks.
  • Drakonid Operative - His job is to spy on the Goons and the Jade Lotus, but he's OBVIOUSLY a dragon so it's pretty hard work.
  • Greater Healing Potion - Filled with electrolytes!
  • Pint-Size Potion - I hope you didn't disenchant your Shadow Word: Horror!
  • Kabal Songstealer - Gadgetzan Writer’s Award goes to the player who writes the most compelling fanfic about why this Arakkoa has a golden frog in his hand!
  • Kabal Talonpriest - Inkmaster Solia had to figure out how to tattoo feathers.
  • Potion of Madness - You'd be insane NOT to drink it!

New Rogue Cards

  • Shaku, the Collector - Aya even staged an intervention once, but Shaku still insists that he is not a hoarder.
  • Luckydo Buccaneer - You can't just leave a Luckydo somewhere. You gotta keep 'em with you! Especially in Gadgetzan!
  • Lotus Assassin - For 5000g, you can just give the Jade Lotus any name and they will assassinate and/or embarrass them.
  • Shadow Sensei - He used to be Aya's tutor, but she fired him for bugging her too much.
  • Gadgetzan Ferryman - Is it just me, or is there something fishy about that ferryman?
  • Counterfeit Coin - There is something funny about this coin… can't quite put my finger on it…
  • Shadow Rager - WE WENT THERE!
  • Jade Shuriken - Good news is, after you remove it from your wound, you can use it to pay your medical bills!
  • Jade Swarmer - He's so good at swarming, he can swarm all by himself!

New Shaman Cards

  • White Eyes - My life for Aya!
  • Lotus Illusionist - If you think her Xavius and Sylvanas cosplay is great, wait till you see her Reno Jackson!
  • Finders Keepers - INFINITE LOOP!
  • Jinyu Waterspeaker - Waterspeakers can tell the future! So the Jade Lotus employs them to speculate on the Auction House.
  • Devolve - Ragnaros looked down. He looked like some kind of War Golem. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME," he yelled. But all that came out was a deep grinding sound. He began to cry.
  • Jade Claws - "Best manicure ever!" - Aya Blackpaw
  • Jade Chieftain - Seeing his Jade Golem grow up into the tall, handsome 6/6 standing before him was the proudest moment of his life.
  • Jade Lightning - Jade Lightning, goooo Jade Lightning!
  • Call in the Finishers - When you really need a job done… but you don't really care if it gets done right.

New Warlock Cards

  • Krul the Unshackled - Spicklefizz pondered his life choices as he looked at the chain around his neck. "Become a warlock," they said. "You get to enslave demons," they said.
  • Kabal Trafficker - She ships illicit mana crystals around the world in packages marked: FUNNEL CAKE.
  • Unlicensed Apothecary - Get the ingredients wrong on ONE healing potion and they take your license. What a world!
  • Felfire Potion - Kazakus has a squad of imps bottling Felfire round-the-clock and he *still* can't keep up with demand.
  • Seadevil Stinger - Pretty harmless unless you're a Seadevil.
  • Bloodfury Potion - You know what really makes my blood boil? The skyrocketing price of Bloodfury potions!
  • Abyssal Enforcer - The Kabal print this on every package of illicit Mana Crystals: WARNING - DO NOT PUT WITHIN REACH OF ABYSSALS. THIS IS NOT APPROVED FOR USE BY FLAMING DEMONS OF ANY KIND.
  • Blastcrystal Potion - There's a fine line between "potion" and "grenade". Wait. Actually, there's not.
  • Crystalweaver - The trick is soaking the crystals in warm milk to soften them up.

New Warrior Cards

New Neutral Cards

  • Mayor Noggenfogger - This flavor text was randomly generated. If it happens to form words and make sense, that is purely by chance.
  • Aya Blackpaw - Though young, Aya took over as the leader of Jade Lotus through her charisma and strategic acumen when her predecessor was accidentally crushed by a jade golem.
  • Wrathion - Wrathion, son of Deathwing, is a dragon. Why isn't he tagged as a dragon, you ask? WHAT, ARE YOU TRYING TO BLOW HIS COVER??
  • Madam Goya - She has set up her Black Market here in Gadgetzan for one purpose, to make a KILLING when Beanie Babies make their inevitable comeback.
  • Don Han'Cho - The brilliant mastermind of the Grimy Goons, Han sometimes thinks about ditching the idiot Cho, but that would just tear him apart.
  • Finja, the Flying Star - The last true master of Finjitsu.
  • Genzo, the Shark - Infamous in the seedy underground card rooms of Gadgetzan, he got his nickname winning the coveted Shark Plushie in the city's first Hearthstone tournament.
  • Kazakus - The mysterious leader of the Kabal is NOT a dragon, and does NOT deal in illegal potions. Any public statements to the contrary will be met with litigation and Dragonfire Potions.
  • Sergeant Sally - "Who is she? Where did she come from? We don't even have a police force here in Gadgetzan!!" - Mayor Noggenfogger
  • Auctionmaster Beardo - Gadgetzan has always run an under-the-table auction house, and business has been PRETTY good for Beardo since the population explosion. And since the explosion that destroyed the competing auction houses in the city.
  • Patches the Pirate - What do sailors yell when Patches steals their treasure chest full of laws and other things being transported to parliament for a vote? "The Eyes have it!"
  • Defias Cleaner - His house cleaning service is quite thorough. Not a spot to be found... or any of your stuff!
  • Leatherclad Hogleader - The Hogchoppers, the terrors of Tanaris, can always be found at one tavern or another in Gadgetzan, refueling for totally real and legit adventures that they go on.
  • Fight Promoter - "Yeah, I can get you Knuckles. No, no, he's been clean for *weeks*."
  • Wind-up Burglebot - Don't blame the bot for his crimes... Blame whoever keeps winding him up!
  • Burgly Bully - He only burgles to pay the bills. He is really just a bully at heart.
  • Fel Orc Soulfiend - "Doc says the persistent burning sensation in my soul is probably just an ulcer."
  • Blubber Baron - When oil, railroad, steel, robber, and red are all already taken, your options are limited.
  • Dirty Rat - It's not his fault… Someone keeps stealing his soap!
  • Weasel Tunneler - He's the reason the First Bank of Gadgetzan has steel floors.
  • Second-Rate Bruiser - He'll be a first-rate bruiser once he gets used to his contacts.
  • Spiked Hogrider - Did you know the Hogchoppers compete every year at the Mirage Raceway? They do. It's a real group.
  • Doppelgangster - "Every me, get in here!"
  • Bomb Squad - Please don't explode! Please don't explode! Please don't explode!
  • Lotus Agents - Mostly, they stand around and look cool.
  • Grimestreet Informant - "Naw, naw. You're talkin' about Grime BOULEVARD. I ain't know nuthin' 'bout that."
  • Kabal Courier - Hey, you park your kodo under a harpy nest, you get what you deserve.
  • Small-Time Buccaneer - "Oh, I'm not serious about it. I only pirate on the weekends."
  • Ancient of Blossoms - His new shampoo is really working!
  • Big-Time Racketeer - "It'd be a shame if someone disenchanted those Legendaries."
  • Red Mana Wyrm - It has double the Attack. "Go on." And double the Health. "Yes??" And its trigger has twice the effect. "WHAT???" And it costs… Five times more.
  • Streetwise Investigator - "Hmmmm… Call it a hunch, but I'm starting to think that there may be some kind of criminal activity going on in Gadgetzan."
  • Grook Fu Master - Grook Fu, the ancient Hozen art of bashing heads with a stick.
  • Tanaris Hogchopper - The Hogchoppers are well-known throughout Kalimdor for being a real, actual group.
  • Hozen Healer - He didn't go to school for healing, but we keep losing all the good healers to Ratchet, so I guess we'll take him.
  • Worgen Greaser - Hair products are 79% of his monthly budget.
  • Kabal Chemist - Sure you could have that Polymorph potion, but wouldn't you rather have this mystery potion? It could be anything. Even a Polymorph potion!
  • Jade Spirit - "He's so cute! I just want to squeeze him, then use him for Jade Golem parts!" - Aya Blackpaw
  • Kooky Chemist - #abs
  • Naga Corsair - Hook-tails are nice and all but she keeps getting stuck on things.
  • Daring Reporter - She's working on a story! While skydiving!
  • Toxic Sewer Ooze - When Sergeant Sally shows up unexpectedly, DO NOT FLUSH YOUR MANA CRYSTALS DOWN THE TOILET.
  • Hired Gun - He loves his job and would do it for free! (But don't tell his boss!)
  • Backstreet Leper - Quit playing games with his heart. And his fingers. And foot. It's rude.
  • Street Trickster - His first trick: making your wallet disappear!
  • Grimestreet Smuggler - She's got anything you want. Need the latest derpinger? No problem!
  • Friendly Bartender - "What'll it be? A Jade Brew? A Grimy Goose? A Kabal Manatini?"
  • Blowgill Sniper - Imagine how much further his darts would go if he had lungs instead of gills!
  • Gadgetzan Socialite - Comment on her height, and she'll go from flapper to kneecapper in seconds flat.
  • Mistress of Mixtures - Her favorite mixture is cola and lime.

Official Patch Notes

Quote From Blizzard

The Tavern’s never been more rough and tumble! This Hearthstone update paves the way for the arrival of The Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, Hearthstone’s latest expansion. Join three crime families as they vie for power in the back alleys of Gadgetzan with all-new Tri-Class cards, and a gritty game board featuring each of the city’s districts. This update also adds several swanky new card backs and fixes some bugs.

Read on for details!

The Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

  • The following card backs have been added.

Jade Lotus

Grimy Goons


  • And perhaps one more card back to come, should the stars align. . .
  • A search for missing in the Collection Manager will now automatically switch you to Crafting Mode and find any cards that you are missing or don’t already own two or more copies of.
  • Several cards now properly generate a history tile when played.
  • We’ve implemented numerous AI improvements and bug fixes.
  • We fixed a client issue that could occur when playing multiple spells while Archmage Antonidas is in play.
  • We fixed a Spectator Mode issue that could occur when Raven Idol is played.
  • Various UI & text issues have been resolved.


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