Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Just Challenge Everything!

Last updated 2 years, 9 months ago
  • Archetype Control
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 25800
  • Your Cost 25800
Nifty129's Avatar Banned -1

Every deck is just about doing its own thing these days, so let's just challenge everything and win with the combination of free attacks and removal

---lines of play---

1. Challenging for value is play number 1, we want our challengers to survive attacks to trade up and level j4

2. Rallying for extra value challenges, and cataclysm for the same

3. Once J4 comes down leveled we get infinite value challenges which usually wins

4. Sneaky Renekton win con,  cataclysm into a rally will insta level, and now the control deck has become more aggressive


Against anything aggressive full mulligan for brightsteel and bird

If its a slower deck you can feel free to prioritize presevarium it's an on curve card advantage tool.

Attacking on odds, we have good 3 drops to stabilize so you might keep just 1.

On evens vulnerable into renekton is good in slower matchups

If things are ice age slow you might even keep j4

---the decks climbing up Plat With a possitive winrate not sure if I'll grind to diamond or just chill---

Final  note dont run papa J or J boat he sucks, run the surima 7 drop instead, he offers huge value challenges with cataclysm debuffing the opponents board with every attack, and presents lethal opportunities

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