Marvel Snap Realm

Marvel Snap

3 Characters

Marvel Snap Locations

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Location Text
The Hub
Add a random card to each player's hand.
Add a random card to each player's hand.
The Space Throne
Only one card can be here for each player.
Only one card can be here for each player.
The Superflow
If you have no cards here, +1 energy each turn.
If you have no cards here, +1 energy each turn.
The Vault
On turn 6, cards can’t be played here.
On turn 6, cards can’t be played here.
Tinkerer's Workshop
+1 Energy this turn.
+1 Energy this turn.
6-Cost cards cost 1 less.
6-Cost cards cost 1 less.
Swap the positions of each location.
Swap the positions of each location.
Cards here can't be destroyed.
Cards here can't be destroyed.
Wakandan Embassy
Give +2 Power to cards in players' hands.
Give +2 Power to cards in players' hands.
Washington D.C.
Cards here with no abilities have +3 Power.
Cards here with no abilities have +3 Power.
Both players draw from their opponent's decks.
Both players draw from their opponent's decks.
Turns into a new location on turn 4.
Turns into a new location on turn 4.
Destroy the other locations.
Destroy the other locations.
At the end of turn 3, add a random card here for each player.
At the end of turn 3, add a random card here for each player.
Cards here have +1 Power.
Cards here have +1 Power.
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