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Joined 03/21/2019 Achieve Points 950 Posts 1476

Almaniarra's Comments

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 3 months, 4 weeks ago

    Yaaay armor for everyone, first priest now Shaman, let's break class identity even more...


    Also , Mana Tide Totem cries in the corner

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 3 months, 4 weeks ago

    The Stars Align would be better comparison.

    The Azerite Murloc = The Stars Align + for deck and battlefield.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 months ago

    I can't really decide on which is more disturbing, Ramp Druid or Token Druid;

    and in every set it is one or the other...

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 months ago

    I played almost all top mobas from day 1 for like 3 - 4 years. Even 10 years some; DotA 1, LoL, HoN, HoTS, Smite. I quit playing mobas mostly. Nowadays, when i feel like i want to play moba occasionally, i login to HoTS every time for some aram matches.

    I feel you, we are too old for mobas. :P

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    I guess that's why gaming world returned to single player products at the first place and that's why they are more successful than online ones. There are just so much online games that people already keep playing and Time is the inevitable limited resource. I mean a day is already 24 hours, there are more good games than a person can play daily. Single player games at least finishes at some point but online games are becoming addictions in time so people just don't and can't even try newer online games.

    Look at us, for how many years are we playing Hearthstone now ? We can't just let it go because of our progression etc. It is lke sunk cost but for time instead of money.

    That's also why online games like GTA Online etc. also successful. Their progression is like that if you stop playing for 2-3 years you are not losing anything at all when you would return unlike mmorpgs. Some companies aware of that some like this one not it seems.

    These all are personal opinions though but i feel like they are close to facts.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 1 week ago

    As expected; Baldur's Gate III swept up the awards.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 1 week ago

    I'm happy and sad at the same time;

    Happy because after all those leaks, we have finally an official data and release date(ish)

    Sad because I don't use consoles and there are still at least 2 or 3 years for the actual release for me.


    Can't wait to see some gameplay trailer tho. My expectations about game systems and mechanics like new inventory system etc. are huge after the leaks. I hope they had not change those drastically. I mean, I don't like to take my rocket launcher out from my ass. Bag as car like how it is on RDR 2 is great if you ask me and also grabbing some hostages, even robbing them with some threats might be great in a GTA world. I don't even know why these were not things until sixth game.

    Anyways, my hopes are high. I am expecting a good game. I don't even mind if graphics are bad or good. Some people claims that trailer is CGI but I don't think so. Rockstar never did that before. Also, even if it is CGI, my expectations about GTA were never related to graphics.


    Anyways, this took longer than i anticipated. I am just looking for gameplay trailers now.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 5 months, 1 week ago

    Personally speaking, I came when hearthpwn stuff happened and one of the first members of the site. I am not actively commenting anymore because of general online decisions. I am finding myself in some awkward discussions and i can't sense why people comment anymore because online world changed drastically in time. I was used to see geniune comments but nowadays people writes they don't think sometimes, trolling etc. so i stopped commenting but i am visiting almost on a daily basis.

    If i have to come in the discussion of the change of ooc into oog, I'm quite happy with it because I already love this site and staff and articles they created and now I don't have to visit other websites to at least to be heard about some other games, releases etc. It is my personal thoughts and i tried to introduce this website my irl friends/family etc.

    That being said it is not just about how you guys succeed or not. There's the behavioral truth that people don't tend to change their habits, especially when it comes to daily-basis stuff. I introduced this website a lot of people, they loved it, followed for a week then they just forgot about it and went back to their main website/source to check about games. Almost all did the same unfortunately. I can give a deeper example of my brother. We are living in same house, he knows I'm following this site on a daily-basis. He likes the site, likes the articles, likes the stuff how and what you guys are promoting but because of his habits he just follows other game news websites and forgets about it and when i say him "you can check these all on OOG" he returns me as "oh , there was a site like that, wasn't there ?" every once in a month.

    So my conclusion is that, You are in a very hard competition with other game news sites and with all my respects people just forget what happens here even if they love them. There needs to be something to remember in my opinion. We older guys are visiting the site on a daily basis because we just remember you and how you were as we moved here from Hearthpwn together. Your case with Hearthpwn was also our case and we didn't like how they act so we moved here together so that binded us with you in a way that new people here can't understand or care. That's good for us and you guys but isn't enough to expand the website. Newer people never going to know nor they will or should care and they are never going to embrace or be attached to this site as once we had so there needs to be something more.

    There are a lot of people in online world who might even to not like the site just because "Your card game enthusiast community" is written under Out of Games if you want to stick with "All game titles" idea for example. I know that there are all kinds of people and you can't act according to those types but there needs to be a general base of the appeal.

    So, In my honest opinion, Hearthpwn stuff should be forgotten and you guys should keep moving on the idea of "what can we do to be more recognizable and rememberable." The "rememberable" part is the most important one in my opinion because of what i have experienced when i try to introduce this website to people I know. They like it and forget it. The key part is that with all my respects of course.

    Keep up with your good work. I love to be part of this website even i don't comment more than I used to !

    In reply to Site health check?
  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 6 months ago

    None in my opinion.

    I don't think we or authorities which creates award events should reward remasters or remakes. It sounds weird to me to give an award to a game that already took the same award before. It might sound like all-star awards between good old games but didn't we already do that before. Let's talk about an example and pretend like we awarded a game with a game of the year reward. Giving the same game Remaster of the year simply is the same reward.

    It might sound weird to you but I even don't think remastering should exist and/or should be promoted by community. In my opinion, these promotes are stonewalling the posibilities of new and unique products. I mean, gaming world already is so limited with original ideas, games around have already same mechanics with a little different tweaks. Most of unique games come from indie world nowadays, most of AAA games are simply use either old and boring system/mechanics or same system/mechanics with another AAA product and my concerns I talked about above step in this exact point. Most of remakes and remasters are old AAA games. Promoting and rewarding these causes two bad things in my opinion; first is, it promotes old systems/mechanics so community wants more of them and people get same games with new cosmetics like an undead with make-up which is rotten inside but beautiful to look at. Second, game companies starts to make more remakes and remasters or they create new games with systems/mechanics those remakes or old games have because it can be sold easier than a new unique system/mechanic because they were embraced and loved before. You can understand that, it is a simple human behavior to abstain from unknown.

    I think this is also a bit about new generation vs. old generation people. You can make a little search and find tons of comments/threads in manners as "the real mmo was runescape, the games you are playing now are not really mmos" etc. or vice versa like "Stick with your rusty old games with old technology while we play betters" etc. So old guys want their old games back with new tech, and young guys have no problem with old games as soon as they have new tech and it causes my concerns become problems. They and I all are playing old systems and mechanics with new cosmetics and in my opinion that's bad for ecosystem of gaming world.

    This situation here is same with graphics card issue. Today, you can play almost all games with ultra quality on 1080p with a middle or worse tier card and we all know that most generic way of gaming is 1080p but 2k/4k gaming happened and it is a complete shit show in my opinion.Gaming companies creates technologies for 4k and tries to market that. There is no tech leap for better quality. Sources of gamers (which is either your devices' raw power/ability and your money) goes to 4k instead of better visual systems. There is the technology to create almost realistic CGI but we can't see them in gameplay because we need to spend our resources to 4k. This is a pitiful marketing trick and i really hate it so much.

    So, remakes and remasters does the same thing to systems and mechanics as what 4k does to graphics technology. It causes a loop to make us play the same thing over and over again. It is easier for companies to remake games instead of creating new and risky ideas and I honestly think that we shouldn't promote them if we want new cool systems or mechanics or even new genres.

    Don't get me wrong, if i was 18 years old and never played an old game before and want to try that, i also want it to have new tech so remakes have that opportunity, young people can enjoy what an old guy enjoyed before but there should be a limit in my opinion.

    I'm 32 years old, if you give me a The Might&Magic: Heroes III remake, i can play it for a year now but I faced the truth that if i stuck my old enjoyements, I can never taste newer ones so we should let it go and give a chance to new and unique stuff. We must be brave if we want to see development and growth in technologies and systems. Think about a planet with its natives. If you have better technology to go there, you will invade it, you will name it like they didn't, you will educate them and assimilate them like they have no history, like what Europe did on natives of Americas before. If you don't, they will do the same to you.

    This remakes and remasters delay and milk us. We deserve new unique games and genres with better systems and mechanics instead of undeads with make-up.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 7 months, 4 weeks ago

    So, Priest's theme is 2 in 1 ?

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 8 months, 1 week ago

    Sorry guys but I don't agree with C'Thun opinions of you.

    I mean, I can't deny that C'thun decks are good for climbing and they are effective but it is not fun if you ask me, especially after the long standard ladder with Sire Denathrius and Astalor Bloodsworn. It doesn't feel good to lose to same mechanic in a 2 year period and both cards are still ending games in standard.

    I don't think that the focus of the Caverns of Time is the right decision. This mechanic is overly used in Hearthstone in latest times already.

    Don't get me wrong, I know I am able to play bunch of other effective decks and I'm happy with Twist's current meta. There are a lot of options for me other than C'thun decks but it still haunts me to experience the same finisher again and again for 2 years.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 8 months, 1 week ago
    Quote From linkblade91

    I like C'Thun quite a lot, and Jade Shaman too, but now's probably the best opportunity I have to flash my fancy golden N'Zoth, the Corruptor. Just...don't know what to do with it lol

    You can try some Big paladin with Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound and Redemption + Getaway Kodo. N'Zoth, the Corruptor is a good addition with Sludge Belcher, Sylvanas Windrunner and Chillmaw etc.

    Not the best deck but at least it is not a total loss if you ask me.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 8 months, 1 week ago
    Quote From dapperdog

     considering that in standard you'd probably die in half that time nearly every game.

    I know right ! I was being silly with good old mill rogue and I am shocked that how I last more than 10 turns on some games unless there is a pirate warrior.

    More than that, I can finally feel like playing a mid-range deck with Dragon Priest. I realized that mid-range in hearthstone's standard currently in a bad position. Battleground clustering is not a thing in standard anymore. Thanks to twist i can experience this thing again.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 8 months, 2 weeks ago

    What a twist !


  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    Quote From dapperdog

    I dont really like how team5 implemented the titans to be honest. The problem is that they allow titans to be copy-able, so it really gives advantages to classes that can easily do that. Team5 made rogue's titan one of the weakest (for obvious reasons) but then allow priest to keep aman'thul at its current state, where they just keep spamming copy until you eventually run out of options to remove the 10 health it has.

    Of course, that's partially why we dont really see much of the titans at all, because you just know against some classes they're just waiting for you to do that. Part of the reason why eonar can never really see play is because it gives your opponent such a massive advantage simply by copying it.

    The best titans are those that has 1 good move, or cannot really benefit your opponent. Or its an aggro deck that doesnt care.

    I agree with this, Titans should have had a rule like, for example a "Mythic" card, a new rarity, their gem on image might be red-ish but same drop chance from packs with legendaries and rules like "You can control only one mythic card" and "Mythic cards can't be copied or discovered" etc. like a legendary card rule-set for MTG. It would open a new way to create new sets too.

    That being said, this might bring some other issues with community like "hey, what if we can't find one in a pack" and raise some p2w discussions but that would be more healthy for gameplay imho.

    It would make Titan cards cooler too.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    Quote From Saint
    Quote From Almaniarra

    and mage discovers everything,

    and rogue discovers everything,

    and death knight discovers everything and sits on 70 health

    and warrior sits on 50 armor

    and shaman unendlessly fill board and his hand

    and demon hunter draws a lot with mana cheat

    and druid brings huge monsters so early with full board and ramps and gains huge armor

    and paladin discovers a lot and mana cheats and fills his hand with mechs

    and warlock mana cheats a lot disrupts your turn with abyssals a lot

    and hunter copies beasts a lot with mana cheating


    Let's make classes relying on their Hero Powers and make Hearthstone great again !


    I mean, All classes are represented in the ladder right now with one or more type of deck. What's the problem ? Every other class can find something to whine about from another. If it bothers you, play that class or just stop playing, it is damn 2023 with thousands of games around. You can easily find another title to enjoy.

    Shut the fuck u

    That was my response to your whine, glad you understand.

    I thought that would be rude tho, at least you got me.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 8 months, 2 weeks ago

    and mage discovers everything,

    and rogue discovers everything,

    and death knight discovers everything and sits on 70 health

    and warrior sits on 50 armor

    and shaman unendlessly fill board and his hand

    and demon hunter draws a lot with mana cheat

    and druid brings huge monsters so early with full board and ramps and gains huge armor

    and paladin discovers a lot and mana cheats and fills his hand with mechs

    and warlock mana cheats a lot disrupts your turn with abyssals a lot

    and hunter copies beasts a lot with mana cheating


    Let's make classes relying on their Hero Powers and make Hearthstone great again !


    I mean, All classes are represented in the ladder right now with one or more type of deck. What's the problem ? Every other class can find something to whine about from another. If it bothers you, play that class or just stop playing, it is damn 2023 with thousands of games around. You can easily find another title to enjoy.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 8 months, 3 weeks ago

    Okay, I said that I don't like to idea of Twist Set to be released but I have to admit that it is nice to see cards like Time-Lost Raptor which infuses set exclusive mechanics into one.

    Nice job on that card and some others. I'm not speaking of effectivity here. I just have to admit now that Twist/Wild exclusive sets opens new area of card types.

    Old God Signatures are lovely too !

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 8 months, 3 weeks ago

    I agree with you here, this is all about Twist. Caverns of Time is a Twist Expansion in disguise of Wild Expansion and all balance changes will be related to that. It is probably a marketing move to be able to say "hey wild players ! look ! We don't forget you ! "

    But it is the truth time now. Wild players left to the dust once again.

    BUT, there is another sad truth Wild players need to face, including me. Card games do rotations just for that, balancing difficulties. They just don't want to balance things for Wild already. It consumes time and man power for them which they can use it for standard and release new stuff or modes like Twist.

    I am pissed off a lot, but if i need to say honestly, it is understandable for a point. They are released a new mode and now they want to make it work and the mod is more awaited one than merceneries. Of course they will release stuff and balance cards for that mode but honestly, This marketing style makes it disgusting for me. Why just can't they say balance for Twist ? I don't even think that single thing changes for wild.

    I always wanted a mode with rotation of old expansions. Twist is a mode for me probably but it shouldn't have its own expansions in my opinion. This whole move is understandable but is just a joke.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 950 1476 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 8 months, 4 weeks ago
    Quote From dapperdog

    - Fate Splitter should work as per the card description. It shouldn't be working as it is currently with From De Other Side

    It already is working as the card description. If you don't attack with Fate Splitter, it dies to From De Other Side. At least it was my experience, i didn't try or see that if it keeps giving a copy of From De Other Side if you trade with Fate Splitter.

    Quote From Neoguli

    What is the interaction with Fate Splitter and From De Other Side?

    Back on the topic, perhaps it could be Spirit of the Frog, as the deck could probably kill faster than Blizzard wants the games to last for, and I would not be surprised if it was even banned. Or perhaps a nerf to Flash Lightning to hit the deck variants in both Standard and Wild. For other classes, perhaps Sif and something Hunter nerf?

    Fate Splitter gives back From De Other Side if you let it die to From De Other Side.

    So it causes unending board fill with Blightblood Berserker at fatigue. It doesn't have to be fatigue as long as you have them on hand tho. You just need 2x Blightblood Berserker with 1x Fate Splitter.


    Back to the topic, I believe Blood DK's maximum health gains started to be most disturbing mechanic of the game. I mean, you can gain a lot of health without anything to spend and you draw cards. You had to play 7 deathrattle cards and spend 5 mana to gain +10 health with priest back then in the times of Amara, Warden of Hope. That's just ridiculous.

    It is also not just that, DK needs a real rework in my opinion. A class shouldn't be capable of everything on every time. I can understand that in an expansion it has token synergy, the other it has control setups etc. but DK has all synergies on same time period. It has draw engine, aggro engine, control engine, token engine, combo engine, heal engine and even have anti synergy for Highlander Decks for wild with TITANS etc. Dk needs a rework. Its class identity is just a lot for Hearthstone. Look at Demon Hunter, it has its own good things and bad things but DK is just good at everything and that's not fun in my opinion.

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