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  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    This is something I noted/complained of years back. Shaman gets burdened with a disadvantageous "advantage" in Overload while Druid's native advantages (mana ramp, stall) negate Overload's disadvantages quite nicely, so Bloom becomse a much nastier Druid tool than a Shaman one. Instead of fixing it, Devs consider this a feature -- after all, this plays to Druids' strengths.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Caria didn't. Blizz, like many game companies, is effectively a cult of the new -- the newest product must be protected. Xhilag has the highest value because of novelty, Caria less so for the opposite reason, so Caria gets rendered basically worthless (she was borderline at 6 in the first place). Xhilag can't be made into a larger value proposition because DH doesn't have any tools to make a value deck work in Standard -- it's aggro/tempo or nothing -- and it can't be buffed any further without making it an instawin when you highroll and face an empty board with it.

    They could have done something clever and given Caria something else to balance out her 7-mana hit, but it's simply easier to delete the older card entirely.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago

    Diablo spells will give Naga a boost -- not enough to make up for Stormscale Siren, but not nothing.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago

    The Mystery Node rework described above precludes the Mysterious Stranger being available unless the description was inaccurate. Mysterious Stranger isn't a bonus that appears at the end of the Bounty as that description holds.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago

    There would have to be a new way to trigger the task chain for a given character -- otherwise, one would be forced to rely on daily random procs, which is practically impossible. That feature is the most important one that we'd need to know about.

  • Auspicious's Avatar
    205 186 Posts Joined 05/30/2022
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago

    It is possible to do this with a Murloc opener and few losses.

    I stumbled upon this solution when first determining that if you get the Start of Game Murloc stat bonus treasures and stack them, you can possibly kill the cart on round 1. This was a poor plan. First of all, Murky has absolute shit treasure design and his selections are full of awfulness, while several other Murlocs also have bad treasures, meaning you'll have to retire several runs a quarter-in due to simple bad rolls. Second, summons don't get the bonus, which makes hitting the requisite attack values extremely difficult.

    But this leads us to the actual strategy here: fill the board. Use the Murky item that lets him Battlecry Murloc summons and give him the treasure that reduces cooldowns -- or give it to Old Murk Eye. Either way, summon something on Round 1. None of your attacks matter -- just don't lose any units.

    The cart will attempt to switch sides -- then immediately shatter because your board is full.

    I had no idea that switching units suicided rather than smash one of your minions. For one thing, that makes Hot Potato actually very rarely useful, which is shocking. But here, it means you instantly jump to phase two of the fight.

    I used Murky, Old Murk-Eye, and Morgl the Oracle. Murk-Eye needs to have the Divine Shield while attacking item. The rest of my comp was Nature: Malfurion Stormrage, Guff Runetotem, and Cookie, the Cook (4 Murlocs were used because, again, I was originally fishing for that stat-bonus treasure and needed to maximize the number of instances.)

    On turn two, since the cart is smashed, Cooler will go into murder mode. Use Murky to divine shield-up your minions (Nature combo with Morgl) and Morgl to keep Murk-Eye healthy as he is your only real damage. Morgl can, and likely will, fall to Popsicooler. Malfurion comes out to entangle Popsicooler, giving you more time to beat it down. Confection Cyclone is your next target.

    (If you're using a different method to lock down Popsicooler for longer than just one round, destroy Confection first -- it stacks Frost damage.)

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