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boinkydoinky's Comments

  • boinkydoinky's Avatar
    180 25 Posts Joined 03/20/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I'm personally not sold on either the base version or the prime version of this card, but interestingly enough this is the only prime that can be tutored out of deck, since it's 1 mana and can be hit by Skydiving Instructor.

    It's kind of cute but I'm just not seeing Reliquary Prime as being good enough to win games. Gets destroyed by all kinds of non-targetting destruction - Flik, Twisting Nether, the new Warlock legendary, Brawl, Deadly Shot, I mean, Zephrys annhilates this card. The whole buff gameplan this card wants to fit in doesn't have the draw for this.

    Does this go into Res Priest? Honestly, probably not. Res Priest wins Control games without needing this card - just play Galakrond and don't play Bad Luck Albatross. Against Aggro decks Res Priest needs their Turn 9 Mass Resurrection or Catrina Muerte to be impactful - summoning a 1/3 is not enough defense.

  • boinkydoinky's Avatar
    180 25 Posts Joined 03/20/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    You know, this could be a kind of cool package within the existing Galakrond Zoo.

    You don't run the new Nightshade Matron, but you do run Expired Merchant. Most people are rightly pointing out that you can't put Galakrond and Kronx in a deck with this card because discarding them with Nightshade Matron is really bad. But discarding them with Expired Merchant just might be the late game gas that Zoo needs against slower decks.

    Running this card and Expired Merchant as a small discard package might push existing Galakrond Zoo in a slower direction. Throw in the new Prime, Imprisoned Scrap Imp and maybe even the new Enhanced Dreadlord and you've got a midrangey-ish Zoolock.

  • boinkydoinky's Avatar
    180 25 Posts Joined 03/20/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Can you believe they powercrept Ravenholdt Assassin by basically a full Ravenholdt Assassin?

    That being said though, I doubt this card sees play regardless. It's a powerful deathrattle for sure, but it's no Leeroy for Aggro decks. People have mentioned Necrium Apothecary, but a 7/5 with Stealth is probably not that much better than [Hearthstone Card (Anibusath Warbringer) Not Found] or Mechanical Whelp. Granted, this card is better as standalone than either of those options, but Rogue likely never wants to play the card they draw off of Necrium Apothecary anyways.

    Does this go in Stealth decks? Honestly maybe not, since it doesn't have strong synergies with the stealth minions, given that all the stealth synergy cards want the stealth to be on the board and the opponent can play around that by not giving you a way to kill off your Cursed Vagrant

    Is there some kind of lategame Rogue that's looking for big threats? Again, probably not, because lategame Rogue has never existed.

    Regardless, I think it's a cool card that will see experimentation.


  • boinkydoinky's Avatar
    180 25 Posts Joined 03/20/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Well guys, 

    All good things must come to an end. And one of those good things coming to an end with this rotation is Mecha'thun.

    Another good thing coming to an end is Venomizer + Missile Launcher

    Since Boomsday I've been toying around with this concept, and here is the latest (and last) iteration:

    I thought I'd take this chance to spread the gospel of Mecha'thun one last time.

    If anyone else has a cool Mecha'thun deck, I'd love to take a look.

  • boinkydoinky's Avatar
    180 25 Posts Joined 03/20/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Cute card, but unfortunately Murloc Paladin will not work. (neither will Murloc Dragon Paladin) With the 4 mana 3/2 Murloc Tastyfin rotating out there is no longer any method to draw this card. Tip the Scales just puts the Murloc on board, wasting the Prime version's Battlecry. To be fair, neither the base version nor the prime version are particularly bad off of TtS, but it's not the powerspike that Murloc Paladin needed to be competitive.

    Another possible application is in a control Paladin deck which just wants a big late game board as part of their win-condition, but that also seems unlikely. Librams probably aren't looking for this card, and Control Paladin seems dead without solid late game win cons and Shrink Ray.

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