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Joined 03/14/2019 Achieve Points 170 Posts 59

Boozor's Comments

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Rating (1=excellent, 2=good, 3=average, 4=poor, 5=terrible)

    Plaguebringer (1): Plague Scientist was a pretty high quality pick, this card is probably better on average since it can be played for 4 mana whereas the Scientist usually requires more mana to play. Insane card for Rogue compared to Vanish which it's replacing (at least for Arena).  

    Radiance (5): How can they make a card worse then Iron Hide. Yep. 

    Siegebreaker (2): It's a worse Furious Ettin, but there are some demon synergies floating around and can surprise buff tokens or an Infernal. It's a buff for Bane of Doom as well.  

    Gift of the Wild (4): I don't think I'd draft this card ever, but it really depends. It's such a situational buff card and needs to hit at least 3 minions to be "average". It's expensive, but in the right deck, this can be useful. The problem is that druid has plenty of board buff cards already.  

    Righteousness (4): Hand of Protection costs 1 mana. This has more potential, but lose a lot of flexibility. I feel it's much worse, and HoP is already a slightly average card. 

    Brightwing (2): Should be fine. It's not premium, but a very decent value card.  

    High Inquisitor Whitemane (1): It's a strong card no doubt with decent stats for the cost so it's playable without the upside. Revive 1 minion and it's already a huge swing. 

    Barrens Stablehand (3): If you low roll, it's a 7 mana, 4/4 + 1/1, if you high roll you're probably talking about a 12/12 worth of stats for 7 mana. The in between is probably between a 4/4, so it'll be OK, although a bit too random for my liking.  

    SI:7 Infiltrator (3): Solidly average card with upside. 5/4's aren't that great right now since Piloted Shredders are everywhere though.  

    Arcane Devourer (4): Card seems awful. The base stats are undraftable and requirements multiple spells to to be worth the heavy investment. Might fit in some memey Mages with their small spells.  

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Need to pray to RNGesus before you start your run. 

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    The base scores are mostly correct.

    The deck building algorithm that is used to adjusted the scores can be wildly off.  


    The app is a good second opinion, but it will be less and less useful as you become better and more experienced. 

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Barista Lynchen (2): Solid card, 1 hit and it's good. Anything mores this really great value. Battlecries are the most valuable types of minions so we pick a lot of them naturally in Arena.  

    The Boom Reaver(2): It's a pretty good card, definitely above average with potential to blow the game open. Immediate initiative and a ton of Stats. Pulling almost any minion makes this card at least average. 

    Conjurer's Calling (1): Too many busted things with this card. It should have been "enemy" minion only, it should have been "summinion 2 copies for my opponent", and it shouldn't have been a Twinspell. As it is, it's off the chain powerful if you can use it.  

    Exotic Mountseller (3): Seems okay. There are some solid 3 cost beasts and you'll rarely do too poorly with any 3 drop beast. The base stats are strong enough to survive a turn so it has a better chance of seeing value.  

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Scargil(3): 4 mana 4/4 is okay. The murloc synergy will likely have minimal impact on it's overall effectiveness.  

    Arcane Fletcher (4): Other then Hunter I don't see this card being draftable. Even in Hunter it's rarely going to be correct to draft this.  

    Azerite Elemental (3): Probably playable just as a 5 drop, but the delayed spell damage is a bit of a pain, but it's a nice boost if it lives 1 turn.  

    Darkest Hour(5): Overcosted and RNG dependent as well as situation dependent. Un-draftable.  

    Jumbo Imp (3): Not a huge fan of this, but it's still a big drop and has some synergies in this class. Playable demons seem to be more common as well.  

    Magic Carpet (4): The ability shouldn't go off that often, as a 3 drop the 1/6 is not good enough most of the time. 

    Portal Overfiend (3): Should be decent, it's unstatted but the 2/2s have value and initiative when drawn. 

    Waggle Pick (2): First 4 damage weapon for Rogue. The deathrattle is only bad when the weapon gets oozed. Otherwise it's controllable and more often then not, a benefit as opposed to a draw back.  

    Whirlwind Tempest (5): Undraftable. There isn't many windfury minions to begin with.

    Witch's Brew (5): Near undraftable. It's flexibility does not make up for the fact that healing is generally not worth the card by itself.  

    Arcane Watcher (5): Better then Ancient Watcher, but that doesn't mean that much.  

    Convincing Infiltrator (2): It's similar to Gloomtrogg 1/5 taunt poison minion in strength. It's good but it shouldn't be compared to Obsidian Statue.  

    Hunting Party (5): Undraftable. Need 3 hits to break even to pre nerf Nourish, as a Hunter, this seems like an impossible feat on T5 or later.  

    Impferno (3): Arcane Explosion with a Demon buff. It's okay as a small AOE with occasional upside.  

    Kirin Tor Tricaster (3): Worse then Cosmic Anomaly. The body is bad on T4, and the spell restriction hurts it's ability to be played with big spells on the same turn.  

    Mad Summoner (5): It's a net 3/3 for 6 mana on an empty board, so you'll need to find a way to remove their board and preserve your board to make this worth while. 

    Mysterious Blade (2): Early initiative for Paladin is great. It's a fine weapon, and the secret set up on T1 is very possible.  

    Portal Keeper (3): Slightly worse then it's 5/6 brother, but still a viable pick and has potential to trade up as well.  

    Recurring Villain (2): Small stat discount for a huge value and tempo play if you can squeeze +1 attack. It's also reoccuring so effects like Stormwind Champion make it a huge threat.  

    Sunreaver Warmage (3): This is going to be average in some classes but goes up in other classes. Its a huge tempo swing if it goes off.  

    Sweeping Strikes (2): I think this card is very powerful. It'll potentially 2 for 1 easily. This will be an interesting 1 off in Warrior decks. Be mindful of your positioning against Warriors!  

    Tunnel Blaster (4): This seems worth then Abomination. It's more expensive, harder to kill off and comes in the late game where 3 damage is less impactful.  

    Underbelly Angler (2): Very powerful card for Shaman if they can pull this off. Almost no downside to this card with potential huge upside. 

    Underbelly Ooze (5): Undraftable unless you're Paladin or have access to buffs. Summoning 2x 3/4s (after receiving 1 damage) is not winning the game for this mana investment.  

    Arcane Servant (3): Average 2 drop with Elemental tag.  

    Blessing of the Ancients (3): Expensive but flexible, seems fair.  

    Burly Shovelfist (1): For what it is, it's great. Whether the meta will allow taking multiple 9 drops, we'll see. If anything it'll benefit from the lack of large removals in the upcoming meta.  

    Dalaran Crusader (1): Great card, will be meta defining 5 drop for this set.  

    Dalaran Librarian (3): 2 drop with upside. Seems solid.  

    Daring Escape (5): Un-draftable. Significantly worse then Shadow Step, which is already a fringe card to draft.  

    Eccentric Scribe (1): Neutral Savannah Highmane. It's a 6 drop so you can't take a bunch of these in a deck. Its comparable to Violet Wurm or Piloted Sky Golem. Candidate for best neutral in the new set and potentially meta defining.  

    Faceless Rager (2): It'll be good, but don't mistaken it for a 3 drop.  

    Flight Master (3): It's draftable, but I have a bad feeling about this card. It's not a great turn 3, because your best result is a 3/4. It also allows smaller minions to trade up.

    Hench-Clan Shadequill (1): This card is a nightmare. It's in the class that will benefit from it the most, and hurt from it's draw back the least. 7 hp will mean this thing kills a bunch of stuff and gets healed to stabilize the early game for Priest. The lack of poisonous minions in the meta means this thing will almost never go down to 1 card. It's insane.   

    Heroic Innkeeper (3): Need 2 minions for this to be good, anything more pushes it into premium territory.  

    Magic Dart Frog (4): Are you okay with a 2 mana 1/3 ? The ability isn't even worth considering if it's not the optimal play.  

    Mana Reservoir (5): Undraftable.

    Mutate (2): I like this card at 0 mana. It'll give some punish turns for sure. 

    Potion Vendor(3): Good effect, but body is not very useful. Not a great T1 either so it's best held for it's ability.  

    Proud Defender (2): Solid card that has some good interactions that you can manipulate in your favor. Fair, and balanced, but good.  

    Rapid Fire (3): Synergies with spell damage, otherwise over costed for it's flexibility.  

    Safeguard (3): It's fine and might be better then we think. The body is weak for it's mana cost, but it's quite a bit of HP to chew through.  

    Soul of the Murloc (3): Should be okay. Needs 2 hits to be playable for it's mana cost. In Shaman, probably not an issue.  

    Spellbook Binder(3): 2 drop with upside, seems fine.  

    Sunreaver Spy (3) Average okay with upside.  

    Toxfin (3): I think sure this card is going to be better then expected. It combos well with Hench Clan Hag and of course Shaman has plenty of murloc triggers. It's has minimal downside as well as a 1 mana 1/2. 

    Unsleeping Soul (3): A worse Molten Reflection. The silence effect feels like a negative, but will likely not matter most of the time.  

    Ursatron (3): Fair stats that draws a card seems fine.

    Vicious Scraphound (3): It's cute, and should net you at least 2 armor for it's understatted body.  

    Violet Spellsword (3): 1 spell to break even, 2 spells to be good, 3 spells to be excellent. Bit tough, but probably overall an average card.  

    Violet Warden (2): Seems good actually. There's not that many taunts in this expansion, and this one is solid with 7hp and spell bonus which is relevant at times.  

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Archivist Elysiana (3): I can see this working out in some spots. Playing it will be tricky, but I can see some upside with this to make up for the initial tempo loss. 

    Hench-Clan Hag (2): It's going to be at least an above average, potentially meta defining neutral minion. I like the stat distribution a bit better then Grim Necromancer

    Dimensional Ripper (5): Should be undraftable for Arena. 10 mana to pull 2 minions of various quality, ew.    

    Shimmerfly (2): It's comparable and worse then Babbling Book , but still a decent card, and a beast as well. 

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Archmage Vargoth (3) - Playable as a 4 mana 2/6, but effect can be a drawback, or a potential blow out. On average probably does nothing.  

    Tak Nozwhisker (3) - Needs support to realize true value, but a 6/6 for 7 can be playable, especially considering the amount of bad legendaries out there.  

    Desperate Measures (2) - As far as secret goes, it's probably playable since it confuses your opponent and yourself, and gives you a 2 for 1 card.  

    Big Bad Archmage (3) - It's a weak play initially, but has the potential to snowball out of control. For 10 mana, it's a stretch to take without initiative. We will see which bucket it ends up in.  

    Call to Adventure (4) - Likely to be underwhelming especially if you draw a 1 drop and play it as a 4 drop for example. Would have been better to draw a random minion. Has some value since it's a draw, deck thinning and tempo buff, but I don't think this is that great. 

    Underbelly Fence (2) - The upside is really strong, but we'll see how viable the thief strategy is upon release.  

    Aranasi Broodmother (2) - Druid of the Claw is an excellent minion at 5 mana. This doesn't require casting to gain the heal which can potentially be very strong. As a 4/6 Taunt for 6 is a bit underwhelming, but still playable. 

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Catrina Muerte (1): Should be an awesome card. True minion win condition for Priest. Anything over 2 mana should break even, anything more can be absolutely insane.  

    Lucentbark (3): Stat wise is pretty mediocre, however with some heal support the deathrattle offers solid value. It's a lackluster legendary, but there are way worse picks.  

    Batterhead (2): It'll probably be decent. The kill effect limit's it's effectiveness, but It's similar to Sul'Thraze in that it can kill multiple minions if you "kill" a minion. It has weaker initial damage, can't swing face, and costs an extra 2 mana though to preserve your health which could be worth while.

    Crystalsong Portal (2): Draw 3 for 3 is awesome. The discover effect is not very impressive for 3 mana though. Since this is Arena, the likelihood of playing this while exhausted of minions is not guarenteed. However, it's a good refill card in the late game for a class that lacks refill, and druid generally has solid class minions.  

    Nine Lives (3): A solid value card potentially, but for a class that rarely drafts towards value. Feels awkward.  

    Dreamway Guardians (2): Is playing 2x [Hearthstone Card (Firefly) Not Found] that impressive on turn 2? Not really. The lifesteal is not relevant early, and the bodies are not relevant late. It's a great value card for 2 mana, but feels well balanced. Obviously great with buff cards.   

    Eager Underling (4): Need a board for this to potentially be good. The effect is also a deathrattle making it potential zero value. It's unplayable as a 4 mana play or as a minion by itself, and basically only a win more card. 

    Lifeweaver (2): Decent defensive stat distribution, with a very powerful effect. Can be a cheap trigger for some value cards, or can be played as a reasonable 3 drop. It's also a pseudo taunt since the effect is so good. 

    Magic Trick (3): Smaller spells would generally yield lower impact cards, so that's a big of a drawback. However, a smaller pool means more predictability which could potentially be very good if you needed something specific. A small investment, and probably decent depending on it's bucket.  

    Plot Twist (3): A bit of a weird card for Arena, but a 2 mana restart button on your hand to dig for a potential answer could be great. We've seen these effects in Tavern's of Time which were pretty fun, so let's see how it works without as many support cards.  

    Vendetta(2): Potentially excellent depending on how many thief cards we can expect. The Kabal cards are back so that helps make the upside more consistent. 

    Fluffy Squirrel Whisperer (1): Better then the sum of it's parts since it has flexibility as a 1 drop. Potentially better then Firefly and that says a lot.  

    Marked Shot (1): [Hearthstone Card (Shadowbolt) Not Found] mixed with a discover spell card seems really awesome. It's a bit of reload for a class that lacks draw. Seems pretty good value, but a bit slower tempo.  

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Fel Lord Betrug (2): Can tap to get immediate impact, although for 10 mana it's not going to be strong enough. The effect is strong if it survives one turn since you draw 2 cards per turn as Warlock potentially. Definitely a must remove threat.  

    Crystal Stag (2): I'm betting there will be more Druid heal cards coming in this expansion. This card seems really strong if you can get the double copy. 4 attack on T5, while a bit weak, is still great at helping you catch up from a weak opener. 

    Muckmorpher (4): Needs to hit a strong deathrattle or a minion with some good abilities like Taunt/Divine Shield or Rush. Otherwise it's a 5 mana 4/4.  

    Hecklebot (4): The old Deathlord was draftable in arena because decks usually had some poor vanilla minion quality, and the effect was a Deathrattle. This one costs more, and it's effect is a Battlecry which is a bit too much downside to make this good. 

    Crystal Power (2): Seems great. Not as good as Living Roots, but a different type of flexibility for this card. 

    Walking Fountain (1): Should be a premium card. Occasionally killing 2 things, healing for a bunch and leaving a 4/X body behind seems really likely. It's an Elemental to boot.  

    Commander Rhyssa (2): Body is fine as a 3-drop. The secret synergy is very limited upside.  

    Nozari (4): Seems nearly un-draftable. 16 stats for 10 mana is awful so the heal effect has to be heavily in your favor to make this worthwhile. 

    Duel! (5): This is un-draftable. Worse then Gather Your Party

    Mana Cyclone (2): Draw one card seems OK. Draw more will be insane. It's a small investment for some extra late game value. A bit deck dependent. 

    Shadowy Figure (3): Card seems borderline bad. First you'll need another Deathrattle on the board to make this worth anything otherwise it's a 2 mana 2/2 which is slightly below average. 

    Unseen Saboteur (3): Could be interesting, i'm cautious with the average rating since this could be a potentially game losing card. Ex. Play this into Mind Control, etc. 

    Ray of Frost (2): I like the flexibility from this card. It's basically a 2 mana - 2 damage card in a pinch, or you can double freeze 2 minions and push for lethal. 

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Jepetto Joybuzz (4) - 8 mana 6/6 and draw 2 cards would be playable/pretty good, but I think the draw and transform into 1/1s makes this card worse on average. 

    Dragon Speaker (4) - This card is probably average if it hits 1 dragon. Good dragons already have tons of stats, so we will need some more initiative from future dragons to make up for de-tempoing into a 5 mana 3/5. 

    Mass Resurrection (4) - Card seems ridiculously awful if you have tokens or smaller minions spawns. We've seen this type of card before with the Priest Spellstone. It's easier to play, but at 9 mana, it's really hard to justify this card in Arena.  

    Sludge Slurper (2) - Really good one drop that can be played T1 into T2 Lackey if needed. Nothing overly fancy about the card, but nice card to fit curve and give some value.  

    Bronze Herald (1) - 2x cards attached to a 3 mana card is great. It's also a Paladin card which struggles with card refill. The fact that this card also doesn't sacrifice it's attack/mana stat and gives you plays for the following turn (T3 into T4), makes this card really good. You compare this card to Igneous Elemental and you'll see what the current card pool has as a comparable.  

    Hench-Clan Hogsteed (2) - Nice neutral ping and leaves a little 1/1 for extra value. Seems decent.  

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Keeper Stalladris (2) - Bit of a weaker stand alone 2 drop but it's playable and can give some insane value.  

    Vereesa Windrunner (2) - Bit of a low roll Malkorok but still great and has spell synergies as a bonus.  

    Unleash the Beast (1) - 6 mana 5/5 Rush is a GOOD card as is. Get 2 of them for the price of one card ? Awesome card. Not what Hunter needs probably but still excellent. 

    Lightforged Blessing (4) - The twin spell copy gives a bit of value back, but the card doesn't help in the way of fighting for board, but can be used in more of a supporting role to help you stabilize against tough openers or closer games. 

    Never Surrender! (2) - One of the better Paladin Secrets IMO since it protects your board against spell AOE or targeted damage. Saving 1 minion for 1 mana probably is worth the investment.  

    EVIL Conscripter (2) - Slightly worse then the Genius, but obviously more consistent. The card is no frills, but is solid since the Lackeys are strong on their own.  

    EVIL Genius (2) - The lackeys are so powerful, getting 2x back is pretty huge. For 2 mana, the investment is small so you can fit it into your excess mana a bit easier as well.   

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Omega Devastator (1): Ya it's good. First Assembly now, Devastator. Very powerful card.  

    Improve Morale(2): I like it. It's a stronger [Hearthstone Card (Blood to Ikor) Not Found] since the Lackeys are going to be better then a generic 2/2 often enough.  

    Rafaam's Scheme (2): Not too hard to squeeze positive tempo from this card. It's similar to keeping the old [Hearthstone Card (Neurbian Prophet) Not Found] in your opener. This can be quite strong in the earlier turns.  

    Madame Lazul (2): Solid card, similar to [Hearthstone Card (Chamelos) Not Found] in ability but better value since it gives you the 3/2 body as well as the ability to discover the card and view 3 cards at once instead of 1 at a time. 

    Blastmaster Boom (3): Another War Golem in Arena. Squeezing the bonus boom bots from it will require timing and some luck. Not worth it.  

    Heistbaron Togwaggle (1): Considering how powerful the Treasure is (think about the penalty Marin takes to have a chance at a random one), and how premium Lackeys are, I predict this as a game breaking minion. It's basically a 7 mana 5/5+1/1 (+ability) discover a Treasure.  

    Khadgar (3): Similar to Archmage Arugal, but provides tempo as well as value. It won't be as easy to pull off, but it can blow games open.  

    Power of Creation (1): Would you pay 8 mana for 2x 5/5s ? That is what I am putting this card at for an average baseline. High rolls would probably be something like 2x Reckless Rocketeer or 2x Carines, this is not factoring in the new expansion cards.  

    Unidentified Contract (1): Card is insanity. Giving Meteor to Rogue, a better Holy Water, etc is just bonkers. It's essentially a 4 mana Assassinate paired with another card. The randomness hurts it a bit and the coin version is a bit awkward in some spots, but it's going to do a worthy job replacing Walk the Plank and Vilespine Slayer.  

    Wrenchcalibur (3): Has value with the potential face damage, but under powered weapon for T4 seems lackluster.  

    Clockwork Goblin (3): Playable, and has some value with the bomb, but generic 3/3s can only be so good.  

    Dr. Boom's Scheme (5): Terrible. Requires it to be a dead card in your hand for over half the game to be worth the mana investment. 2 mana I can see it being good, but 4 mana ? Garbage.  

    EVIL Cable Rat (2): Seems like a solid neutral option at getting some Lackeys. Considering that Lackeys are worth about 2-2.5 mana each, this card is at least going to pay for itself, and occasionally cheat tempo.   

    Hench-Clan Burglar (1): Power creep on Blink Fox IMO. Card is a bit too strong I feel. The 4 attack makes for a 5 attack minion with your dagger, and the discover spell ability should lead to a high value surprise.  

    Messenger Raven (1): Again, similar to Blink Fox this card is even better since it's a discover. Consider a premium card like Stonehill Defender where it's balanced by stat penalty, now consider this Raven which is offensively statted (4 attack with hero power), for a similar effect. It feels too good.  

    Travelling Healer (2): Great card. Pairing Silvermoon Guardian with Earthen Ring Farseer. Occasionally this card is as good as a Rumbletusk Shaker and a 3 heal attached to it, which makes this card a premium card.  

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Oblivitron (5):  This card is probably un-draftable. Not only is it's effect a deathrattle meaning it's likely that you won't have the initiative to trigger it, it's grossly over costed/under statted and the effect is tribe only. There's just too many things that need to happen for this card to work out and in Arena, that's not a consistent strategy.  

    Lazul's Scheme (3): Potentially quite good. The effect is end of turn only so it's possible to steal something and have it revert back to full stats at end of turn. It's a horrible top deck and requires turns and other cards to make it good, but there's some potential here.  

  • Boozor's Avatar
    170 59 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Boozor's Arena Rankings

    Arch-Villain Rafaam (2): Excellent base line scores, but the battlecry can be awkward. It's a situational play in some spots, and of course the RNG can be immense depending on the available Legendaries. Building a deck around the card is possible if you aim for a smaller deck, and have this be your value engine in the late game.  

    Chef Nomi (3): You draft Blazecaller from time to time as a 7 mana 6/6. This card is definitely draftable depending on it's bucket competition.  

    Kalecgos (1): A lot of the bad Mage spells are cycling out, so this card potentially gets a better discover pool. I'm comparing it to Ysera, Sindragosa, or a 4/12 Dragon + [Hearthstone Card (Primordial Gylph) Not Found], which puts this into the upper echelon of dragon Legendaries.  

    Swampqueen Hagatha (1): Slow tempo play initially but potential game breaking swing afterwards. The spell combinations can be insane. I'd compare the card to Kazakus without the deck restriction, but with a more restrictive generated card. This should be a great card in Arena.  

    Oblivitron (5):  This card is probably un-draftable. Not only is it's effect a deathrattle meaning it's likely that you won't have the initiative to trigger it, it's grossly over costed/under statted and the effect is tribe only. There's just too many things that need to happen for this card to work out and in Arena, that's not a consistent strategy.  

    Jepetto Joybuzz (4): As a 8 mana 6/6 draw 2 cards, this would be pretty good, but my thought is that the 1/1 pulls from your deck make this card worse on average.  

    Fel Lord Betrug (2): Can tap to get immediate impact, although for 10 mana it's not going to be strong enough. The effect is strong if it survives one turn since you draw 2 cards per turn as Warlock potentially. Definitely a must remove threat.  

    Commander Rhyssa (2): Body is fine as a 3-drop. The secret synergy is very limited upside.  

    Nozari (4): Seems nearly un-draftable. 16 stats for 10 mana is awful so the heal effect has to be heavily in your favor to make this worthwhile. 

    Scargil(3): 4 mana 4/4 is okay. The murloc synergy will likely have minimal impact on it's overall effectiveness.  


    Lazul's Scheme (3): Potentially quite good. The effect is end of turn only so it's possible to steal something and have it revert back to full stats at end of turn. It's a horrible top deck and requires turns and other cards to make it good, but there's some potential here.  

    Dragon Speaker (4) - This card is probably average if it hits 1 dragon. Good dragons already have tons of stats, so we will need some more initiative from future dragons to make up for de-tempoing into a 5 mana 3/5. 

    Crystal Stag (2): I'm betting there will be more Druid heal cards coming in this expansion. This card seems really strong if you can get the double copy. 4 attack on T5, while a bit weak, is still great at helping you catch up from a weak opener. 

    Muckmorpher (4): Needs to hit a strong deathrattle or a minion with some good abilities like Taunt/Divine Shield or Rush. Otherwise it's a 5 mana 4/4.  

    Duel! (5): This is un-draftable. Worse then Gather Your Party

    Mana Cyclone (2): Draw one card seems OK. Draw more will be insane. It's a small investment for some extra late game value. A bit deck dependent. 

    Shadowy Figure (3): Card seems borderline bad. First you'll need another Deathrattle on the board to make this worth anything otherwise it's a 2 mana 2/2 which is slightly below average. 

    Unseen Saboteur (3): Could be interesting, i'm cautious with the average rating since this could be a potentially game losing card. Ex. Play this into Mind Control, etc. 

    Arcane Fletcher (4): Other then Hunter I don't see this card being draftable. Even in Hunter it's rarely going to be correct to draft this.  

    Azerite Elemental (3): Probably playable just as a 5 drop, but the delayed spell damage is a bit of a pain, but it's a nice boost if it lives 1 turn.  

    Darkest Hour(5): Overcosted and RNG dependent as well as situation dependent. Un-draftable.  

    Jumbo Imp (3): Not a huge fan of this, but it's still a big drop and has some synergies in this class. Playable demons seem to be more common as well.  

    Magic Carpet (4): The ability shouldn't go off that often, as a 3 drop the 1/6 is not good enough most of the time. 

    Portal Overfiend (3): Should be decent, it's unstatted but the 2/2s have value and initiative when drawn. 

    Waggle Pick (2): First 4 damage weapon for Rogue. The deathrattle is only bad when the weapon gets oozed. Otherwise it's controllable and more often then not, a benefit as opposed to a draw back.  

    Whirlwind Tempest (5): Undraftable. There isn't many windfury minions to begin with.

    Witch's Brew (5): Near undraftable. It's flexibility does not make up for the fact that healing is generally not worth the card by itself.  


    Forbidden Words (2): I think this card is really cool. It can be insanely busted ex. 4 mana kill 4/12 Dragon. but requires you to spend your mana properly before hand. It's really interesting and should create some skillful turns.  

    Hagatha's Scheme (2): It's an unpredictable board clear for 5 mana. A horrible top deck of course. If you have this from your opener, it's basically a 5 mana Twisting Nether in the late game, which is great, but will break even at 4-5 damage. I think it's potentially insane, but it's unpredictability dampers my expectations a bit.  

    Spellward Jeweler (2): Solid 3 drop stats with no real downside.

    Togwaggle's Scheme (4): At 1 mana, it's draftable as a combo activator or a card that beefs your draws. It'll come down to what bucket this card is in, but right now, it's not something you want to put a lot of priority in.  

    The Forest's Aid (2): A lot of value packed into this card. Is it as good as Violet Wurm ? Probably not. The split bodies are probably worse most of the time compared to a single large body, and the resulting value card is another 8 mana to spend. Is it good ? Yes. 

    Sludge Slurper (2) - Really good one drop that can be played T1 into T2 Lackey if needed. Nothing overly fancy about the card, but nice card to fit curve and give some value.  

    Mass Resurrection (4) - Card seems ridiculously awful if you have tokens or smaller minions spawns. We've seen this type of card before with the Priest Spellstone. It's easier to play, but at 9 mana, it's really hard to justify this card in Arena.  

    Hecklebot (4): The old Deathlord was draftable in arena because decks usually had some poor vanilla minion quality, and the effect was a Deathrattle. This one costs more, and it's effect is a Battlecry which is a bit too much downside to make this good. 

    Arcane Watcher (5): Better then Ancient Watcher, but that doesn't mean that much.  

    Convincing Infiltrator (2): It's similar to Gloomtrogg 1/5 taunt poison minion in strength. It's good but it shouldn't be compared to Obsidian Statue.  

    Hunting Party (5): Undraftable. Need 3 hits to break even to pre nerf Nourish, as a Hunter, this seems like an impossible feat on T5 or later.  

    Impferno (3): Arcane Explosion with a Demon buff. It's okay as a small AOE with occasional upside.  

    Kirin Tor Tricaster (3): Worse then Cosmic Anomaly. The body is bad on T4, and the spell restriction hurts it's ability to be played with big spells on the same turn.  

    Mad Summoner (5): It's a net 3/3 for 6 mana on an empty board, so you'll need to find a way to remove their board and preserve your board to make this worth while. 

    Mysterious Blade (2): Early initiative for Paladin is great. It's a fine weapon, and the secret set up on T1 is very possible.  

    Portal Keeper (3): Slightly worse then it's 5/6 brother, but still a viable pick and has potential to trade up as well.  

    Recurring Villain (2): Small stat discount for a huge value and tempo play if you can squeeze +1 attack. It's also reoccuring so effects like Stormwind Champion make it a huge threat.  

    Sunreaver Warmage (3): This is going to be average in some classes but goes up in other classes. Its a huge tempo swing if it goes off.  

    Sweeping Strikes (2): I think this card is very powerful. It'll potentially 2 for 1 easily. This will be an interesting 1 off in Warrior decks. Be mindful of your positioning against Warriors!  

    Tunnel Blaster (4): This seems worth then Abomination. It's more expensive, harder to kill off and comes in the late game where 3 damage is less impactful.  

    Underbelly Angler (2): Very powerful card for Shaman if they can pull this off. Almost no downside to this card with potential huge upside. 

    Underbelly Ooze (5): Undraftable unless you're Paladin or have access to buffs. Summoning 2x 3/4s (after receiving 1 damage) is not winning the game for this mana investment.  


    Evil Miscreant (2): Poor stats, but the Lackeys are quite strong. In Rogue, this should be easy enough to trigger so you'll get more options come back afterwards.

    Hench-Clan Hogsteed (2) - Nice neutral ping and leaves a little 1/1 for extra value. Seems decent.  

    Bronze Herald (1) - 2x cards attached to a 3 mana card is great. It's also a Paladin card which struggles with card refill. The fact that this card also doesn't sacrifice it's attack/mana stat and gives you plays for the following turn (T3 into T4), makes this card really good. You compare this card to Igneous Elemental and you'll see what the current card pool has as a comparable.  

    Crystal Power (2): Seems great. Not as good as Living Roots, but a different type of flexibility for this card. 

    Walking Fountain (1): Should be a premium card. Occasionally killing 2 things, healing for a bunch and leaving a 4/X body behind seems really likely. It's an Elemental to boot.  

    Ray of Frost (2): I like the flexibility from this card. It's basically a 2 mana - 2 damage card in a pinch, or you can double freeze 2 minions and push for lethal. 

    Arcane Servant (3): Average 2 drop with Elemental tag.  

    Blessing of the Ancients (3): Expensive but flexible, seems fair.  

    Burly Shovelfist (1): For what it is, it's great. Whether the meta will allow taking multiple 9 drops, we'll see. If anything it'll benefit from the lack of large removals in the upcoming meta.  

    Dalaran Crusader (1): Great card, will be meta defining 5 drop for this set.  

    Dalaran Librarian (3): 2 drop with upside. Seems solid.  

    Daring Escape (5): Un-draftable. Significantly worse then Shadow Step, which is already a fringe card to draft.  

    Eccentric Scribe (1): Neutral Savannah Highmane. It's a 6 drop so you can't take a bunch of these in a deck. Its comparable to Violet Wurm or Piloted Sky Golem. Candidate for best neutral in the new set and potentially meta defining.  

    Faceless Rager (2): It'll be good, but don't mistaken it for a 3 drop.  

    Flight Master (3): It's draftable, but I have a bad feeling about this card. It's not a great turn 3, because your best result is a 3/4. It also allows smaller minions to trade up.

    Hench-Clan Shadequill (1): This card is a nightmare. It's in the class that will benefit from it the most, and hurt from it's draw back the least. 7 hp will mean this thing kills a bunch of stuff and gets healed to stabilize the early game for Priest. The lack of poisonous minions in the meta means this thing will almost never go down to 1 card. It's insane.   

    Heroic Innkeeper (3): Need 2 minions for this to be good, anything more pushes it into premium territory.  

    Magic Dart Frog (4): Are you okay with a 2 mana 1/3 ? The ability isn't even worth considering if it's not the optimal play.  

    Mana Reservoir (5): Undraftable.

    Mutate (2): I like this card at 0 mana. It'll give some punish turns for sure. 

    Potion Vendor(3): Good effect, but body is not very useful. Not a great T1 either so it's best held for it's ability.  

    Proud Defender (2): Solid card that has some good interactions that you can manipulate in your favor. Fair, and balanced, but good.  

    Rapid Fire (3): Synergies with spell damage, otherwise over costed for it's flexibility.  

    Safeguard (3): It's fine and might be better then we think. The body is weak for it's mana cost, but it's quite a bit of HP to chew through.  

    Soul of the Murloc (3): Should be okay. Needs 2 hits to be playable for it's mana cost. In Shaman, probably not an issue.  

    Spellbook Binder(3): 2 drop with upside, seems fine.  

    Sunreaver Spy (3) Average okay with upside.  

    Toxfin (3): I think sure this card is going to be better then expected. It combos well with Hench Clan Hag and of course Shaman has plenty of murloc triggers. It's has minimal downside as well as a 1 mana 1/2. 

    Unsleeping Soul (3): A worse Molten Reflection. The silence effect feels like a negative, but will likely not matter most of the time.  

    Ursatron (3): Fair stats that draws a card seems fine.

    Vicious Scraphound (3): It's cute, and should net you at least 2 armor for it's understatted body.  

    Violet Spellsword (3): 1 spell to break even, 2 spells to be good, 3 spells to be excellent. Bit tough, but probably overall an average card.  

    Violet Warden (2): Seems good actually. There's not that many taunts in this expansion, and this one is solid with 7hp and spell bonus which is relevant at times.  

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