Chiarob317's Avatar


Joined 07/21/2019 Achieve Points 90 Posts 3

About Chiarob317

Hearthstone Player since Beta

I work in Legal Support as my day job but I love Hearthstone as a game and want to contribute more as a member of the community.

My ability to engage is limited by also being a dad & prioritizing my family over everything else.

In general I am free-to-play player but I get to save up enough money to buy (1) bundle per year when I am lucky.

My F2P playstyle generally is as follows:

Do Daily Quest (reroll for higher gold)

Stockpile gold between expansions (usually 5k ~ 6K gold)

When a new expansion drops use the stockpiled gold to play arena until I run out of stockpiled gold (avg. wins 3)

Basic Formula (Stockpiled gold)/150 = ~36 arena runs

This will get 36 packs + arcane dust worth 1,440 (around 72 packs)

By this point the meta has calmed down and there is a Tier 1 deck I craft towards.

Highest Standard Rank is around 10, I usually run out of time due to family obligations, lack of interest, & (primarily) lack of ability.


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