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  • DarthNihilus's Avatar
    190 52 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    The problem with Shaman is the same problem we faced months ago witht Dr.Boom, it was nearly impossible to stick a single minion on the board after Boom was played, they have so many minions with rush that is really hard to gain any kind of tempo against them also is the only class that can use a fully upgraded Galakrond on 7 most of the games, this creates a huge problem in the game because every kind of zoo/board centric deck in the game is completely outclassed by the rush minions, so what's left? OTK decks that doesn't care about the board like Holy Wrath Paladin, while is too early to ask for a nerf i think they should at least reconsider some of the rush minions like the 8/8 or the Invoked elementals

  • DarthNihilus's Avatar
    190 52 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    @Cheese to me it seems that you never played the deck, if you're going to nerf something in a 'minimalist way' you're nerfing the wrong cards, as someone already posted moving Divine Spirit to the HoF is a good way to fix the problem, i've been playing combo priest the last two months at high legend (im currently 30ish ) i can say for sure that Northshire Cleric is the biggest offender in the deck and it deserve a nerf and Divine Spirit is in the 2nd place (+10 health for 2 mana??? )

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