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Joined 02/15/2021 Achieve Points 35 Posts 3

Echinacea's Comments

  • Echinacea's Avatar
    35 3 Posts Joined 02/15/2021
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    While i agree Catalyst will definitly help relieve some of the strain on my stall cards, and give me a better chance against hyper agrro. I don't know what to remove for it.

    Its a choice between weakening my stall power or reducing the number of attackers/blockers i can churn out or removing my late game board clear or win conditions. I think a better option is to adjust it slightly were it doesn't rely so much on feel the rush. Were feel the rush still means a higher chance of victory, but the deck can win if i don't draw it

  • Echinacea's Avatar
    35 3 Posts Joined 02/15/2021
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    You could add "give it all" and "flurry of fists" to give teemo double attack to make the puffcaps skyrocket when teemo levels up. Karma might also be a good add to make sure something gets double attack after turn 10, as well as giving you spells to play before that

  • Echinacea's Avatar
    35 3 Posts Joined 02/15/2021
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I made this deck, i think i found it somewhere before and recreated it. Anyway, i need to reliably have Karma on or before turn 9 so winters breath can clear the board, but i don't know what to remove for the card that can help with that. Yes i have feel the rush, but if i don't have it by turn 9, i'm basicly screwed. Cause the deck goes "stall till turn 10. then OTK" help with trimming the fat please




    Edit: sorry, when i tried to post the deck in the runeterra deck thing it said "invalid deck id"

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