Joined 10/22/2021 Achieve Points 135 Posts 24


    135 24 Posts Joined 10/22/2021
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    I would only do that if you already own all the legendary mercs and want to max out a specific one as soon as possible.

    The value of getting a new task for a merc, even if the merc is on task #1, is way greater than getting 15 coins for a specific merc, because a task that rewards a lot of coins for a random merc is always way more value than getting 15 specific coins.

    Missing out on a new task for 15 measly coins is not good IMHO.

    135 24 Posts Joined 10/22/2021
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    I have completed all tasks (there are 18 in total) for Xyrella, Samuro and Cariel.

    It's a resounding YES the most efficient way to earn coins and craft missing mercs (even legendaries) is spamming tasks. I'd say it's even better than opening packs.

    If you target certain bounties, you may get coins for the one you need maybe once every 3 runs, and even then you can get lucky and get 40 coins or just get 15, so bounty targeting is WAY too luck based.

    With tasks you are guaranteed to get up to 40 legendary coins in one go, and legendaries proc pretty often. Tasks are the way to go for sure.

    I only target specific bosses if I'm missing 50 or less coins to craft a legendary, otherwise don't bother. Sometimes you need 4 or 5 runs just to get your last 30 coins, it's quite insane.

    135 24 Posts Joined 10/22/2021
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    The coins deal is terrible and let me explain why.

    Imagine you own 3 legendaries: Gromash, Malfurion and Jaraxxus and you have 250 coins for Sylvannas, Diablo and Lich King. You buy this pack and you get 250 coins for each of those three => the value is HUGE because you get three new legendaries instantly.

    Now imagine that you get the coins for the only 3 legendaries you already owned. That's like 3-4 tasks worth of coins for each? (which translates in slightly upgrading not even 2 skills) => absolutely TERRIBLE DEAL.

    Adding to that, I've been playing the game for just 8 days and I'm only missing 8 legendaries (I only bought the 1 legendary + 5 packs deal and around 20 packs with gold), of those 8 legendaries, I'm missing more than 250 coins to craft on only 1 of them (Illidan // 284 coins).

    If you spam tasks farming and some targeted bounty runs you don't need to buy anything at all in this game.

    TL;DR the value difference of owning the mercs you get coins for or not is way too huge for this deal to make any sense.

    This is just the classic "pay to not play the game" logic that's so prevalent in the industry nowadays.

    135 24 Posts Joined 10/22/2021
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Initially I thought the same as you: get mercenaries in packs and save coins for upgrades.

    Until you realize you barely get any coins for a merc until you own that merc.

    And that legendary merc drop rates in packs are abysmal.


    So to sum up, always craft a mercenary IMMEDIATELY once you get enough coins to do so.

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