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FenrirWulf's Comments

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Vincent3383


    She has never been a good card

    Ok well, I just want to say that She Who Wanders used to be an absolute monster that she got one of the hardest nerfs in history. That is why you are currently seeing her in this state compared to what she used to be before.

    Also, she is currently seeing some surprising amount of play in Warmother's Control deck.

    AlanZQ's WM Meta Counter - https://lor.mobalytics.gg/decks/bt8vtppla4s85hdku1b0

    Making her an 8 Mana 8/8 and hits only 3 attack followers on board is very scary actually. A mana cost reduction for big cards is always worth the stats reduction especially when they're way too big. An 8/8 statline is absolutely crazy for such an effect. He'd become much better than the current Uzgar the Ancient. Especially with any keywords.

    Idk I may just have PTSD over the card when it was still able to hit Champions.

    Side note: Fury is a Dragon only mechanic, so I believe putting it on a baley (I think that's what She Who Wanders is) feels pretty weird.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Nifty129

    General - Taric is well designed, he might need a point of health like Shen, even a small tweak like that would make him far better.

    Additional Notes- Dianna needs to be a 2/3 or 3/2 otherwise as a 2/2 challenger she's literally just a bird and she's worse than Elise and Lucian

    Nocturne is kind of just a skitterer so the best decks just run skitterer instead and use stalking shadows to grab a bunch, make his ability -2/2 and only be able to go off once a turn

    Leona I suggest becomes a 4/4 leveling to a 5/5 so she is basically Yasao levels of good because she functions in a similar stun and swing fashion.

    Not saying this will fix Targon but it would be an okay start.

    I agree that Taric is well designed but he really does not need a buff, maybe he does but I don't think a health buff is a good idea. At 4 HP he's already kind of hard to deal with by certain decks, and at 5 he'd actually be really good.

    I'll agree that Elise is better than Diana but for different reasons, but I can't agree that Lucian is better than Diana. Diana having Challenger is already way better than Lucian is at his base stats. Not to mention that compared to Lucian, Diana is much easier to level up. If you would buff her to a 2/3, then it'd be bad because she'd be really hard to kill because Mystic Shot won't counter her anymore. As a 3/2, she's just insane then.

    Nocturne is just a finisher compared to Frenzied Skitterer who is more of a flexible tool for trading. The fact is that leveled Nocturne is a really good finisher and that he is so easy to level and some decks that don't run removal will lose to him pretty hard.

    Leona's fine. A 3/5 statline is fine and making her a 4/4 is just a straight-up nerf? Like I don't get what your point is. Yasuo becoming a 4/4 is good because he was a 4/3. She doesn't have a keyword and that's alright. She's supposed to be a basic Champ, a Champ that basically isn't very overpowered but is easy to play or build around. Demacia has Garen, Freljord has Tryndamere, Ionia has Zed, SI has Thresh/Elise, PnZ has Teemo, Noxus has Darius, Bilgewater has Twisted Fate, Targon now has Leona and that's really it.

    Targon's Champions may need a slight tweak but most of them (if not all) are already at a good place right now. Taric sees play, Diana sees play, Leona sees play, Aurelion Sol sees play. They're not busted but they're still very decent plays and are easy to level. It will take a bit more time to see where things really are.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Ok so first off, SpellShield doesn't stop your own spells. So basically even if The Skies Descend hits ALL units. Then, it will still kill their own units regardless or not they have SpellShield and I understand that not everyone gets this but it is technically in the explanation.

    Which brings me to my second point, read the cards. I know that Riot wording is not the best (like how SpellShield is worded) but some cards you can definitely understand such as the way that The Skies Descend has all enemies written in it instead of ALL units which is what RuinationBADCARDNAME has.

    Third, RuinationBADCARDNAME is still a better card than The Skies Descend but at the same time, they do two very different things especially since they are in two different regions.

    In reply to WT Absolute F.
  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From meisterz39

    I really don't get why they do this kind of skewed release in Expeditions. It was the same way with Rising Tides, where Bilgewater was everywhere and the Deep units were incredibly frustrating to play against because the smaller deck size meant you could very easily reach Deep status. Eventually the probabilities were put back to a normal distribution and things got more reasonable.

    Isn't the Rising Tides release in Expedition like completely dominated by Demacia? I remember very well that after my first Trial which I went for GP Sej, which got me 7 wins because Sejuani is nuts as usual. I quickly tried out the Quinn side of things and unsurprisingly it was all Demacia. It was literally pick Bear and you win. The more Bears you had over your opponent, the more you advantage you got. This held true until Bear got nerfed.

    Now, I'm not going to lie. I've tried out only one expedition from CotM and it was day 1, so I don't really know if Targon is as dominant as it was but I did get to 6 wins with Targon Allegiance, and about all except 2 of my opponents were running Targon. It wasn't as strong as I thought it was, it was just annoying tbh. I lost with the Targon deck on my last game to a very aggressive Discard heavy Jinx Draven. So at the very least, it's not as oppressive as the release of Rising Tides where Bears was so dominant that you can't afford to not run Demacia. Idk I haven't been doing Expeditions as much this expansion.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Well as someone who never plays Ranked, I can definitely assure you that not every Iron player is a new player. Just because a player is an Iron does not mean they are not a good player, of course, it also doesn't mean that they aren't a bad player either. I've just never taken a liking to playing Ranked because there wasn't really a good incentive to do so. Ranking up doesn't do much except just giving you an icon or the sense of achievement from ranking up.

    If I want to fight "better" opponents, then I can also just play Normal because I occasionally fight Master players there with tier 1 or tier 2 decks. There isn't really a huge difference and I would argue that most Iron players in LoR aren't actually Iron but more around Gold semi-casual players.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    It's just that his Leveled up form had Tough before. It made him kind of annoying to deal with but other than the nerf wasn't too impactful on how he was played. It just made him weaker in general and now he's one of the weakest Champions in the game.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    If you are talking about how there is too much of Ramp, then this kind of reminds me of the beta when Ramp Freljord was just as ridiculously strong. You run it with Tryndamere and splash in either SI or Ionia. SI for Aggro match-ups and Ionia for Control match-ups. Everyone was practically running this until everyone rejoiced when almost all the cards that made it good got nerfed to the ground (Wyrding Stones, Catalyst of Aeons, Avalanche, Tryndamere, She Who Wanders).

    So for the start of the meta, this happens from time to time but I certainly did not expect Ramp Freljord to come back.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I've gotten a really weird yet consistent (?) bug. I somehow casted Devolving Missiles a lot into Dormant minions about three times and every time the bug always occurs. For whatever reason, the counter is fucked. You hear the dormant counter tick twice, and you see that there's no counter on the Dormant minion and instead there's one directly above their deck. I wish I had a screenshot or something but it happens far too fast to do. I don't know if this is just an interaction from Devolving Missiles or other evolve effects too.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I think that Soul Fragment as a card by itself is completely fine. The package, on the other hand, is a very strong addition to existing archetypes. Marrowslicer is such a great weapon even though it acts similar to Truesilver Champion, and Soulshard Lapidary is just an insane amount of burst and tempo at the same time and the effect is extremely consistent to be played on turn 5. I think it's as balanced as Demon Hunter always is so might need some nerfs but I can't think what to hit.

    I'll say this right now but ever since I saw Glide being shown as a card I only thought that card to be a bad card in terms of both design and strength. Even now, I don't think the card is good. It's annoying sure but it feels like you should just run Skull of Gul'dan instead because you get so much tempo from the Mana cost reduction instead of the random RNG effect that you don't ever know is good or bad. Every time I see a DH play Glide on me when I have an 8 card hand, all I could think of was 'oh hey he wasted 4 Mana and I lost 4 cards but that's fine because he skipped half his turn'. Overall, if this card gets nerfed to 5 Mana, I wouldn't complain but I just don't see it's power right now. (Maybe I'm just bad because I'm not a Legend player.)

    Lightning Bloom is a card that feels so busted I think that they should just remove the card entirely or redesign it because you can't balance it properly for it to still see some amounts of play. If you make it so that it's Overload (3), I wouldn't mind. If you make it into Overload (4), I wouldn't run this card in any deck but OTK. This card is problematic in not Druid but also Shaman because you get so much mana cheat early on that it would just boost the deck's win rate by 20% every time a single one is played. This card really makes you think why the hell pre-nerf Innervate was never nerfed for years.

    Secret Passage allowing you to keep cards you get during that time is pretty broken and I think that's the main reason why it's so good because it's just better The Soularium but you can run 2. If a nerf happens, it's probably going to be a Mana cost nerf. 2 Mana should be fine because 3 is unplayable in Rogue.


    The nerfs I really want are:

    1. Kael'thas Sunstrider to 8 Mana because cheating things out at 7 Mana is no longer slow and when the average of doing so is on turn 4 or 5.


    Overgrowth to 5 Mana, but it might kill the card which should've been fine if they never printed Lightning Bloom. (Even if the card was strong before that.)


    Guardian Animals to 8 Mana, because it allows Druid a way to stop Aggro so much more efficiently than any other card they have.

    OR (the best choice)

    Everyone, dust your Lightning Blooms immediately.

    2. Mindrender Illucia to 3 Mana, because this effect for 2 Mana is too cheap and tbh I can't believe they made this effect as a Collectible card and not as a Solo Adventure card.

    3. Secret Passage to 2 Mana.

    4. Voracious Reader to 3 Mana, this card enables Aggro decks to get their bursts quickly and for so much value and for almost no repercussion. The stats in the card won't matter too much because it's insanely cheap in the first place, therefore a Mana change should be good. (Might be wrong about this one but idk.)

    5. Diligent Notetaker to a 2/2, this card can be read as a 2 Mana 2/3 draw a card that you choose and in some cases that's Lightning Bloom or another burst damage spell like Lightning Bolt or Storm's Wrath and I think that's too much value. Might not be necessary seeing that some of the weaker Shaman archetypes but this card by itself is so insanely strong I can't ever see anyone sane enough to not run this card in Shaman in the future.

    This might be the first week of the expansion but I can already tell that Druid's going to shape the meta into a race. Yes, I understand that Aggro is usually only good in the first few days because it's easier to make but this is... ridiculous right?

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    In card reveals I was a sleeper...

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From Hellcopter

    Graves and Akali are very likely to be amongside the next champions being released given the promotional videos

    I thought all of the Champions were leaked through their voice lines already?

    Bilge has Tahm Kench and Ionia has Lulu. (Might be wrong but there's a lot of proof for it.)

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I found out that there are an absurd amount of Stealth minions and found that some of them were Beasts, so I guess I'm making Stealth Beast Druid lol.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From OldManSanns
    Quote From FenrirWulf

    Ephemeral deck is like waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too strong. The stats are way over the top, Zed is such a huge power card, Dawn and Dusk gives a lot of value, the deck also has a lot of really good finishers such as Hecarim, Kinkou Lifeblade.

    Overall, I think it's fine. The other decks actually do still have a good chance, some are just harder to play than the others. For example, the Poros deck is hard to beat because of the Frostbites and could potentially slam the Nexus with a 60/60 Heart of the Fluft with Overwhelm and Elusive. The VladBADCARDNAME one sucks tho lol. I take that back, that deck has quite a bit of Overwhelm.

    In case you missed it: https://twitter.com/RiotExis/status/1286105943755776000

    Glad to see so many folks digging the new Spirit Blossom Lab. Also noticed that the Certain Death deck is a little *too* certain. We've patched out some tweaks to it which should put its winrate in a healthier / less crushing spot. Help us experiment by giving it a shot!

    I don't think I will ever stop being impressed with how dedicated Riot is against negative player experience in this game.

    I saw that too, and I first heard of it from my friend actually who started playing the Lab and I just told him that Dawn and Dusk is a really dumb card and absolutely busted. But he said that he couldn't find it no matter how many games he played. I didn't even realize they had updated it at all because it was way too quick. It was literally a day or less after it came out. So I agree with you, those guys always like to hotfix a certain busted mechanic/tactic after the patch comes out, but that's from my experience in TFT.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Just like Shan'do Wildclaw, we needed to see what kind of Beasts Hunter/Druid would get and I'm assuming that the last spot is a 5 Mana Beast. Otherwise, this card isn't going to be worth being built around.

    At 5 Mana, you can get Stranglethorn Tiger which is the best hit, there's also Tundra Rhino and Starving Buzzard but those aren't great hits tbh.

    At 4, there's really only Escaped Manasaber, you can consider other ones such as Bad Luck Albatross and Burrowing Scorpid but those aren't really worth running in the deck at all. Or maybe it is idk.

    At 3, there's Emperor Cobra, King Mukla, Dread Raven (lol) and Zixor, Apex Predator, there are also others but they're probably not worth the Mana cost.

    At 2, there's really only one card which is the [Hearthstone Card (Evasive Chimera) Not Found] for poisonous.

    There's nothing at 1 Mana that's noteworthy. Except maybe Shimmerfly but it's a 1/1 and that's not worth 7 Mana.

    So basically, currently as I see it this card is just at best like a 7 Mana 2 5/5s with Rush or just kill two with Poisonous. The cards I mentioned have some stealth synergy so maybe that's a thing. But this card is bad, like really bad. It's not consistent enough to be built around and not to mention really slow. It's just a worse version of To My Side! or I guess a better comparison would be Power of Creation. If they had made it so that you can get 6 or maybe even 7 Mana Beasts, this card would be good. The next Hunter/Druid card will make or break this entire archetype in Standard.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Man, even Custom Hearthstone would know better.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Oh. If that's how it works, then I suppose you're right.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I suppose this is the deck that Blizzard imagined people would run Lorekeeper Polkelt. I'd play this, a Control DH style that doesn't seem to be as annoying as Tempo/Aggro DH.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    I think Priest likes this card a lot but I don't think it can be run unless you want to cut down on your Apotheosis. A solid card to be discovered through Renew and absolutely insane with Sethekk Veilweaver but for that archetype this card is too slow. It's passable at least, but I don't think it's going to be an auto-include at least.

    Meanwhile, Paladin has an issue of having very little synergy with a card like this. Paladins definitely want to play this on turn 3 but most of the time it'd probably just hit a Silver Hand Recruit instead of Shotbot or the Murloc Prime. I'm hoping Paladin gets a good legendary for its dual-class card so that there would be a reason to run this card.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From economicaooc

    I'm fairly sure that in most cases this is just a 3/12 with poisonous and rush.

    Well, theoretically it's closer to a 3/9 Poisonous Rush Divine Shield but pretty much. It's a decent big minion but not threatening enough and Paladins need something else to be good anyways. I'm hoping that they'll announce more support for Control Paladin otherwise this card is just too slow and not impactful enough.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Ah yes, Demon Hunter. The class that is famously known for their hand disruptions...

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