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  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    Maybe that part is but the official patch notes say

    Quote From Author


    While Rumble has been having some success on his own, his Mecha-Yordle friends have spent most of their time on the scrapheap. We’re giving several of the weaker mechs a tune-up, and making sure Rumble plays more nicely with his Mecha-Yordle pals.

    Which infers that they are buffing Mecha-Yordles by making him also work with them rather than Rumble needs to work with Mecha-Yordles.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Attack7

    Nope… it says, "I've seen allied Mecha-Yordles deal 12+ damage."

    Shyvana says the same thing and it counts herself as part of it. If this doesn't work the same way, then it's just inconsistent wording.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    That's completely fair. The devs specifically designed the game trying to avoid control/attrition style decks. You can evidently see this in almost every single control deck in the past (Ledros, Atrocity, Corina Veraza, Go Hard). They would always have some sort of win condition no matter what. It makes it feel like that every single deck in LoR is a combo deck variant of that archetype when in reality that's just how they're meant to be played.

    The only two control attrition decks that have found a reasonable deck is Anivia and Tahm Soraka decks. Even then you could argue that Tahm Soraka isn't a control/attrition deck but plays a lot like a Midrange deck with a different win condition than hitting face. You could also probably include TF Swain here but I'm not sure hitting face a lot slower counts as true attrition.

    Value on the other hand would have a lot more viability at the moment. You could just slam Bandle City and run their Manifest package alongside any other region you'd want. You could even go Targon as well and run Invokes.

    Maybe something like this would be up to your speed.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    I'm not entirely sure what you want since I don't play Yu-gi-oh but since you like a Priest-like control style, I imagine that you'd like a control deck that can generate value at the same time. sto650 already gave a pretty good list of deck concepts that have worked out while matching some parts of your descriptions so I highly suggest trying those decks out even if they have already been done and dusted. It will give you a good idea on how to deckbuild your own version and maybe even concept.

    In regards to that, I think that Darkness style decks would be in line with what you want to do. Bandle City is a good region to generate value from and has a very control-centric gameplan. Veigar and Senna are usually the pair used and you can't really build out of Bandle City and Shadow Isles as of right now. However I imagine that you will find similar tools to Priest cards in this deck with the addition of being able to end games consistently.

    A pretty decent deck and guide to the deck.

    Other than that, there is Fizz Nami/Zoe Nami/TF Nami. These decks are centered around playing spells with the ability to combo your opponents through elusive unblockable damage. Obviously these decks are not control however these are the only decks that have a "play lots of spells in quick succession, do cool stuff" concept.

    TF Nami

    Zoe Nami

    Fizz Nami

    Karma is also an idea you can try. She is not the best however there are a lot of ways to build her as a core gameplan that she fits with almost any region. She will be able to double cast your spells and your decks may even focus generating spells. Ionia also has a very "no u" style of gameplan if you're interested.

    Marai Greatmother is also a card you should look out for. Albeit a bit slow and VERY meme, it is pretty fun when you are able to play her early on and win the turn after.

    In reply to Newbie Need some help
  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    Death Ray - Mk 1 is bad mainly because it isn't giving you better draws, and is usually considered to be bad if you don't have enough draws like Hexcore Foundry. That's why in general Pokey Stick is better just because it draws and can go face. If you're trying to draw your Ballistic Bots and Peddlers it's pretty bad to have more garbage to rummage through. You also already have too much 1 drops and that's generally not good because in the late game you are more likely to hit your 1 cost cards over something that'd be more impactful.

    I think that if you're not going for full shrooms, having a bit of flexibility is better. You could probably cut Poison Dart and Stinky Whump for Conchologist and probably a Get Excited!. Get Excited is especially great when you have engines and also serves the purpose of dealing 3 to anything just like Aftershock.

    Also if that's your gameplan, I'm a bit curious as to why you're not just running Pranks + Curious Shellfolk as well. You're going for Bandle City but you're not making full use of their value generating resources.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    I'm going to assume that you don't really want to put in Caitlyn and try to make a Caitlyn trap deck (or an Ezreal Teemo deck) and try to focus on a Puffcap heavy deck instead.


    Cards I'd cut:

    Thermogenic Beam (1 - 2 copies) - It's usually not good to have this card as a 3 of. Hand gets really awkward when you have more than 1 Beam.

    Death Ray - Mk 1 (3 copies) - Not a good card in general. If you want a deal 1 ping I'd say go for Pokey Stick/Group Shot.

    Calculated Creations (2 copies) - Unless you specifically want the augment cards, I'd see no reason why you wouldn't want Conchologist, Loping Telescope, Ferros Financier over this.


    Cards I'd run:

    Mystic Shot - This card is good. 2-3 copies.

    Pokey Stick - This card is good. 2-3 copies.

    Conchologist - This card is pretty good especially in this deck. There are a lot of 3 cost or less spells in PnZ/BC that you'd want on different situations. 3 copies.

    Aftershock - This card is pretty flexible in this meta. It can kill Gnar or at least force out a combat trick. It can destroy landmarks and this is probably too important to not run when you're a control deck. At least a 1-of.

    Hexcore Foundry - This card is good in your deck. Unfortunately, it won't be best in all situations such as aggro matchups but in control matchups this card is too crucial to not run. 2-3 copies.

    Minitee - If you really want to meme, this is theoretically Minitee's best deck. A slow control gameplan that is still able to hit face consistently. Running it as a 1-of is probably best.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    I mean this card doesn't have to see play in Targon BC specifically. Afaik this is probably the only card that grants quick attack onto a unit and costs less than 3 Mana and it returns to hand if the unit does die? It's also 2 mana and goes to 0 Mana from Gleaming Lantern so then Gleaming Lantern is now a 3 Mana 4/4 with Quick Attack. Pretty strong if you do get that start. It also allows Zoe to get a +1/+1 buff permanently on Focus-speed which is hard to do on turn 2. Otherwise, this card is going to allow Fiora to branch towards BC. Card has a lot of potential imo.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    With the new Attach cards and the confirmation that its effect works the turn you play it, I think Gleaming Lantern is going to skyrocket as the top must-nerf card in the new expansion. You just play this card in swarm decks like Bandle City Mayor. It has 3/3 statline which makes it hard to kill compared to Mayor as well. Idk card just seems ridiculous, I hope I'm the one that's wrong but I can't just see it NOT being good.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    Yeah and when you think about it, it's also like the Libram of Wisdom and gives pretty much infinite value.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    I think these cards are really strong. They work with handbuff and Gleaming Lantern reduces their cost. They're also not counterable since they're more like a Focus-speed card that passes priority. That means that no matter what you get the buff on the unit which is a pretty good tradeoff for not being able to use spell mana.

    Also, Silence and Transforms doesn't affect Attach.



  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From greenhatjynx78

    am  i missing something or dragon clutch give dragons +1/+1 and not overwhelm?  are you talking about a diferent card?

    Out of Cards LoR card database isn't very up to date. Dragon's Clutch got buffed into grant +1/+1 and Overwhelm.


    In reply to The Demacia Problem
  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From meisterz39

    I think it's worth challenging the premise that Demacia is only used as a support region. If you trust the Mobalytics tier list, then there are two competitive decks that feature Demacian Champs: Pantheon Dragons at S Tier with Shyvana and Laser Gate at A Tier with Lux. While it's certainly true that other meta decks use Demacia as pure support, and it's true that you could build a Pantheon deck and a Jayce deck without those champs, it's not fair to say that Demacia is strictly support.

    It's probably worth mentioning that Scouts is currently one of the better decks in the meta as it smashes Kennen Ahri and Elusives in general and historically has a good match up into the SI/Freljord which there is a ton of right now. The decks primarily features Demacian Scouts and Challengers and yes that includes Genevieve Elmheart. I'm not sure why it's not on Mobalytics but they do have the data on it.

    In reply to The Demacia Problem
  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    I don't think Demacia needs more mechanic for finishers, mainly since they have Rally which is arguably the strongest type of mechanic in the game. I don't know how many times I've won a game against someone who has a Lucian leveled up pretty early. I think the main issue is more of how the support synergizes with one another as they don't really help the Champions as much as they help Champions from other regions. Demacia has the best Barrier cards but there isn't really a Demacian Champion that uses Barrier other than Fiora and J4. Elites also don't really help Jarvan as much as you just want to run units that can Challenge and help Challengers.

    I also think that the meta is way too fast. Grindy control decks hasn't really been THE meta for a very long time. So obviously some of the cooler finishers in the game have been too slow to come out. Cithria, Lady of Clouds, Brightsteel Formation, Tianna Crownguard, and King Jarvan III are all honestly pretty decent finishers. They end the game when they're played more than 50% of the time. However, I think they're too slow or costs too much and often when you fight decks that go that late, they have some sort of way to deal with them. Cithria the Bold and Genevieve Elmheart are honestly barely able to make it for Demacia.

    The reason why J4 isn't as good as Fiora is also because of this. If J4 is 3 mana and Fiora is 6 mana then obviously J4 would be better. Also this goes for Tianna Crownguard. Why run an 8 Mana unit for Rally when you can just use a 4 Mana spell for it.

    That said, I wouldn't be opposed to more finishers in Demacia. I really liked Cithria, Lady of Clouds. Mainly because you could opt for another way to build your decks around. More finisher = more decks imo and I think that's great. I think we can be certain that we'll get another couple finishers for Demacia in the next expansion.

    In reply to The Demacia Problem
  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    LMAO. Aight that makes sense why I'm only summoning Camavorian Dragons.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    I'm currently enjoying Kindred's buff quite a bit. I built a deck that was based around Undying resummoning and Sion level up but since Sion got nerfed I've built the deck less about Sion and more about Kindred and honestly I appreciate the Kindred buff a lot more now. It can now get tutored with Gluttony which is a lot nicer and it being 4 mana allows a curve into Viego so much more naturally. That said, Undying decks not drawing Undying early on still hurts just as usual.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    I feel like the best way to nerf Lee Sin (at least the most efficient one) is by reducing his Power to 2 or even 1 therefore slowing down his gameplan but not effectively killing his combo entirely. The decks that has a bad matchup with him will still likely lose but Lee Sin won't be able to just cheese out wins as often.

    Though, I don't think this will ever happen seeing as the devs had once said that they had thought about it when he was 4 Mana but still decided to make him a 5 mana 3/5 and seeing as they never tried to nerf him ever since, I don't think it's ever happening.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Monster Harpoon is a Nerf because it reduces 2 instead of 3. So it costs 4 when Plunder.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From TheTriferianGeneral

    The reason why even in iron there are quite decent player is that the wast majority of players don't play ranked at all. 

    If there is no real reason to play ranked casuals won't do it. They will play some PvE some normals and be fine with it.

    Ranked is for those who want to prove to themselves that they are decent players so don't expect iron matches to be that easy.


    Well, I'm not saying that I would be a Masters or Diamond player (or even Plat) but I have been playing since day 1 of the beta and never touched ranked. I imagine that it's not that uncommon for someone like me to appear and try out ranked once in a while. I also imagine that there are players who has played for a long time but never committed enough to ranked so they never really get anywhere in ranks.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From minuano28
    Quote From TheTriferianGeneral

    Nifty kinda has a point when he says that nerfing specific archetypes out of tier 1 status often results in just 1 deck less being viable without improving the rest of the metagame.

    The thing that riot has to be aware of is: what archetypes are oppressive and completely devalue a legitimate strategy?

    What I mean by that: should a meme deck get crushed by tier 1 decks? Most of the times it should. So if the majority of meme decks loose to a certain tier 1 deck that's not a problem. If strategies that proven itself in the past or that are overall 51%+ winrate strategies and if those can't win a certain popular matchup it's something you have to keep an eye on.

    If a matchup is so polarized because 1 deck does exactly which is the weakness of the other deck it's more tolerable than a deck just doing it's thing leaving the other deck no chance to stop it.

    Examples of problematic decks were therefore: Go Hard, Azir Irelia P&Z Noxus burn and TLC 

    Decks not being that problematic were Shen Fiora(although Fiora herself is problematic)

    If memory serves Fiora was nerfed because of the mono Fiora deck which depending on the match up could be an auto win or an auto lose, Fiora/Shen was a balanced deck with mostly 50/50 match up into the rest of the meta.

    Now when it come balance nerfing tend to be more healthy than buffing, just look at recent buff to Dragon and daybreak what did those accomplish? Making the decks meta for 2 weeks? After the resent nerfs however many deck stated being more competitive just recently an EU player managed to reach rank on masters with Ekko/Zilian deck in previous meta that wasn't even a tier 3 deck.

    That being said you are right when say that decks shouldn't be nerfed just because they are strong and that should be reserved to problematic ones.

    As far as I remember, she was nerfed because of how she would always go between the ability of meta dominating to being tier 2 in most patches for a year. Fiora Shen was fine up until Golden Aegis appeared and people suddenly realized they couldn't really deal with it.

  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    I mean I'm pretty certain the issue with the Bandle City's identity crisis is simply because Riot is using the multi-region tag very sparingly and arbitrarily, and also because Bandle City's not fully released. At the very least, I think Bandle City had more identity than Shurima when it came out. Bandle City's main gimmick over other region has always and probably always will be card generation. The similarity between Bandle + SI and Bandle + Ionia? Idk how you didn't see it but it's literally creating cards in hand. Kennen creates Mark of the Storm, Veigar creates Darkness. There's also dealing chip damage with Impact as their main keyword and swarming the board with "small" units. If you look at all the Bandle champions, almost all of them fits in these two categories outside of maybe Fizz (If you don't consider Elusives as a part of their identity at least) which is somewhat fine because they probably weren't intended to be in Bandle or for Bandle to be so different to them when they released.

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