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Joined 05/31/2019 Achieve Points 235 Posts 41

FirePaladinHS's Comments

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Thank you for the kind words ^^

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    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

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    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Another month. Another legend


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    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks for the feedback) I was fairly surprised about your success with your changes but your thoughts about Mage Malygos card explained it: You were encountering the slower part of the Wild meta so it allowed that much greediness. I'm glad it's working. I must warn you thought why it might eventually flop once you encounter the faster part of the Wild meta.


    1. By adding the Dragon package, you made your mana curve higher while also removing Jepetto which is able to draw expensive cards and discount them to 1 mana only.

    2.You eventually removed almost any posibility of early clear(except Doomsayer). Depth Charge is second Doomsayer,Explosive Sheep is really nice to play to slow down Aggro or fully heal you with Zilliax, and Flame Ward is really important 3rd secret and absence of it hurts both drawing consistency of Secret tutors and consistency of answering Aggro board early

    3. Jepetto Joybuzz is one of the best 8 drops in the game. Not only it draws, but it potentially mana cheats as well. 1 mana Barista,Emperor,Ragnaros,Kazakus and even Zilliax to magnetise on Explosive Sheep to be a 3 mana Reno-like effect are all pretty powerfull and neat plays which wouldn't be possible without Jepetto.

    4. Barista is strong value engine. In terms of this deck specifically she enables going infinite(if your Zola was Rated for example against DMH Warrior),she enables more Battlecry effects of cards like Dirty Rat and she's the main reason why Emperor discounts are that strong in this deck(so you can do your battlecry shennanigans and develop fairly midrangey board). Even when she copies 1 battlecry thats already strong value. Making her 1 mana thanks to Jepetto just opens insane value abbilities as well.


    The main appeal of this particular build is simple: It acts like a well-oiled machine against any matchup and you are able to always make some neat plays and choices against any matchup. It stands out in the abbility to answer everything well and thats mainly because of this specific 30 card lists. Yes,we cheat less mana than LPG Reno Mage,yes, we don't have an abbility of comboing 3 turns like Quest Reno Mage,but in terms of Control gameplan against Aggro,Midrange,Control and Combo, we are just unmatched. 


    Your changes removed that abbility. And while the Dragon package is working into slower matchups,it just makes this deck act like a LPG Reno Mage without LPG which is not that strong for the current pwerlevel of overall Wild meta. And that will be especially clear once you run into Kingsbane Rogue,Bomb Warrior or even Discolock.


    Just to be clear: I'm not critisising your changes because I hate them etc, I'm just warning your that there might be some point where that Dragon package will start to feel like a handicap instead of upside,just because how fast the meta is and at what powerlevel of Wild we are currently overall.

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks man. Appeciate the feedback)

    I played against you today didn't I? I was completing the quest and I remember you having Solarian and Janalai but otherwise it was my list.

    Janalai is really really slow. I used to have her as well in the list but meta is just too fast nowadays for her. If you don't have Ragnaros yet,try Siamat or Cloud Prince instead of him. Both of those Elementals have some nice synergies with the deck and Cloud Prince may rival the spotof Ragnaros in overall utility(they both have strong pros and cons)

    Solarian is a good choice and you indeed swapped Starscryer for her. Both cards have their usability in the deck. In our match we could clearly see that Starscryer was more important. I found my DK Jaina way more earlier since I had more cycle and I denied your by Dirty Rating the Jepetto. However even with early Jaina the game could go way more longer, but you wasted both Zola and Barista for pressuring value instead of going infinite value. Which was crucial for my victory once we start hitting fatique, where Bankers,Baristas and Branns started their full shennanigans.


    Gg. Good luck in your next games and hopefully my rambling about card choices helped)

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Forgot to post another proof of decks viability. September climb


  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks for the feedback. The deck is able to not only go to D5 but also Legend quite easily ^^

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago


    Another prove that the deck is still popping off ;)

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Explanation is right above. Just a heads up ^^

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    DQ Alex didn't make the cut because she is too slow. She doesn't show appearance in a lot of Reno decks btw. The reason why she sees plays in Reno Quest Mage is because her 0 cost dragons are great for pushing damage in the Time Warp turn. The reason why shes being played in Reno Dragon Priest is because of her Dragon tag and because 0 mana Dragons can be played for board or as Spawn Machine Gun fuel. Outside of those 2 Reno deck she's basically just a 9 mana 3 big bodies which is fairly weak for Wild. In this deck there's no point running her when we have coins as Spawn activator and we just generally don't aim to play 9 mana +some bodies. DQ Alex is a good card but should be questioned whether to be put in the deck or not. She is not an auto include in Reno decks the same way as Kruul or Solia isn't.

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Hi) Sorry for the late reply. I was caught up in a looot of paperwork and I wasnt able to check out comments under my decks so frequently. Sadly I dont have any replays and unless the missing cards that ou dont have are Nzoth or Brann then dont craft them. It sounds like you have more limited Wild collection so definitely dont focus on other legendaries outside of Brann or Nzoth. Benedictus might as well be replaced by Elysianna and Murozond by Shadowreaper Anduin

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I'm glad that you like one of my deck creations ^^

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Thank you for the kind words)

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    My favourite moment of 2019 was Kibler Vs Kolento in Battlegrounds Tournament where Kibler navigated the game with his decisions to be a tie therefore not hurting his team mate.


    In 2020 I'm looking forward to more attention to Wild and it's playerbase (hopefully lol) and sweet HOF dust xD

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago
    1. Better body to drop on curve which enables Dragon synergy. I tried both Talonpriest and Guardian and they just didn't feel right in terms of powerlevel
    2. Definitely not. Coffin Crasher has Voidcaller like effect and is great. The Chronobreaker is a conditional deathrattle with weak body for a 5 drop which is just inferior to the Duskbreaker. It would also make an Aggro matchup better since it's the mid game already where you start dropping your Taunts/Coffin Crasher/Duskbreaker. If you want to improve aggro matchup cut Dragon Breeders for Potion of Madness
  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Try out the Amara Deathrattle Cycling package and you will realise that it goes toe to toe with Cleric shennaanigans). Hemet is here for 2 reasons: 1 is getting you closer to combo cards preferably post Quest completion or just thinning your deck to make it even more useless for your opponent. Either way hes doing his job and even 5 cards destroyed speed up your combo by a large amount of time.



    Give it a try and see yourself). There's also Kohais version which is a little bit different in terms of draw engine as he runs slightly different cards. You can try it out as well^^

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks for the feedback^^

    Duplicate will never make it into the cut unless the all meta switches to ultra greedy control lists. It is just not flexible enough to make it into the deck as all the other secrets are. Also the 4th secret messes up with your secret tutor cards which is unnapealing. Especially in Control v Aggro where you want to fish for Ice Block or Flame Ward at any point in the game or for Potion of Polymoprh in the Mid Game.

  • FirePaladinHS's Avatar
    Anduin 235 41 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Depth Charge being the second Doomsayer is a great update to highlander decks. By removing the Volcanic Potion it boosted up Dragons Fury to have higher damage in more cases. It proved to be great in a variety of matchups like Odd Rogue,Pirate Warrior,Secret Mage and even in Control V Control like Renolock. I stay behind this change

    I agree with the confusion about Polymorph removal. And if you feel like you need it more than Rolling Fireball feel free to remove it. I added rolling Fireball into the deck because of the fact that it acted as both single target removal in Even Shaman matchup and both as AOE in matchup like Odd Rogue. Which is great flexibility, That being said polymorphing the large Demon from Guldan or Magnetised mech abomination feels great as well. So feel free to run it

    Vulpera proved to me that she is more flexible than Keysmith,she ads unexpctancy moment, costs 1 mana less, has better stats and actually doesnt get countered by Secret Tech which I greatly appreciate. That being said I also toy around with Bad luck Albatross instead of her and that card just singlehandedly slows reno decks so much that Im actually considering adding this card to the deck. Keysmith may be strong but some Reno Mage players are abandoning her for better options Im not th only one in that regard and Element91 removed the Keysmith from his build as well

    Dragon package from 3 Dragons only wouldnt be consistently triggered. I've tried it with 5 Dragons and even then I got pretty unlucky with the draws. Activating Dragon package for new Malygos only also sounds pretty questionable. Because it may appear to you as another Kazakus or Zephrys but it is actually far more rng dependant and not all of his options are good

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