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Joined 06/11/2019 Achieve Points 405 Posts 73

Haussenfuss's Comments

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years ago
    Quote From dapperdog

    Its clearly the last one if we speculate on the small pic shown. Unsurprising, since team5 likes to leave a few good ones for the final reveal video.

    The general consensus online is that the big hydra in the new Hunter Secret card art is the class Colossal. The spoiler art for the final reveal stream looks a lot like one of the necks of a big green hydra . . .

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years ago

    If Pirate Rogue is viable, it will likely win most of its games before turn eight, and an Aggro deck that draws an early 8-drop is effectively down a card in hand for the entire game. This card doesn't win the game the turn you play it, and most Aggro decks are simply trying to close out the game on turns 8+. My guess is that it won't see much play - while it gives Aggro something to do in the late game against Control, Aggro is likely better off simply running a cheaper card that helps the deck win before turns 8+.

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years ago

    It doesn't compare favourably to Greater Emerald Spellstone.

    A pair of 3/3s isn't worth five mana, so you'll need to consistently trigger some kind of "bonus effect" (like Ship's Cannon) for simply playing the Pirates in order for this to see much play. Even then, it's likely too slow for the kind of deck Pirate Rogue is liable to be.

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    It's important to remember that about 40% of the time, the card costs 6-mana, not 9-mana - "you can only play him if you have already won by surviving" isn't true.

    According to HSReplays, the card has the highest "win-rate when drawn" in the deck - that's a far more reliable indication of the card's power level than "win-rate when played."

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From NLbouncyknight

    There s nothng changed about the meta 
    OTK decks are stlle killing all the fun

    Garrote rogue nerf was a joke and is still tier S
    Mozaki mage s even more toxic was predctible becauee of the 0 nerfs it got


    FWIW - the two most-played decks at Worlds last weekend were Quest DH and Garrote Rogue. At the time, both decks were posting sub-40% win-rates on HSReplays, each with play-rates below 1%. It's fair to say that the nerfs didn't make either deck much worse - but those decks weren't nerfed for ladder, they were nerfed for the sake of about two thousand folks in each region that try-hard to finish in top-100 Legend each month. While it has been a meme since the HS open beta that the game has a childishly low skill-cap, it never has - the skill-cap was likely never higher than during the pre-nerf meta-game (top 100 Legends and GMs regularly sported 65%+ win-rates against other top players with the decks, while ordinary folks couldn't beat other ordinary folks even 40% of the time.) Presumably, it's good for the game to have some hard-to-play decks for the A-students to screw around with.

    As far as "nothing changing about the meta-game" - the previously most-played deck has been deleted from the game (OWLTK currently has a play-rate of about 1%, and win-rate of about 44%.) Garrote Rogue and Mozaki Mage have a combined play-rate of about 2%. All the OTK decks combined have a play-rate about half that of Quest Warrior, and only one of them (Bolner Shaman) has a win-rate above 50%.

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From AngryShuckie

    That, or there is a silent majority of players who didn't know or give a sh*t who was stronger, and just think Vanndar is more interesting.

    Back in the olden times, I helped organise a bunch of real-world FSGs in Toronto - a fairly large majority of folks we met had never played WoW before (myself included.)

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    As others have pointed out, it seems very weak. Hunter hasn't played a 6-mana card all year - to make the cut, a 6-mana card really needs to potentially win the game, or swing it toward a next-turn win. This doesn't. Spending 6-mana to cast a pair of Secrets isn't worth a space in any Hunter deck, regardless of the Improvements. The Hero Power is arguably a down-grade - hitting the opponent's face for 2 each turn sets up outs with Piercing Shot, or Aimed Shot. Spending 3-mana for a turn-7 or turn-8 Leokk will just lose too many games.

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    I mostly play Reno Secret Hunter in Wild (FWIW - on HSReplays, Hunter is the 3rd-best Reno class, with a 53.9% win-rate.) My own deck plays 10 Secrets, so there won't be a problem giving any of the new Secret-synergy cards a test-run. Secret Hunter won't be viable in Wild, and although Even Hunter (62.6%) remains one of the top decks in the format, neither of the new cards is fast enough for the deck to run.

    In Standard, the deck will only see play if it's better than simply going face, though a possible alternative is a hybrid deck - Aggro Secret Hunter. It's certainly possible if there are enough ways for the deck to play free-ish Secrets.

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Clarifying = you'll draw three additional cards over the next three turns, in addition to the three you naturally draw.

    When you play this on-curve, you'll draw six cards from turns 3-5, and three of those will be discounted. Pretty good - you sacrifice tempo on turn 2 for a bigger tempo+value boost over the next three turns.

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Drawing six cards over three turns is pretty groovy - it thins the deck as well, and the mana-cheating isn't trivial. 

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    It's worth noting that stats don't scale linearly - ie. a 6-mana 6/6 isn't nearly as good as a 3-mana 3/3, since the 6-mana card is a dead draw for the first five turns of the game. Its effect when it finally hits the board has to pay for both its mana cost and its opportunity cost of being a dead card in hand. That means static abilities, like Taunt or Rush, aren't worth as much at higher mana-costs on minions with vanilla stats (3-mana 3/3 rushers and taunts don't see play, so a 5-mana 5/5 rusher or taunt, or even a 6/6 are even less likely to see play - they need something else, like Trampling Rhino.)

    In general, Hunter is looking for 5-mana cards that are potential win-conditions - none of the Dinos fills that role, though the Huffer dino could be given Charge.

    Good idea, though.

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    To be fair - if a pair of games are all it takes for you to quit the game, you weren't very heavily invested to begin with . . .

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    FWIW - Pillager Rogue has been played for years in Wild. Last expansion, VS noted that it began posting positive win-rates (Cutterbutter allows for fairly consistent 30+ damage OTKs as early as turn six.) The new expansion gave the deck more card-draw (the tradeable SI-7 spell.) As far as Sprint goes - the card was buffed in March (it used to cost 7-mana.) Some folks run it, and some don't (Prep wasn't un-nerfed, so the best you can do is a 4-mana, draw 4, but this is often good enough to set up the turn-six kill.)

    Currently, HSReplays is tracking the deck with a 52.0% win-rate in 2,800 games played since Stormwind launched. It's a fun Tier 2 deck. Give it a shot, if you like how it sounds . . .

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    You can't Discover cards from other classes, unless the text specifies it (Dragon's Hoard, for example) so Call of the Grave won't ever find it.

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Card games are a pretty niche market, all things considered - as far as IRL games, very few CCGs survive longer than a couple years. There is a website which catalogues a lot of the CCGs which have been printed (nearly 400 since MtG debuted.) About two dozen survived longer than five years. It's more of a brand-driven market rather than a game-driven market - the "big brands" dominate (the usual suspects), mostly supplemented by licensed IPs (Star Wars, Harry Potter, Marvel, etc) that typically disappear from the shelves once the license expires. Digital CCGs don't appear to be much of an exception.

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago


    We get six packs and a Hero Skin for free. That seems like an odd way to "squeeze customers for as much money as possible" . . .

    A better post would have been - "thanks for the free stuff Blizzard - I like that we get the option to buy some cosmetics, too! Hallelujah!"

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    To be fair - the mini-set was announced in February, not "just days before it was released," so folks have had four months to save their gold. 

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    For anyone interested in the topic, Iksar was recently a guest on the "State of Wild" podcast. Here's a link

    They address many of the issues that the community raises about the format.

    FWIW - the Wild podcast "ecosystem" more-or-less unanimously regards the Stealer deck as being pretty bad (the bottom of Tier 3, falling to Tier 4 at more competitive ranks), since it tends to roll over against fast decks. The podcasters are also more-or-less agreed that it would be a good idea to nerf the card, since it's a high play-rate deck that's shitty to play against.

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    It's also worth mentioning that while Brode was the public face of HS, and the dude chiefly responsible for making the game, he wasn't actually the dude in charge until the end of 2016, when he was promoted to Game Director - he left Blizzard in early 2018, about 16 months later.

  • Haussenfuss's Avatar
    405 73 Posts Joined 06/11/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    To be fair, your decision to treat monthly cosmetics as something that "shows your loyalty to the game" isn't Blizzard's problem - you choose to give the rewards the meanings that you choose to give them.

    As far as Blizzard "spitting in your face" for choosing to give a different meaning to those cosmetics - again, you are free to feel betrayed, and perfectly free to post about your feelings if you choose to do so. You'll concede that choosing to feel betrayed isn't the same as actually being betrayed - the same holds being spat upon.

    The internet won't break if you stop pretending to be upset every time you use it.


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