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  • Sample101's Avatar
    65 3 Posts Joined 02/02/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    3x blighted ravine and 3x avalanche is usually enough to stop aggro in its tracks. If you're losing to bigger bodies than that, you might be struggling vs midrange. If aggro is still too much, you can add even more wide removal, or do as I do and add 3x vile feast as well.

    Vs midrange, you've got two choices-- make your engine faster, or be better at stalling them. That's part of why the example deck above runs 3x spectral matron and sooo much ramp. Once you hit turn 8, you can simultaneously stall and get your engine going by Matron-matron or matron-Trundle-Ice pillar combos.

    As for stalling midrange, that's pretty hard with the new cards. Azir has a lot of health and is cheap, a lot of the overwhelm cards have spellshields, etc.etc. I'm finding vengeance is bad atm, so cut it. Instead, you can do as this deck did and add fading memories (makes your win even faster-- pillar, fading memories, pillar, spectral matron), or you can do what I did and add more bodies (babbling bjerg for better matron-matron, another tavernkeeper, or draklorn inquisitors).

  • Sample101's Avatar
    65 3 Posts Joined 02/02/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    The main thing about crescendum is that it always gives reliable value, and plays into the next most reliable moon weapon-- calibrum.

    You only really want severum for lifesteal unless something you own is injured, and calibrum is only good if you're being aggressive and trying to end soon.


    So if you're the slower deck, crescendum -> calibrum -> gravitum is the most reliable stall, with some severum sprinkled in when they're unlikely to fizzle the spell by killing your unit or when you're really needing lifesteal.

  • Sample101's Avatar
    65 3 Posts Joined 02/02/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Would you consider -1 ambassador, -1 rite of calling, +2 sivir? Taliyah isn't so strong you need to guarantee her so hard, and she does very little to keep you alive.

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