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Joined 10/20/2018 Achieve Points 2070 Posts 2776

sinti's Comments

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    How long can this go on?

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Someone said Coldlight Oracle?

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    (sources: here and here)

    Iv seen many ppl complain about PVE content not being free anymore. If you stop and think about what you are getting in return for your investment, it is actually pretty decent.

    • There will be PVE content consisting of 5 chapters. You get the first chapter for free.
    • Each chapter (after the first one) will cost 700 gold.
    • Each chapter (including first one) will reward you with 3 RoS packs for its completion.
    • Completing all 5 chapters reward you with a card back and a golden Classic pack.
    • Owning all 5 chapters will reward you with a golden Zayl, Shadow Cloak.

    So lets sum this up:

    • You pay 2800 gold total (or $20) and you get 15 RoS packs, 1 golden Classic pack and a golden copy of Zayl, Shadow Cloak.

    So compared to previous, free PVE content, where the reward was a card back only, for basically 1300 gold (or literally $0 lul, since 15 packs in shop cost $20), you get a golden Classic pack and a golden Zayl, Shadow Cloak. Obviously the gold price is not as favourable as real money, but i think in the end it is ok, since we have the option to use gold in a first place.

    That sounds like a pretty damn deal to me!

    Quote From vitzex

    Friendly PSA: the Golden Classic pack apparently does not share a pity timer with normal Classic packs.

    Very true. Golden Classic packs have its own, separate pity timer from the regular, non-golden Classic packs, do keep that in mind while opening.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    No, obviously :)

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    @frosty: it is a Dragon now! :D

    In reply to Rise of Shadows
  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Sinti's Arena Rankings


    Arch-Villain Rafaam (1): Chances r the legendaries will be better than the cards you have. Or you get one specific legendary that will turn the tides and the rest will just snowball/wont matter. Also the stats for the cost is good, so you dont lose any tempo playing it.

    Archivist Elysiana (3): Not sure about this one, will depend if slower decks are gonna rise to the top or not. But mostly it would be a dead card for a better part of the game, unless you wanted to try and discover an answer you are looking for to save you, but then you have to draw into it anyway.

    Archmage Vargoth (2): This card seems quite strong and has decent enough stats that you can easilly play him on curve, but you will have to be careful what kind of spells you cast. It might backfire big time. But overall, i think he would be seens as big enough threat for your opponent that would sprout an immediate reaction and obviously you would most likely get some value out of him, since you would have the control.

    Barista Lynchen (1): Absolute top card. You will always have battlecry minions in your deck and those will probably be good battlecry minions, otherwise why pick em? Even gettin a single card with this is awesome, any more and it will be nuts.

    Blastmaster Boom (4): War Golem 99% of the time. Guess there r worse legendaries.

    Catrina Muerte (1): Even resurrectin a 2-drop is worth the stats for 8 mana, getting a big guy will be huge and having her survive a turn will probably win you the game on the spot.

    Chef Nomi (5): I guess there r worse legendaries, but a textless 6/6 for 7 is just not very good :)

    Commander Rhyssa (3): Decent stats for a 3-drop and a nice ability, but you dont generally want to draft paladin secrets, so yeah.

    Fel Lord Betrug (2): Pretty slow card, but if it lives it can win the game on its own. Can even be comboed with your hero power for 10 mana givin you a chance to remove something. It can whiff on a spell tho, so you cant be too sure about its consistency, even tho arena decks are mostly minions.

    Heistbaron Togwaggle (3): Draft dependant, but if you can pull it off, it will be beyond worth it.

    Jepetto Joybuzz (3): Drawing cards is good, but im not too sure about this one. Not the greatest stats itself and it will make your minions weaker, but at least you can combo it all for 10 mana. And also you might have never drawn into them anyway, so the 1/1 body doesnt rly matter too much, but the card is a very slow play, which i think will be its biggest obstackle.

    Kalecgos (1): Super heavy card, but damn if it doesnt bring value. Kinda a Tortollan Primalist with a better body and you can choose the targets. The ongoin ability might not matter as much on future turns after you play it, but is for sure nice to have.

    Keeper Stalladris (2): Good enough 2-drop with a superb ability, but the ability is draft dependant. Chances are you will trigger it at least once on average, but thats just theory.

    Khadgar (3): Not great stats for a 2-drop and a slightly niche ability. Obviously it will provide a lots of value if it triggers, but will it trigger tho?

    Lucentbark (3): Draft dependant. Resurrecting it just once is already worth it, tho on itself it is a big taunt, even if overpriced, so its playable. It can actually end up working in your favor, since the dormant minion can split your board and you can play more easilly around certain removals.

    Madame Lazul (1): Nice value generator which will let you peak into your opponents hand. It will be very shitty play and even shittier card in a topdeck battle, but id say on average it should get decent value. Def interested to try her out.

    Nozari (3): I would say this is indirectly draft dependant, you will have to decide in which direction your deck goes in the moment you get him offered.

    Oblivitron (5): This might actually be a sleeper card, if Piloted Shredder makes a comeback :D Obviously if you can hit literally any minion with the battlecry, the card is great, otherwise its unplayable. Very draft dependant, probably not worth it, even with several deathrattle mechs, since you dont know when will you get it.

    Scargil (3): Passable body for the cost. Ability is nice, but even tho there were quite a few murlocs introduced in ROS, i doubt you will be able to get a decent value out of this, let alone on average.

    Swampqueen Hagatha (1): Pretty slow play for 7 mana, not gonna lie, but the value it provides is quite huge, easilly game winning, if you hit the right spells and you have two discover options to try and land what you need. Looks pretty good for arena.

    Tak Nozwhisker (4): Passable stats, its still a big body, but the ability will most likely not trigger, more so, you probably will not want to trigger it either.

    The Boom Reaver (1): Amazing card for arena, little bit like Fel Lord Betrug in terms of the initial value and what it provides, but slightly more tempo oriented and does not need additional support (apart from having minions in your deck lol).

    Vereesa WindrunnerThori'dal, the Stars' Fury (1): Good enough stats and you get a decent weapon. Pretty good.


    Arcane Fletcher (5): You will not have many 1-cost minions, nor spells; less so will you combo it with this card lol. This will not work.

    Azerite Elemental (3): Can be quite insane in certain classes/drafts, if you get it to stick. At least it triggers Elemental synergies too, the stats r quite bad, tho not unplayable.

    Batterhead (2): Might be a bit tricky to set up, if you would want to attack with it many times, but honestly even just as a 3/12 Rush "Windfury" (as i would guess that two attacks is the average you will get) is pretty good.

    Big Bad Archmage (2): It can whiff on a weak 6-drop, but if it survives a turn, it can win you the game by itself. Tho 10 mana is super costly, you kinda have to be in a very good spot to be able to play this and not yolo it.

    Crystal Stag (4): Kinda draft dependant, chances are you are not gonna restore 5 Health even if you have cards that do so before turn 5, so most likely aint gonna play it on curve either.

    Crystalsong Portal (1): Decent spell that gives you some options that can became completely insane in terms of value in a topdeck war. No UIs either, no cards druid might actually be a thing lul.

    Darkest Hour (5): Can be interesting if you have lots of token generation, but chances this will not perform very well in arena.

    Dragon Speaker (3): If you can hit at least one dragon, the card is ok. The stats are bad, but could be worse. That being said, i would not pick it in draft early and hoped for dragons, only picked it if i already had few of them in my deck and honestly even then i might pass.

    Duel! (5): Very draft dependant, better the heavier your deck is, but heavy decks dont get very far in arena. And it can completely backfire on you. I would not risk this.

    Hench-Clan Hag (2): Decent board swarm that can provide additional synergies.

    Jumbo Imp (3): Draft dependant, draw dependant. Would def have potential, if you draft lots of demons, otherwise not very impressive.

    Lazul's Scheme (4): Can act as a semi-removal when u have board, so its basically a win more card, but will do pretty much nothing if you are behind, dont think it is worth it. Forget about any Cabal combos in arena lol, both cards are epic too.

    Magic Carpet (5):You will have like one 1-cost minion in your deck on average, not worth it lol. The stats r also quite horrible.

    Mana Cyclone (1): Even just one spell (and that spell can be coin), it is very worth it.

    Muckmorpher (4): Will be quite draft dependant based on how many deathrattles or "auras" you have, otherwise a 4/4 for 5 is nothing to write home about.

    Nine Lives (4): Draft dependant, draw dependant. It can be decent in a right deck, but it will be a dead card on average in most decks for a long time.

    Omega Devastator (1): Yetti with mech synergies and assassinate when on 10 Mana. Hell yeah!

    Portal Overfiend (3): You are not sacrificing too many stats for potential future tempo swings and potential demon synergy, id say decent enough card.

    Power of Creation (2): I think this one will perform rather ok. You will probably get fair stats for the cost on average, can get some nice abilities too on top of that.

    Shadowy Figure (4): Good if you have a deathrattle minion on board, but that can be a tall order on average. You might not even have any (or many) in a first place.

    Unidentified Contract (1): Siphon Soul that instead of +3 heal can become a Meteor or Holy Water. Yeah, preeeeetty good.

    Unseen Saboteur (4): Can be good, but can also screw you big time. Why would you risk that in a first place?

    Waggle Pick (1): Truesilver-ish for rogue, yup me want! The deathrattle can be a bonus or not, depending on he situation, but you should be able to control it for the most part, so it will probably be a bonus most of the time.

    Whirlwind Tempest (5): Obviously super draft dependent, can provide for some cool games, but imho not worth it. At least it triggers ele synergies, which is good for Shaman, since that is where most Windfury minions lie.

    Witch's Brew (3): Might be ok as an insurace to lean on, but it does not give you any tempo or card advantage, if your deck is lacking, more health will not save you.

    Wrenchcalibur (3): It's still a weapon, so it will always be ok. The bombs might help, might not, i wouldnt count them into the equation.


    Arcane Watcher (5): Nice stats, but the requirement is kinda hard to pull off. Dalaran Librarian might help and Wailing Soul is back too, but unless you have some of these triggers already, i wouldnt bother, probably not even if you did have them.

    Call to Adventure (4): Its a draw card, but the tempo loss is just too big.

    Clockwork Goblin (3): Average 3-drop, nothing amazing. Bomb is nice, but you cant rely on that.

    Conjurer's Calling (1): I think this spell will be one of those cards that you will absolutely hate. You will have nightmares about it. It is definitely a win more card, but super powerful one. It can be used to go through taunts as well, tho i think you will be mostly casting this on your own minions.

    Convincing Infiltrator (2): I want to give it a better score, but the low attack prevents me to do so. Chances are that whatever is trading into this will survive, so the deathrattle is not gonna be as powerful as for Obsidian Statue. But it is still a very strong card.

    Desperate Measures (2): Value card, might mess up your opponents plays and there actually are some very powerful secrets for their cost in the mix, Avenge included.

    Dimensional Ripper (5): You will simply not want to draft a deck that could make good use of this card. Period.

    Dreamway Guardians (3): Good "2-drop", some potantial healing synergy as well and druid might (have to) fall back on its swarm archetype.

    Eager Underling (4): I guess balanced Fungalmancer? rofl, balanced but barely playable.

    Exotic Mountseller (1): Potentially game winning ability with good enough stats for the cost.

    Forbidden Words (2): Im gonna be optimistic about this card, cause versatile removal usually performs well enough. You might have to pay more than you would like sometimes, but that single target removal of almost anything you want to get rid of will be preeeeetty nice.

    Hagatha's Scheme (1): Insanely powerful board clear. Yes, it wont save you from a top deck like Volcano could, but keep it in hand for a few turns and you basically have a Hellfire closing on Twisting Nether for 5 mana.

    Hecklebot (5): If you want to lose games, pick this card. Yes, the stats are good, but you only need to lose 3 games to tap out. This card might very well be the reason for that.

    Hunting Party (4): Can be good i suppose if you get many beasts, but even then, the tempo loss is abysmal. If you can get at least 3 cards with it then great, but i dont think you can afford to play this as hunter, if you have other stuff to play. And when you finally have time to play it, your hand is pretty much empty.

    Impferno (4): I mean its an aoe, so thats something, if you have many demons, this card might actually become very strong.

    Kirin Tor Tricaster (3): I honestly dont know about this card, but +3 Spell Damage is no joke. We will have to see how it performs.

    Lifeweaver (2): This might be an insane card generator for druid. Obviously it needs support, but i think it is worth leaning heavilly into this, there r some very good heal cards that you will want to get anyway and they seem to be offered with a decent rate.

    Mad Summoner (3): Interesting card, not sure how will it perform. It looks stronger when you are playing it from behind. Like a mini-Onyxia and your opponent having a board will not benefit him too much. The demon tag(s) might be what could push this card over the top with all the demon synergy around.

    Magic Trick (3): You will mostly get secrets, which is not what you want, there is a Volcanic Potion in the mix, but dunno. If you have any spell synergy this is good and discover has good versatility so you can adjust different situations, but the card pool offered for this is just not amazing, thats all.

    Mass Resurrection (3): Im a bit torn about this card. Its obviously expensive AF, but 3 minions is decent enough value. Obviously you cant low roll 2-drops, that would be bad. My problem is you are not playing anything else the turn you play this and it is a bit too RNG heavy for my taste. You can influence the minion pool to some extent, in the drafting phase and in game, but it still might be very difficult to being able to afford to play this, but who knows. It could very well be a sleeper card that will become another one of those completely broken priest cards and you will fear T9 every game vs priest lol.

    Mysterious Blade (3): It is a weapon, so that is a plus. But even as a 2/3 its not the best thing ever.

    Plot Twist (5): We've seen this effect in arena before during Taverns of Time arena event - Possibility Seeker. And it was actually rly rly good, but that was due to the fact, that the effect essentially cost 0 mana being glued to a vanilla 4 drop and all. Plot Twist is not gonna be very good, it might help you fish for that aoe you desperately need, but wouldnt you rather have an actual playable card instead? If you have full hand, you probably have cards to play, if you have empty hand and are tapping, you dont want to waste a card just to swap one or two cards. Just dont pick this expecting amazing results.

    Portal Keeper (1): Very good card that will provide additional tempo. Think of this as a neutral Fal'dorei Strider. Good? Yeah, good!

    Recurring Villain (3):Decent enough 5-drop, if you can buff its attack it becomes insane.

    Shimmerfly (1): Kinda Babbling Book for hunter, looks pretty good at first glance. Beast synergy on top and mby even some small deathrattle one.

    Sludge Slurper (1): Ok 1-drop that gives you a relatively good card? Hell yeah.

    Spellward Jeweler (2): Solid 3/4 for 3 with an upside, what's not to like?:)

    Sunreaver Warmage (4): Obviously completely insane if you have few 5+ cost spells, but otherwise below average 5-drop.

    Sweeping Strikes (1): It works as a small aoe, and stays on the minion so it needs to be dealt with otherwise more value will be reaped. Even if it only damages one other minion, for 2 mana that is already worth it. Yes, you need to have a board, but there r also quite a few rush minions around, especially for warrior.

    Togwaggle's Scheme (3): This is a very tricky card for arena. Chances are you will not want to shuffle many, if any minions you have to play and have it sit in your hand will make things potentially even worse, when you will have to shuffle large number of a chosen minion to your deck. Could work out, if you would choose some insane carry. It can also target enemy minions, so that is something to keep in mind, but i think this one will be hard to use properly and could backfire big time.

    The Forest's Aid (1): While quite expensive, the sheer value it provides is insane. 1 card that gives you two almost full boards, forcing multiple aoes or trades out of your opponent. Also some random Treant synergy might start to become a thing, which only gives bonus points to this card.

    Tunnel Blaster (1): High health taunt combined with a board clear? Holy shit yes. Thousand times yes. Look at this as a Bog Creeper that deals 6 to the attacker and 3 to all other enemy minions, convinced yet? Obviously hitting your board as well is a downside, but you will usually play this on an empty board anyways.

    Underbelly Angler (3): Average 2-drop with a potentially amazing ability. Seems good!

    Underbelly Fence (3): Average 2-drop with a potentially amazing ability. Seems good!

    Underbelly Ooze (4): Kinda [Hearthstone Card (grim pattron) Not Found] 2.0, but not really. Not only is this expensive AF, it summons copies of itself, meaning those copies will be damaged. 3/5 stats are just way too low for this to get any real value. You need to get at least one copy to break even and any after that will be a) hard to get and b) very low on HP. Mage might potentially make use of this with the hero power, but i wouldnt bother.

    Unleash the Beast (1): Absolutely friggin OP card. If it didnt have Twinspell it would be amazing, but with Twinspell its just nuts.

    Vendetta (3): Expensive Shadow Bolt, that can be good in thief rogue. I mean its removal, so you will pick it from time to time regardless, but dont expect it to cost 0 very often.


    Acornbearer (3): Above average 1-drop, but nothing to write home about.

    Aranasi Broodmother (3): Decent taunt and some healing on top, demon synergy. Yeah, pretty good card overall.

    Arcane Servant (3): Average 2-drop, good for ele synergy. It is actually very good that this card exists, cause there might not be enough 2-drops to choose from.

    Blessing of the Ancients (3): Could be good in a right deck. But it is not very cheap.

    Bronze Herald (1): Super value oriented card. Not the worst stats either, considering what you get in return.

    Burly Shovelfist (2): Big guy and big removal. This card will cause some pain. But it will not fit in every deck, being so expensive and all. But definitely a strong arena card, even if you probably skip it often enough.

    Crystal Power (3): Good card, better Holy Smite since you can choose what you need and there is a chance that the healing will have more value than just restoring health with additional support.

    Dalaran Crusader (2): I think this card will be underrated by many at start, but it will quickyl become a bane of T5. Very good tempo play and even if the divine shield eats just a hero power or a token, that is still good value for its cost.

    Dalaran Librarian (3): Average 2-drop with an ability that can be both negative and a positive, depending on a situation. I liked wailing sould myself back in a day and she is making a comeback and this card is a mini-version of that. Will def become more popular if there will be many freeze effects. Would have been definitely better if Frozen Crusher and Hyldnir Frostrider were still in the mix.

    Daring Escape (4): Can be good if you have lots of battlecry and combo minions, but you generally want to play tempo game as a rogue and bouncing back your entire board is not exactly a tempo play.

    Dr. Boom's Scheme (5): You basically have to consider this card a dead card for entire game, if you want any decent value out of it. Could be potentially ok in a very heavy control warrior, but even then you have your hero power, this does not look like it will be worth in arena one bit.

    Eccentric Scribe (1): Big drop that summons tokens after it dies. Where did we only see that? Oh yeah, Savannah Highmane, Violet Wurm. Good cards? Yeah.

    EVIL Cable Rat (3): Ok card, it generates some value, even tho it is an abysmal play pretty much anytime in the game, but the lackeys are good enough that a value oriented deck might want this.

    EVIL Conscripter (1): MUCH better than EVIL Cable Rat. 2/2 is at least fighting stats and priest can use any "pings" it can get and the lackey abilities fit right in priest "moar cards moar cards moar cards" playstyle lol.

    EVIL Genius (3): Could be good in a right deck. Could be good to trigger deathrattle of another minion too.

    EVIL Miscreant (2): While the stats suck ass, they r not the end of the world and it gives you more tools to use against your opponent. Not only that, it gives you 1 mana combo activators.

    Faceless Rager (2): There seem to be more good ragers than bad ragers at this point. Is the meme dead?:o

    Flight Master (3): Seems like an ok 3-drop. The stats "distribution" might be good or bad in different situations, but it should still be ok play no matter what for the most part.

    Hench-Clan Burglar (1): Another similar card we've seen in Taverns of Time arena event - [Hearthstone Card (thief of fortunes) Not Found]. Discovering a spell from your opponents class might actually be much better than gettin a random card from your opponents deck too, so this card will be insane guaranteed.

    Hench-Clan Hogsteed (1): Bluegill Warrior that poops out a 1/1 after it does its job? Hell yeah!

    Hench-Clan Shadequill (1): This card is borderline insane. Heal 5 what? What? I cant hear you over your hero portrait exploding. Lol the deathrattle is a complete joke as a downside for the stats on this thing. Priest has problems early game, this wins you early game. Cant even be taken down by fellow priests (unless they have Forbidden Words, in which case you traded 1for1 and they spent a hard removal on a 4 drop, so you got the better end of that trade).

    Hench-Clan Sneak (3): Good 3-drop that might make it easier to get back on board too.

    Heroic Innkeeper (2): I think this card will actually perform very well and will probably surprise ppl often, until they realize how good it is. You need two minions to make this into an Ironbark Protector, more and you make it into a gigantic monster. Obviously not very good if played from super behind, but can close out games on its own, if ahead.

    Improve Morale (2): I think this card is actually very good. Kinda like Elven Archer/Blowgill Sniper that gives you another ability to do something beside dealing 1 dmg.

    Lightforged Blessing (3): Looks like a pretty good way to gain back some life. That being said, you might not need it or rather it might not help you win the game, but its cheap enough.

    Magic Dart Frog (4): Mini-[Hearthstone Card (flamewaker,) Not Found] dont think its that good. Could have probably been a 2/3 easilly without it being OP.

    Mana Reservoir (5): Horrible arena card. Dont.

    Marked Shot (1): Amazing arena card. Do!

    Messenger Raven (1): Very good value card.

    Mutate (3): I look at this a little bit like a Hand of Protection in a sense. You might highroll, but it is still random, not the worst card ever tho and 0-cost is also to be considered.

    Never Surrender! (3): Decent win more card id say. The thing is, the card on itself should not provide much value on average, but just its existence will fuck with your opponent mind and the way he is gonna play, so you can now fake out anti-aoe protection with any secret. That is kinda disgusting if you ask me.

    Potion Vendor (4): Cute little fella, but you will probably want to draft a better card. But not like this is the end of the world, nice effect.

    Proud Defender (2): [Hearthstone Card (Lone Defender) Not Found] 2.0, problem is that your opponent can negate the bonus simply by not attacking for a turn, chances are you will not want to sit on a single minion forever lol. Still decent taunt regardless.

    Rafaam's Scheme (2): You will have to hold it for a while to get good value out of it, but it should be a decent card overall. The low cost will allow for some nice tempo plays.

    Rapid Fire (3): 2 damage spread across two targets. Having two pings is pretty good for hunter, you will not be too sad to get this.

    Ray of Frost (4): While freeze can be a powerful tempo tool in arena, i still dont think this card is strong enough to be worth it.

    Safeguard (2): Pretty strong and annoying taunt to get through. Sludge Belcher 2.0 with the actual Sludge Belcher returning. Getting through taunts might be quite taxing during this meta.

    Soldier of Fortune (3): Very good stats and probably a very strong play for a tempo deck, but accelerating opponents mana so he can respond better to what ur putting out is a dangerous game.

    Soul of the Murloc (4): Good for swarm type deck, but other than that not that good.

    Spellbook Binder (3): Average 2-drop with potentially amazing ability, but one that will be hard to proc.

    Sunreaver Spy (3): Average 2-drop with a good ability for secret classes.

    Toxfin (5): Godly if you have Murlocs, abysmal if you dont.

    [Hearthstone Card (Travelling Healer) Not Found] (3): Pretty decent 4-drop. Good enough body protected by a Divine Shield and some healing is never bad.

    Ursatron (3): Average 3-drop that becomes rly rly good if you have a few mechs.

    Unsleeping Soul (4): You have to hit at least a 4 drop, good stated one at that. Can be actually insane with Hench-Clan Shadequill, but i wouldnt rely on it.

    Vicious Scraphound (3): Pretty nice card that can give you some hp buffer, but since it has below vanilla stats, cant rate it any higher.

    Violet Spellsword (5): Pretty bad. You wont have that many spells most likely and you probably dont want to announce to your opponent how many you do have.

    Violet Warden (2): Really good taunt. Archmage with taunt, literally.

    Walking Fountain (1): Seems like a very good minion. Can help you recover on board and in life total. Elemental on top of everything, yeah, solid.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Shadow me timbers!

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Right, almost forgot they r working on a Marvel game. Pls no mobile game, thanks!

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago


  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    I dont mind reusing past characters, if they do it in a clever way.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    I think we will have to see what cards r gonna be added to the mix. While i like mechs a lot, midrange approach just doesnt seem to cut it atm. There is some potential for a surprise burst, but not that big. Rotation of DK Rexxar will def weaken all hunter decks, so there will have to be something else to give you that extra power. Would all the bombs be enough? Hard to say.

    You might want to add Missile Launcher for the ultimate combo with Venomizer, or just as a board clear in general (can also kill off bombs in two turns). I know it might be kinda slow for the deck, just a thought :)

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    The EU only stuff isnt much better :D

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Teknician, nice to see you around! :) This should probably belong to, :))

    In reply to hey folks
  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    All hail our Derpcorn overlord.

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    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    This is a place to share your arena stories with others. You can post screenshots, replays or just comment on what happened. Good or bad. But stay civil, else you'll win a Free Ticket to Salt Mine!

    In reply to Arena Highlights
  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago


    In reply to 12 Wins Decklists
  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2776 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    Show off the deck(s) that took you all the way! You have earned the bragging rights, use them well ;-)

    • Include a screenshot or a decklist (using our deckbuilder) of the deck.
    • Include a screenshot of the 12-win key as a proof.
    • Feel free to also include screenshot of your rewards and/or add a short description of what were the weaknesses/strengths of the deck or just list a match that was too magnificent not to be mentioned ;-)
    In reply to 12 Wins Decklists
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