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  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    maybe I just need to update the tracker as it seems a new version came out 2 days ago. will update after I try this. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I'm getting an "un even" permissions error code-thing, and although deck tracker is loading up it will not sync with my game to take any new data, also the overlay is broken. basically nothing is working. 

    I have tried doing what it says in the error msg and it doesn't work. could it be linked to the new patch, as it was working fine before that I'm sure. I don't like playing without the overlay, so hopefully I can at least get in keeper working again. will in keeper be gone when Hearthpwn goes down as well does anyone know, please? 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I got these once when they were on sale and I got 2 x 40 pack bundles I think they were (highest on mobile) and a smaller pack for around 50 pounds, which was great. 

    Do you guys know if you can still do this on an emulator as well? 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Solertis

    Hey OP! I'm your complete opposite :D :D

    • I always reply to greetings and pretty much always end a game with "well played".
    • When I get recked, I try to understand why.
    • When I get especially unlucky, I let it out loud, as comically as I can, and oftentimes laugh about it.
    • When I get lucky too!
    • I am always super friendly to people who add me as friends, but if they whine, I relish in their salty tears.

    That makes the game super enjoyable. And getting at me is really hard. Try that sometimes!

    I like polite players a lot. makes it such a nicer game this way. Like I was saying in my post though, I think some players realize this and use the emotes to psych their opponent out.

    In reply to Confess!
  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    yeah that's it, dude. pogos do not fair well against decks that can get stuff done quickly. any fast deck will smash it. it does well against control decks though. I would only really break out the pogos if I was facing a lot of control. I imagine at legend pogo will fair better, but everyone uses aggro to climb pretty much. 

    Sounds good man. may have to break out the pogos again. I'm playing shaman and hunter mainly at the moment though and taking a break from rogue as I mained rogue for a quite a while there. I think shaman can do a lot of interesting things, and hunter is a good go to when I just need to straight up win shit.

    Saying that though, there are some shaman decks that can smash it right now as well. it's not in a bad place at all.

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Hearthpwn turned me into a like farmer when that kind of thing really doesn't interest me in my real life. I have always felt the whole instagram culture quite alien. Then comes along a niche where I can get likes for something I actually care about and suddenly I'm invested and this means way more than it actually should. A monster is born. ha ha. 

    I definitely got way too invested for a while there. I guess it was like my first taste of that kind of internet and it maybe didn't mesh well with my addictive personality or something.  

    I also get really tilted at BM'ers in game. This generally means people using what I deem to be the wrong emotes. It's crazy when you think about it really. But honestly it does feel incredibly disrespectful at times. There is definitely a real mind-game there behind the emoting. 

    In reply to Confess!
  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    not played it in a while, but have played a few versions since boomsday. basically faster decks will win most of the time, but anything slower you have a chance of decimating. 

    I'm not sure how much the mana decrease changes things, but you could include magic carpets now as well. you could potentially clear anything with a large bunny with carpet up. might be worth trying out. 

    I am personally missing tak so I can't try out a proper new fangled version. I have ran it with barrista though and she is great in a Pogo deck. With shark totem and togs scheme I think the deck got a lot better anyway. Now is probs a good time to try the deck out. If there is a lot of slower decks for you on ladder as well, you will get some wins. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I put soul of the murloc back into the deck because I would like the deck to be as sticky as possible. I know this is not a token deck, but having tokens left behind if stuff gets cleared is beneficial to our game plan. 

    I will see how it goes anyway, as still undecided if I want frogs. If I was to have frogs though, I might be inclined to add another zero cost card for the sake of drawing, and I really doubt I have room for all of those changes. maybe just a storm chaser to grab the bringer or bloodlust will be enough draw. If I start worrying too much about draw, the deck will completely change I feel. 

    In reply to Mecha'load Shaman.
  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Sykomyke
    Quote From FortyDust

    I think the problem is that you're going in two different directions. The deck would be stronger if you picked one and ran with it.

    But The Storm Bringer is still a weak card even after the buff. Any version of this deck is probably better without it. If you want to take advantage of having a lot of tokens, that's what Bloodlust is for.

    I disagree.  Bloodlust falls into the same trap that savage roar does (aside from being a worse version of the latter).  Which is that it's game plan projects an aggro mentality and thus will encourage players to play more taunts.  StormBringer does have the same "token generation feel" that aggro decks do, but only for the purposes of generating a large wide board.  It also has the benefit of actually threatening a warrior control meta, where bloodlust-style decks generally don't unless they get super lucky and the warrior doesn't draw any aoe.

    For what it's worth, I'm running a version right now that uses both Hagatha's in addition to a few other midrange cards to generate tokens but still keep the opponent on the back foot.

    Would you mind sharing your deck with me, please? I only got back into shaman decks quite recently so really just still learning. Everything helps a little. 

    Also Bloodlust isn't great on it's own, but it can put a lot of damage on the board when used in tandem with electra, it often wins me games at least. I mean if we're talking about warrior, your best chance there is to beat them very fast. Once they start to armour up you've pretty much got no chance of killing them with bloodlust. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I've edited the OP as well to say a little bit more about the deck and give props to the guy that originally give me the idea to do dual type decks (the first one was a biomech hunter that I still play now)

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From FortyDust

    I think the problem is that you're going in two different directions. The deck would be stronger if you picked one and ran with it.

    But The Storm Bringer is still a weak card even after the buff. Any version of this deck is probably better without it. If you want to take advantage of having a lot of tokens, that's what Bloodlust is for.

    Quote From sto650

    You might consider 2x Voltaic Burst and only 1x Feral Spirit. I don't see the 2/3 taunts being that relevant, and the price is higher to get them. You could voltaic burst with a thunderhead into a storm bringer as early as turn 7. Whereas feral spirit is basically just some relatively weak defenses. But I'm not an expert, so take this with a grain of salt.

    Thanks. I will give this a shot. it does make sense really.

    If I was going to add anything else though, it would probably be the frogs that draw spells, but I need to test more and see if draw is an issue or not. I just put the Ferals in to test really as they fit the token side of things and have overload, plus sometimes a couple of early game taunts can totally d-rail an aggro deck.

    I may end up taking both out, especially if frogs are to be added.

    Thing is I feel you need to have the exact spells in your deck to make the frog totems work so you can draw out all your spells reliably to thin the deck. 


    (EDIT: I misread your Bloodlust bit. I thought you were asking me what it was for. Ha ha, I like to run both of these spells in the right deck. the bringer is amazing as well. it can low roll on you, but then again this is why it's not like the only win condition in the deck. my deck can win many ways)

    The idea was to marry a couple of things together, and I can say that it does work as it's not the first deck it's been done in. I do appreciate what you're saying though and will take it on board. I understand the Bringer is not going to be top tier competitively, but I'm not a competitive player, I prefer to play weird decks that people don't see coming, but can still do some powerful things and win games. 

    If I wanted it to be high end in that regard I'd have built it totally differently. I should have probably mentioned that I know that it's not gonna be tier 1 or anything.

    Also the Bloodlust is to buff the board and kill the opponent. Electra Bloodlust is huge. sometimes you're just left with tokens on board and then you buff them and win. The storm Bringer isn't the win condition, it's more of a wild card and ruse. I can easily transform some tokens and make my opponent waste a ton of resources if it high rolls, if not then it's fine as that's just part of the game really. 

    But yeah, one of the main themes of the deck is buffing stuff, whether it be through triple zentimo buffs, magnetized big boys or a board of tokens left over that gets double blood lusted with Electra. 

    Like I say though, the deck is still in it's infancy really, as I usually go for the mech/murloc route as it's just way more powerful really. I am just trying something different with this deck. 

    I reckon most likely I will end up adding frogs to have some kind of draw, but other than that I don't think I'll end up changing much. 

    PS: I was running the storm bringer before the buff as well, ha ha. It just suits my playstyle a lot really. I like a bit of mad RNG now and again. ha ha. 

    I hope maybe I helped you understand the deck a bit more. really though unless you know all the intricacies, it can look like a bit of mess, I can appreciate that. 

    I do appreciate any critique though as it does help me become a better deck builder. so thanks again. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I think he's from MoP. The next monthly card back is shadopan as well which is also MoP. (Mists of Pandaria)

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Just so happens I like Shaman, so this is a definitely "yes" from me. I don't have any lightning themed card backs yet neither, so that's great as well. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    it said there was 2 before I replied though, and 3 afterwards. Guess it must be an error. 

    while you're here, are you taking info on bugs, as I have encountered one where you sometimes can't leave spaces between letters on a new line, and you have to type two letters with a space and then move it down to fix it. This could be on my end though as I think my browser is acting up a bit. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Cleef2
    Quote From kvothe

    Discount the Boars and play them with Electra and Bloodlust for a max of 14 damage.

    The Deckhands add another 16 damage if you have a weapon and all the pieces together.

    Some combination of those cards and chipping away with Likkim at the health total should get you lethal.

    Ah alright, missed the helpless hatchlings, now it makes sense. Still a lot of setup needed and one taunt trows your gameplan overboard. i also don't think there is a lot of "chipping" to be done, almost no minions or damage. 

    Anyway when it works, it works ;-)

    yeah it definitely works as I seen someone else playing this deck on youtube. definitely a lot of set up really, but I think the thing is it's just another way of winning or something. the deck seems capable enough without the combo as well. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From kvothe

    Discount the Boars and play them with Electra and Bloodlust for a max of 14 damage.

    The Deckhands add another 16 damage if you have a weapon and all the pieces together.

    Some combination of those cards and chipping away with Likkim at the health total should get you lethal.

    yeah, but you also can play the dudes that get charge from the weapon. the weapon is only there to give those guys charge. you double bloodlust on those 4.

    EDIT: sorry you mentioned the deckhands.  

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    says there is 2 replies, but I can't see them. is this an error? 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I have a mech/token/overload shaman that's nuts. TBH I was already playing the deck before, but the addition of Sn1p Sn4p is great, the cheaper storm bringer and buffed up thunderheads are welcome too. 

    EDIT: and yeah Sn1p is live on EU, been playing games with it this afternoon. There's also a new bundle with a new hero for shaman and card back. 

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    So I've been messing around with the idea of dual type shaman decks for a little while now (I originally got the idea from the player "Heeljin" so props for that, and also for teaching me the value of magnetic).

    There's loads of ways to do it, this is just one of them. 

    I have one here that is part elemental/overload and part mech. It also has a slight token flavour to it, and by that I mean it is sticky. We have ways of making token death rattles, which is a very valuable ability in this meta. Soul of the Murloc can be added to make the deck even more sticky, then when combined with electra too, forget about it, something is sticking around to get buffed next turn for lethal.  Ideally though we want mech adds or elemental adds for this deck to take advantage of the synergies for buffing. 

    other things I considered adding were things like hagatha the witch, although I do feel this deck wants to win before then. also maybe adding the new murloc would be great as having 2 activators is enough really to get value. Do you think Hench clan hag would be better than amalgam considering the token/buff/evolve aspect of the deck? (I honestly think amalgam is great here at getting a target to stick for magnetize, as they aren't expecting you to stick a mech on it at all. It's also a great target for earthen might)

    anyway, the main goal for me here is to make something of my own, that is fun and has interesting gameplay, but also wins. I know the deck is viable as I've been playing renditions of it for over a month now, I'm just interested to see what other people think, and maybe learn a thing or 2 from each other. 

    here is the link to my new version anyway. thanks for your interest, it's always appreciated (especially the negative comments. we can't learn from our mistakes, if we aren't even aware of them in the first place)

  • Skarsnik's Avatar
    220 78 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    actually you may want to consider rain of toads as well, but tbh it might be too slow, and also when you include this it leads to wanting to add more things. for example the rain of toads in this style of deck is usually part of a package that includes sunreaver warmage and storm chaser. I don't have room for all that here. I only run the 2 high cost spells purposely so I don't have to run storm chaser. 

    It may end up I need some kind of draw engine though, I currently don't actually have any draw. I may put in frog totems if it makes sense, I don't want to run a tide totem I doubt so not really sure. 

    In reply to Mecha'load Shaman.
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