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tnrg's Comments

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    I started playing LOR 4 months ago and I got 7 wins in my first expeditions trial. After that I played a new run almost every week and in about 75% of my tries I had at least one 7-win-trial (of the 2). My average is around 5 wins. It's surely not rigged but of course your opponent at 6 wins is pretty good because he's also at 6 wins when he's playing you.

    It was my favorite mode until recently. Now I have enough cards in constructed to make my own homebrews I play expeditions a little less but i'm still looking forward to it when starting a new run.

    It's not only about chosing the best bucket with the best cards. You have to think ahead, if you chose this bucket, what will I be offered after that? And sometimes you'll still end up with a very bad deck but most times you still can get some wins with it if you play seriously. I think it's easier compared to ranked but it probably won't help that i'm mostly playing offmeta and homebrews in ranked.

    FTP_BUST is a good Expedition player to watch on Youtube, he can get to 7 wins with each champion (I still only play the good ones or the ones I'm used to in constructed, if I'll start playing the others my winrate probably drop a bit). His guides (for each champion) are also very useful and will give you some direction.

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    This is the first deck I fell in love with after I started playing Runeterra about 3 months ago. Every game is different because your wincondition heavily depends on the deck of your opponent. Lately I also started playing Zoe/Vi which feels the same for me, every matchup feels winable. I like to play against it too, which can't be said about decks like azir/irelia and watcher combo.

    Took both Ezreal/Draven and Zoe/Vi (with Ashe Noxus) to the seasonal tournament today and got to 6-3 which exceeded my expectations. :)

    Are there other decks out there who are comparable in playstyle to these two? I don't care if they are a bit worse or offmeta.

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    I'm not annoyed yet. I started this game during the TF/Fizz and Aphelios meta. I read everywhere that that meta and the current Blade Dance/Watcher meta were the worst ones ever. I can only compare with Hearthstone but even during this two meta's my homebrew and offmeta decks are still very viable. There is also a lot more deck diversity compared to HS. Maybe I'm not spoiled because I missed the perfect meta's but I think it's surely not that bad now.

    That doesn't say I'm not looking forward to the 2.11 patch next month because I really dislike the Watcher deck. Blade dance isn't much better either. I also look forward to the buffs! But this surely isn't a reason to stop playing for a while. I'm still having a lot of fun atm.

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Nifty129

    If there's one thing I can't stand in card games its the ladder climb.

    Unless I can brew an anti meta list that will win me somewhere close to 70% of my games so my time remains valuable.

    I just jammed out to Plat in one small sitting using this anti meta overwhelm list.

    It was easy as cake.

    Feel free to try it out yourselves if you're feeling frustrated

    Thanks I'll try it out. Always nice to see some new lists.

    But I wonder, if you hate the ladder climb... Why do it? There isn't much to gain right? I'm playing mainly offmeta decks in Gold/Platinum and play the more meta decks or the offmeta decks which have proven themselves in the gauntlet for the prime glories. I'm even experimenting with homebrews straight on ladder instead of testing them in normal because my rank at the end at the end of the season does not matter at all. Or am I missing something?

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From Fiakur

    Maybe i am kinda late, but i didn't find anything like this anywhere else. I just got out of a gold chest a Draven in the Noxus tree. Right after that, i opened the epic capsule after that gold chest and i got another Draven out of it. I am just hyper lucky or does that happen more often?

    It's kinda lucky but not that special too. In my last weekly vault I got a capsule with two champions, one champion wildcard and a epic card! After almost 3 months of playing I got already 96 champions and enough shards and champion wildcards to craft 139 champions, which is already 76% of all total champions! After all these Hearthstone years I'm still surprised every day about how generous Riot is.

    In reply to How to Get Champions
  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Forgottenslayer

    Irelia / Az seems crazy strong I drew the exact cards I thought would counter it and got annihilated anyways. I had the blocks for the blade dances. I didn’t have the blocks for stacking elusive. If they got buffed for the first three units summoned it would be fine but as it stands now it feels very powerful. I guess the numbers don’t support that though

    I'm quite surprised it still got such a high winrate. For me it's almost a free win. I play mostly midrange decks like EZ/Draven, Ashe Noxus and Dragons. Even my own homebrew Ashe Targon deck beats it. If you can kill the champions you win, if you got lifesteal you win and fury is also a nice counter to it.

    In reply to Quick Meta Report
  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Almaniarra
    Quote From tnrg
    Quote From Almaniarra

    The thing is, Draft mode of Runeterra sucks, i just wanted to say that because you said that you like to play Arena in HS. The game is great but draft is meh.

    I started this thread but I'm already playing LOR for 2 months now. I'm really loving the game so far. But the draft mode Expeditions is actually by far my favorite game mode! If it didn't cost so many of my precious shards I would be playing it even more. ;)

    What do you not like about it?

    Don't worry, You will be swimming in those shards after a couple of months also, after 3 runs, it is free to play expeditions.

    What I don't like most is how they changed experience reward firstly. Rewards for 7 win was giving champion card and they moved it to weekly chests which is fair and ok for me but Free runs now gives almost no experience which is a big con for me. I'm mostly a draft player in CCGs and in Runeterra, playing draft for a week doesn't reward. it is just a 3-times-run mode like aa Asian MMORPG dungeon which has limits to play weekly (Hello Lost Ark), lol.

    Best draft mode is MTG:A's for sure but no mainstream CCG has come close to it unfortunately. Eternal and HEX was like it but well both games are dead now. I don't know about Mythgard's Draft mode tho because i didn't even try the game. Look at how is the MTG:A's draft mode and you will understand what i meant.

    in MTG:A you are openning packs to make your deck with other players. You choose those cards which you also collect them. I mean you really collect your draft deck for your collection, so you can decide to collect most rare cards while winning lesser games or make a better deck to win more and get more rewards from your wins. It is all your choice and rewards are really decent which might keeps you playing draft mode and/or buying Battle Passes to save them.

    I really thought that with first reveal of Runeterra, their draft mode migh tbe like MTG but no, it was even worse than HS-Arena and they killed even more with deleting free run experiences.

    Also, I don't really like its card choosing system. 3-card choosing is so bad implemented draft system in my opinion. It forces players to those archetypes that I spoke about in my above post. Riot approaches its card game as an e-sport candidate more than a CCG which really hurts the potential of the game.

    And Also, because of no free Run reward system, there is no draft mode ratings because playerbase rarely plays draft mode. I knew some people who holds their expedition tokens because they are waiting some overhaul to Draft mode. I am even sitting on 40+ tokens + 150k shards because I already collected almost all cards and expeditions after 3 run doesn't give anything even I call myself more of a draft player.

    Riot is generous with its card game, I don't have any word for it but with this way, it loses the magic of the collecting counterpart of CCGs and it becomes an e-sport instead of a deckbuilding card game. Draft mode means nothing in Runeterra right now for players who started the game with its release.

    Thanks for your comprehensive answer! A champion wildcard for 7 wins? That would have been nice!
    I'll agree the rewards aren't that good, you need 7 wins to get the shards back you used. Even if i can keep my high percentage of 7 wins runs (75% atm) it's not really worth it for the rewards. And a double 7 win Expedition didn't gave more too.
    In terms of XP expeditions isn't that much different compared to ranked. You get 100 instead of 200 for a win and 50 instead of 100 for a loss but you get a 1500 bonus after 7 wins. Or is it less for the free runs? I never had time to play more than 2 expeditions in one week so I never played the free runs.

    The draft mode you described of MTG:A sounds like a lot of fun too! Too bad I don't have enough time to get really into another CCG. I have never tried Eternal and Hex so my only experience is Hearthstone and I think LOR does it a lot better at the moment.

    I can understand that having too many shards and wildcards maybe gets boring after a while. A part of the fun in playing LOR at the moment is that I know that each day I get a reward of the region reward track. But as a new player I'm very happy with how generous they are. I like making my own homebrew decks and in Hearthstone there were so much times I didn't craft a bad epic or legendary because it would be a waste if my new deck idea would not work out good enough. I look forward to trying all possible LOR cards in the future and not need to throw away a nice deck idea if i have to craft some general bad expensive cards.

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Almaniarra

    The thing is, Draft mode of Runeterra sucks, i just wanted to say that because you said that you like to play Arena in HS. The game is great but draft is meh.

    I started this thread but I'm already playing LOR for 2 months now. I'm really loving the game so far. But the draft mode Expeditions is actually by far my favorite game mode! If it didn't cost so many of my precious shards I would be playing it even more. ;)

    What do you not like about it?

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years ago
    Quote From dapperdog

    (can someone confirm if the keywords in LoR explain itself when you scroll past them, Im not sure)

    Yes they do.

    I played Hearthstone for years and I just started playing LOR 2 months ago. If you dive right in competitive ranked play, like I did at the start, all the keywords can be a bit overwhelming at first (surely because i played 75% of the tutorial months ago) but you get used to them pretty quickly.

    I still play Hearthstone too and I think it's in a great spot at the moment (if you got a good collection already) but I'll still prefer LOR at the moment.
    There is not much talk about the game mode Expeditions but that's the mode I love the most. I always like arena in Hearthstone but lately it isn't that good anymore. Expeditions is better than arena ever was though! I love the deckbuilding style (you chose packages instead of cards) and I played some really memorable matches!

    And as said before, it's incredibly FTP friendly! I just calculated that after 2 months of play I already have + can craft 55% of all the champions (LOR's legendaries) in the game! I can easily craft/play every existing tier 1/2/3 deck already.

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Too bad I can't make any of these yet but love to play off meta decks, keep posting them! :)

    The Youtube channel of Hawktie is also a nice resource of off meta decks. The decks in his best decks of the day playlist aren't that bad either. Anyone know other off-meta streamers like him?

    I playing this game for about a month now. I'm playing homebrew/off meta or tier 2 decks while missing a lot of cards which probably make it look off meta too. Got easily to gold 4 in ranked but I kinda hit a wall now. Losing a lot to tier 1 decks. Strangely enough I'm still getting easy wins in the Gauntlets. Opponents seems to play more off-meta too and I got a prime glory in each week except one (lost the last game).


    In reply to Off meta lists
  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Can't you put this on the front page? The more people who know the more games everyone can play. Now 1 in 3/4 can start.

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Removed the golden cards but I still can't play...

    Edit: Tried another deck and it works now! :)

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From sto650
    Quote From Suchti0352


    I actually play the game every now and then, but those opinions are not just mine even though I agree with them.

    I read most of that article. I can see why he says some people might prefer hearthstone.

    But personally, the reasons people think LoR is boring and go back to Hearthstone are the same exact reasons I'll never go back to it - it's too simple, too much RNG, and player agency has far less value in HS than it does in LoR.

    The author of that article gave those as reasons that people leave LoR - well those are the exact reasons I won't leave LoR.

    So, I guess we have to let each player decide for themselves whether they want:

    1. More complexity and the ability to actually play the game the whole time you're playing, or only play half the time.
    2. Have actual player agency, where all of their choices affect the outcome of the game --- or just highroll the RNG and win (or get the RNG highrolled against them and lose.)
    3. Have a meaningful collection and a broad selection of viable, competitive decks to choose from, rather than maybe 4-6 meta decks at a time that are actually competitively viable.

    Incidentally, it sounds to me like the original poster of this thread is in the "LoR is better" camp, at least for now.

    I already played Hearthstone for 5,5 years almost daily. Mostly only one or a few games a day but I can't say it' isn't a good game if it kept me interested for such a long time. At the moment Runeterra is much more fun but the comparison isn't completely fair because all is new and exiting in a new game while the period before the new hearthstone year is almost always the worst time to play the game.

    I can see Runeterra being my number 1 game for the coming years though because all what's Runeterra is doing differently is what I dislike about Hearthstone. Mostly the RNG. I don't mind a bit of RNG. I even like generated cards (for their normal cost). But I really hate the RNG which decides the game on the spot. In Hearthstone I always liked to play the more difficult decks. I got bored quickly playing the more easy ones, so I like the complexity of Runeterra.

    When I play ranked or arena i only played the game and I wasn't doing other things on the site, this also makes Runeterra a better game for my playstyle because it keeps you busy all the time.

    The game economy is of course also much better in LOR but this isn't an advantage yet because I'm just starting in Runeterra and I have a very nice collection (plus gold and dust) in Hearthstone at the moment. I really wonder how much time it will take until I can play all the decks I want to play in LOR. Anyone who started later can give me an indication?

    I don't know yet if the meta in LOR is better, only playing in bronze so far.

    I like the game modes of LOR a lot more. They're all based on the game I like (as Arena in Hearthstone). I'm not looking forward to the new game mode in Hearthstone or Battlegrounds because these are completely different games. I hate being semi forced to play them for the weekly challenges.

    What I like about Hearthstone above LOR is the 'cleaniness' of the graphics. I like the way the minions strike into each other more. LOR is beautiful but I never cared much for cosmetics (still playing with my original heroes although I got a few new ones for free). But this isn't that important for me.

    For now I keep playing both. A lot of LOR and just the dailies in Hearthstone. But I'm sure I will be playing Hearthstone actively again after the new expansion comes.

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks to all who advised me to start playing LOR! I downloaded Mythgard too and got the free sets but I haven't really started. I play LOR now for more than 2 weeks and I really love everything about it! It's really difficult to go back to Hearthstone to do my dailies every day while this was never a problem before. Surely I get interested in Hearthstone again when the new expansion will launch but still...

    Today I played the Gauntlet for the first time, hadn't touched the mode before because it seemed to be sort of qualification for some tournament. But the singleton mode was very good to play with my limited amount of cards, got to 7 wins at the first try. But I think it will get more difficult later on, like expeditions. Got 2x 7 wins on my first 2 expeditions but I got crushed in my 3rd. I think they match new players against each other on the first tries. But even I got crushed on my third try, expeditions were still so much fun too! I like ranked too, although I'm still playing at a low level. Even the single player games on the labs weren't bad. Pretty strange since I really dislike the single player content on Hearthstone and also the different modes like Battlegrounds, Brawls and Duels.

    The game probably get a bit worse when it's not all new anymore, when I don't get new cards every day and when I'm not winning that much like at the moment. But I really can't imagine quiting this game in the future! Can recommend it to every one!

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Quote From FenrirWulf
    If you don't like playing Expeditions at all because it's too grindy or bland, you can just cash in Expedition tokens for an Epic Capsule 3 times a week instead.

    I didn't know that but so far I love expeditions. My first 2 tries got me to 7 wins (and 2nd tries 2x 4), and today I got 4 (and second try only 1). I always liked arena too in Hearthstone so I'll probably keep playing it every week if I got the time.

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Nifty129

    Hey I got one extra tip about xp boosters early on. Rotate between regions so you're always getting that extra xp, then focus on fully completing regions after.

    I've been 100% free to play from the start and as long as you're okay not having every champ from the launch of a new set

    You'll find you'll get them all in 2 - 3 weeks of light to moderate play

    I know, got all regions at level 8 except the region without the XP bonus. Now I'm trying to get them all to level 12.

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks for the advise! I already found the meta list and took the (non aggro) deck I had most cards of: midrange frostbite. I had like 18 of the 40 cards, crafted a few commons and rares which seemed important after a few games. Those aggro decks are also cheap and good but I never like to play aggro decks. As a experienced Hearthstone player in less than 1% of games I played an aggro deck. I get bored very quickly.

    The frostbite deck isn't difficult to play too but i also rather lose more (at the start) with a difficult control deck than playing aggro.

    Understand that crafting decks is always better than crafting cards. But in Hearthstone I always liked to make my own homebrew decks and get to rank 5/legend with it. So crafting cards can be fun too if you want to use them with other cards. But for now I better craft some decks instead, until I'm more experienced.

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Hi all! I'm playing Runeterra for about 10 days now and I'm having a lot of fun so far. Already got all regions to level 8 (except the one without xp bonus), played 2 free expedition runs to 7 wins and got a level 13 vault on last thursday. So the cards and shards come in quickly! :)

    But now I wonder if I should use my wildcards and shards or keep them for a better moment? I saw a roadmap with a new expansion in may, june and july and a new set in march. Will old cards rotate at some point? Are new sets often better than the base set?

    So far I'm mostly playing some midrange decks and I'm having most succes with this one, based on a meta deck but I don't have all the cards (crafted a few rares and commons but not all):

    With this deck I can still win 75% at low ranked (Bronze) so at the moment I don't really need to craft any cards to make it better. But that'll maybe change soon. It seems easy to get a free champion wildcard a week but should I use it every week or save all for the new expansions? Epic wildcards also seems a lot more difficult to get.

  • tnrg's Avatar
    310 33 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    The Undying I'm not removing just yet. As a beginner I play against other beginners and they often don't read the cards well. Surely in my first games they kept killing it... ;) It seems to be a sort of beginners trap. But the last few games the opponents seems to get smarter so I probably have to remove it soon because I agree that it isn't a very good card.

    I got one copy of They Who Endure and I tried it too. But the games I played it, it was at maximum a 7-7 Overwhelm for 7. A worse Alpha Wildclaw. Maybe I was just unlucky, I'll try it again. I can see a lot of potential in a token deck for sure. In 2 days I got a free deck in my login rewards, I'll try not to craft anything just yet, maybe they're in that deck.

    I'll agree Avarosan Marksman (only good for a needed ping sometimes) and Take Heart (most times a dead card, sometimes very good with Braum) are not that good and I have to replace them. Revitalizing Roar I just added, never drew it, but it's probably bad too.

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