So we didn't get the region showcase video for Ionia at 10:00am ET, like we've seen with all of the others. Riot could be holding on to it because at the end of each of the previous videos it included the next region that would be revealed. If they stick to that same format it's likely they wouldn't want to give away the secret just yet, if the video showed Bilgewater or Targon. I'm guessing they will post the region showcase after the new Ionia Champion is revealed tomorrow at 1:00pm ET or before they reveal the new region, which could be Thursday at 9:00am ET or on a completely different schedule.

Another major difference about this video is that it doesn't feature the Champion from the first video, in this instance, Yasuo. Instead, it features Shen and a (currently) non-playable Champion for Ionia, Akali. Could it be that Akali will be the new Champion for the region, and not Lee Sin, as suspected? This could also explain why they didn't release the region showcase if she is included in the video!

Tales of Runeterra