We've got news coming from the Runeterra dev team! The season 2021 opening day live stream takes place this Friday, January 8 and will also include information for League of Legends. We're assuming that Teamfight Tactics, Wild Rift, and Valorant may also make an appearance at the event, but nothing has been confirmed yet.

It's likely we'll hear about the next expansion, which is slated for an early February release and will include a new region. A new event should also be in the works, and would do wonders to tide us over until a batch of new cards arrives, so we expect to hear something about that too. No stream has been officially announced yet but we're assuming it will be live on the RiotGames Twitch. We'll have an article up this Friday with a stream embed to watch live.

What are you hoping to see in the Season 2021 reveal event? Let us know in the comments below!

Quote From @PlayRuneterra

Mysteries will be unearthed. Legends of Runeterra joins the Season 2021 Opening Day live stream.

Tune in on Jan. 8 at 7 AM PST.