Hail, Champions! Patch 2.11.0 will arrive next week, with it the new Rise of the Underworlds expansion along with some much awaited card balance changes. In anticipating, we've put together this short wish list of all the things we're hoping to see out of the upcoming patch notes!

Seeing Nasus Thresh, TLC, and Azir Irelia Put to Pasture

Nasus Card Image Watcher Card Image Irelia Card Image

We never thought we'd actually be envious of Hearthstone's heavy-handed approach to live balance, yet here we are. Nasus Thresh and Trundle Lissandra Control have been dominating both upper ladder and tournaments since a few days after their release back on March 3rd. And while Irelia has only been around since May, the infamous Azir + Irelia Blade Dance deck has made up for its shorter stay by becoming the single most prolific decks on ladder. While we have seen a few card nerfs targeting these decks in previous balance patches, they were all too minor to make any significant impact. Given how stale the meta has grown, we think it's time for all 3 of these decks to be forcibly retired to make room for some new blood. 

Some Love for Taliyah, Heimerdinger, and Taric


As many have quipped on social media, "the new Taliyah skin has a beautiful level up animation -- it's too bad you're never actually going to see it!" Indeed: as great as all the new pool party cosmetics look, these 3 champions have been at the bottom ranks for play rate and win rate for quite some time making it hard to justify purchasing skins for them. Taliyah arguable has a somewhat viable deck in the recent Lissandra "Turbo Thralls" decks, but as many have discovered the deck actually performs more consistently the fewer copies of Taliyah included. Heimerdinger meanwhile has never really recovered from his elusive turret rework in Patch 1.6 back in last July, and Taric has never really had a ladder-viable deck. We're not looking for anything that would elevate these champions to be the new top-tier decks; just enough of a power bump that we could comfortably play them on ladder without regretting it.

Inspiring Buffs

Funsmith Card Image Poro Herder Card Image

Some of the best parts from previous balance patches have been the things no one saw coming -- those "out of left field" buffs that make people reassess forgotten cards and try to innovate completely new archetypes. Remember when Funsmith dropped from 5 mana to only 4, or Poro Herder changing from 4 mana to only 2? While most of these types of buffs ultimately end up not making much of an impact on the meta, their novelty should not be undervalued. Many content creators and players love theorycrafting and homebrewing off-meta decks, and buffs like these can often inspire a bold new creation. 

Viability for all 3 New Champs

While the promised balance changes for the existing cards have been the focus of this article -- and probably the focus of the greater Runeterra community as well -- let's not forget this patch will be an expansion release with 3 new champions as well. We got some pretty heavy-handed hints at who those champions will be in this week's cinematic trailer. But take a moment to consider the previous 3 "mini-expansions":

  • Monuments of Power revealed a powerful partnership between Soraka and Tahm Kench, but Shyvana was very underwhelming in her initial release as a 3|4 without Fury
  • Cosmic Creation gave us the ever-useful Zoe, but Viktor and Riven both needed some buffs to help them climb to their current middle-of-the-pack positions
  • Guardians of the Ancient brought Irelia, but Zilean and Malphite haven't seeing much play beyond some initial experimentation

In other words, each of these mini-expansions had 1-2 "hits" and 1-2 "misses". Whereas the bigger expansions have enough new cards to overshadow a few lackluster champions, it's a very different story for these smaller expansions with only 3 champions. While it is a tall order to expect any champion to be well-balanced right out of the gate, since this is a wish list, we're going to wish for success on all 3 new champions on release day.

A Plan for the Near Future

Finally, the biggest change we'd like to see in next week's patch notes is Riot's strategy for maintaining Runeterra's live balance in the next few months. We've heard recent statements from both RubinZoo and Dovagedys acknowledging the flaws with the current live balance approach and reiterating that Riot is working towards something better. And while we are interested in Riot's long-term strategy for live balance, right now we are much more concerned with the state of the meta right now and -- assuming this balance patch resolves the current issues -- ensuring it doesn't stagnate again soon. This might mean an interim process for live design while Riot is still working on their reformations. Or perhaps continuing with the current patch cadence but just ensuring it is done with the same zeal of the 2020 balance patches.

What are you looking for in next week's patch? Share with us below!