With Throne of the Tides out, many Hearthstone players are asking the question: "What decks should I be playing right now?" The answer, of course, is probably Fel Demon Hunter, Elemental Control Warrior, or Holy Paladin. However, if you're instead looking for a good time and want to try out some decks that aren't as powerful as the top-tier meta decks but still make use of new cards, we've selected for you thirteen options to try out.

There will be no foolish Armor gaining or fossil fanaticizing in this article. If you're looking for those lists, check out our Early Winners and Losers of Throne of the Tides. Now, let's get to the fun stuff.

Moonbeam Druid

Moonbeam Card Image

If you're looking to burst down your opponent with Spell Damage (and you feel good about your chances of dodging Control Warrior), try out this heavy Ramp Druid that's going to make the most of the 20 Mana it gets from Wildheart Guff to play Guild Trader and copy it with Faceless Manipulator to get just a heck-ton of Spell Damage for Moonbeam to end the game.

Control Shaman

Command of Neptulon Card Image

Clownfish isn't just for Murloc Shaman, because Mutanus the Devourer fits nicely into a Control Shaman deck that can play it for 5 Mana. Command of Neptulon is a strong board control spell to keep you alive in time to get Bru'kan of the Elements on board.

Mine Rogue

Inkveil Ambusher Card Image

Naval Mine Rogue is a hot deck right now, but this version of the deck adds a little aggression in the form of Inkveil Ambusher and Filletfighter. Shattershambler is still the archetype's golden child, but the Ambusher brings a new dimension to the win condition.

Big Paladin

Neptulon the Tidehunter Card Image

Big Paladin is alive and well, thanks for asking. Vanndar Stormpike makes the curve a whole lot smoother, even with minions like Lightray and Lokholar the Ice Lord that can discount themselves without his help. Front Lines (not pictured) is also a key new addition to the deck, and can be inserted in place of whatever cards you wish to cut.

Beast Hunter

K9-0tron Card Image

Beast Hunter's been a bigger presence on ladder after the buffs to Harpoon Gun, Azsharan Saber, and Pet Collector, but Throne of the Tides has a couple of new avenues to explore. New 2-Drop K9-0tron gives the deck something powerful to do before turn 3, and the deck runs a lot more 1-Drops (Bubbler, for example) in the hopes that the Mech will Dredge one of them out on curve.

Murloc Shaman

Clownfish Card Image

Murloc Shaman was a pretty obvious deck to build from the new mini-set, as both Clownfish and Tidelost Burrower (but mostly Clownfish) add more power to the tribal deck. This version of the list says that it's OK to win with Murlocs, but will resort to a late-game Bru'kan of the Elements if it becomes necessary.

Quest Priest

Disarming Elemental Card Image

The recent buff of Blackwater Behemoth gave Quest Priest some new life, and the new cards from Throne of the Tides slot right into the ultimate Curvestone deck. Disarming Elemental is decent disruption, Herald of Light is a much-needed burst of survivability, and Drown is powerful removal for a scary threat.

Curse Warlock

Commander Ulthok Card Image

Curse Warlock is one of those decks that floats in and out of the meta, and right now it's not looking too great for the archetype. Some decks are too fast for it, while others can keep the Curse damage to manageable levels. Nevertheless, this version of the deck uses some new tools to trap their opponent: Immolate to force untimely playing of key cards, and Commander Ulthok to hopefully get the opponent to put themselves in lethal range by playing the game.

Big Spell Mage

Submerged Spacerock Card Image

The new toy for Big Spell Mage is, surprisingly enough, Submerged Spacerock, which gives the deck a couple of extra spells provided it can cast them before they float back to the surface. Certain speculators have also been wondering: Could the Spacerock itself be a hint towards the next expansion?

Face Hunter

Coilfang Constrictor Card Image

Beast Hunter isn't the only Hunter deck contorting itself to take advantage of the new K9-0tron; Face Hunter's playing with it, too! It's a very good boy. This list also features 4-Drop Beast Coilfang Constrictor, which can be summoned by Pet Collector or discounted by Harpoon Gun for extra tempo.

Herald Druid

Herald of Nature Card Image

Herald of Nature fits right into Beast Druid, with all the swarmy-swarmy of Oracle of Elune and Nature spells like Thorngrowth Sentries and Living Roots. It's a pretty big buff, if you know how to use it.

Elemental Shaman

Snapdragon Card Image

This deck is going to prove wrong all those naysayers who said that Murloc Shaman was the only Shaman tribal deck to get new cards from the mini-set, because Snapdragon looks like a perfect fit for the Battlecry-heavy archetype. The deck probably isn't going to burn up the ladder anytime soon, but it's still a good time for hipsters and fish-haters.

Quest Hunter

Shellshot Card Image

And finally, we have here for you the ol' Quest Hunter, now equipped with new spell Shellshot. This version of the archetype goes heavy on Secrets to get some good value from Spring the Trap, and, since Shellshot is a Nature spell, we get to run Multicaster for prime card draw opportunities.

Want to share your own fun decks? Post them to the site with our deckbuilder, and don't forget to include a guide!

Do any of these fun decks tickle your fancy? Share your thoughts in the comments below!