The new expansion has been your for a while now, so this weekend we'll take a glimpse into the stats of HSReplay to see what are the strongest decks that the new expansion has inspired. Blizzard is already teasing and leaking some of the upcoming balance changes, so don't miss your chance to test these decks at their height!

DISCLAIMER: All stats mentioned were correct at the time of writing. Data was taken from Diamond to Legend. Decks were required to have at least one Castle Nathria and one Wild card.


At the time of writing, this Shaman list was the top dog in Diamond-Legend ranks with a clear margin but less games played than most other decks. Forensic Duster is yet another Loatheb to limit your opponent's answers post-Shudderwock and Sire Denathrius brings some extra damage in the mix.

Although I tried to spotlight only one deck per class, it would have been criminal to overlook the success of Even Totem Shaman as an archetype with plenty of 60+% winrate lists out there. The Stonewright seems to be one of the main masterminds behind the lists' performance.


The Big archetype has evolved from a meme-level deck into a real competitor with several well-performing lists at high ranks. The new Rush minions Masked Reveler and Stoneborn General are instrumental in realizing your game plan without falling too much behind.


This Beast-heavy list doesn't seem too special but its 62% winrate suggests it just works. Wild Spirits and Ara'lon will sprinkle some Wildseeds to bring the new expansion feeling to this list almost full of minions.


Blizzard wanted Warlocks to play more Imps and the data suggests they succeeded, at least in Wild. The strongest Warlocks out there are all Imp King Rafaam-believers with various ways to buff wide Demon boards.


Approach this one with caution as the overall data on the performance of Warriors seems scarce so far, but this self-damaging list is definitely worthy of the expansion's Revendreth theme with its 59% winrate.


While not quite the force it used to be, Secret Mage is still alive and kicking as the top Mage archetype in early expansion Wild data. This deck comes with a fresh feeling due to several new additions to the list that remained virtually unchanged for a long time.


It wouldn't be Wild with some crazy combo decks, but the gist of this particular archetype is familiar even for Standard players. As Celestial Alignment is confirmed to be on the card nerf list, this might be your last chance to try out this deck before its winrate drops from the current 56%.

The trail of evidence led you to Wild ladder? Find some additional clues from these community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!